
ELL Class|如何原汁原味地探究“历史小说”?

05-16 08:38发布于江苏


文/ Dr. Matthew Terrett-初中部


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探索维多利亚时期的社会历史问题对学生来说是比较有挑战的,我们运用“情绪板”来记录探究过程:学生把《巴斯克维尔的猎犬》中反映的那个时代的事件,作品中描述的时代元素,课上的讨论以及自己做的调查统统收集、记录下来。之后,他们将创作自己的维多利亚小故事,而这些记录将帮助他们设定更真实的故事背景。下面是一些同学的“情绪板”作品,是不是 非常有看点?

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本单元的总结性评估是让学生自己创作维多利亚时代的“怪谈故事(” penny dreadfuls”)。这种“怪谈故事”是当时流行的一种廉价小册子,包含连载的冒险故事、超自然故事、犯罪故事和侦探作品等。它在19世纪初的英国流行,得益于印刷技术的进步和民众识字率的提高。“怪谈故事”一般篇幅短小,很适合学生做总结性评估。同时,我们探索了如何在故事结尾设置悬念,以适应“怪谈故事”的体例。(这样就能鼓励读者去购买下一期。)以下是我们学生为他们的“故事怪谈”绘制的封面:

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OCAC’s English Language and Literature (ELL) classes were expanded at the start of our Unit 2 this academic year, enabling greater numbers of students to take part in our interesting exploration of the historical fiction genre.

The IB is built around statements of inquiry, which for this unit was:

Writers of the GENRE OF HISTORICAL FICTION can shed light on our ORIENTATION IN SPACE AND TIME by using SETTING CREATIVELY to help us better understand and learn from the events which have shaped history.

We focused on the Victorian period as the historical context for our research and read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Hound of the Baskervilles as an example of literature from that time. This choice of text had the twin advantages of being a relatively easy read and being a very popular story, with both advantages making the unit more readily accessible to students who were new to English literature studies. We studied the first few chapters of the novel in some detail, looking for evidence of what life must have been like in Victorian London and, later, out on the moors of southwest England. This helped to situate our interpretations in the historical context and consider how the author constructed the setting for the story. Even the main protagonist, the famous detective Sherlock Holmes, remarks on “the desolate, lifeless moor…the stage upon which tragedy has been played” and he concludes that “the setting is a worthy one. If the devil did desire to have a hand in the affairs of men—”

To aid our study of the detective story, we created a detective board, complete with string and pins, on one of the school’s public display boards so students could add clues to it as we read the novel. We had some fun with this as you can see from the pictures below:

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During this unit, we looked at how women and foreigners (from a British Empire perspective) were typically depicted in Victorian literature, including in the Sherlock Holmes stories. This led to consideration of challenging topics such as imperialism, sexism, racism and the opium wars. By grappling with such issues in literature, students can develop their critical thinking skills by considering different perspectives, identifying bias and exploring their own preconceived assumptions. They will also be reflecting on the historical roots of ongoing social issues, developing empathy and understanding.

Students documented their exploratory journey through the challenging sociohistorical issues of the Victorian period by creating a ‘moodboard’. The idea was that they should collect facts and descriptive elements from The Hound of the Baskervilles, our classroom discussions, and their own research. They would then be able to use these moodboards to inform their own creative writing to evoke the feeling of being emersed in the historical context of the Victorian period. The results were quite impressive and some of the students’ moodboards, pictured below, are certainly worthy of praise.

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These excellent moodboards really helped the students to focus on their summative assessment, which was to create the setting for their own Victorian era mystery story in the format of a “penny dreadful”. The penny dreadfuls or penny bloods were cheap booklets containing serialized stories of adventure, the supernatural, crime and detective work. They became popular in early 19th century Britain thanks to improvements in printing technologies and literacy rates. This provided a very convenient format for the students’ summative assessments because they did not need to complete the whole story. In class, we looked at the idea of ending an episode of a story as a cliffhanger to encourage the reader to buy the next issue of the penny dreadful and students tried to put this into practice in their writing.

Below are examples of the students’ penny dreadfuls, starting with the intriguing covers based on our studies of the genre:

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And now, let’s take a peek inside a few of them to appreciate some of the descriptive work, the hints that situate the writing in its historical yet fictional setting, and evidence of the cliffhanger endings to entice the reader to buy the next installment:

Some of the students’ ideas for their stories were fantastic and we strongly felt their work was worthy of celebrating and sharing, so the English Department displayed some of these penny dreadfuls on our official notice board so other students would be able to appreciate them.

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Overall, this proved to be an especially interesting and rewarding inquiry-based project and, through this creative process, we all learned a lot about the research required to create the mood to evoke a convincing and accurate historical setting in a work of fiction.









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