Alice Zhang
Class of 2024 Graduate of Farragut
· 法拉古特学生会主席
· 天文、生物爱好者
· AFA公益支教社社长
· President of Farragut Student Union
· Astronomy and Biology Lover
· President of AFA Public Welfare Volunteer Team
· 2024年被杜克大学录取
· Admitted to Duke University in 2024
the first student from Tianjin to be admitted to Duke University as an undergraduate.
Starting from the SP grade, she has regularly followed a Tianjin public welfare team to Yunnan Luomei Elementary School to participate in public welfare activities, bringing a variety of public welfare courses to the primary school students there.
Since the SP grade, she has served as an English translator for a well-known domestic astronomy popular science public account, translating more than 20 professional astronomy articles. As the largest platform for astronomy popular science knowledge in the country, the total number of views of her translated works has exceeded 50,000 times, finding a perfect match between professional interest and expertise.
Starting from the JR grade, she has served as the president of the student council at school. During her tenure, she brought about earth-shaking changes to the student council.
She has many sides, but in general, she is a girl who is seen by teachers and classmates as having excellent grades, being kind, tenacious, and possessing infinite possibilities!
When she was young, she was obsessed with watching documentaries about biology and the universe. These not only made her aware of the magic of species but also made her want to understand the essence of things.
升入高中后,她在校内升学指导部门马晶和马海瞳老师的介绍下、在生物社团的学长学姐和班主任也是生物老师的秦老师的帮助下,自学并且参加了3年HOSA竞赛,接连获得生物全国金奖,化学全国金奖,行为健康全国金奖,Researched Persuasive Writing & Speaking全国金奖等重要奖项,还在美国生物奥赛USABO中获得全国金奖。在生物方面的学习热情,被彻底点燃!
After entering high school, with the introduction of the school's college guidance department, Ma Jing and Ma Haitong, and with the help of the senior students in the biology club and the head teacher who is also a biology teacher, Qin, she self-studied and participated in the HOSA competition for three years, successively winning the national gold medal in biology, chemistry, behavioral health, Researched Persuasive Writing & Speaking, and other important awards. She also won the national gold medal in the USA Biology Olympiad (USABO). Her passion for biology was ignited!
The biology competition is an important part of her high school life. Her love for biology makes her say: "Even reading thick biology books is not boring, and I like to use mind maps to summarize my learning process."
The accumulation of knowledge has helped her explore different fields of biology and understand the underlying logic of biology. The essence beneath the appearance is something that people easily overlook, but it is exactly what she wants to deeply understand and pursue.
Not only did she shine in the biology competition, but she was also admitted to the PIONEER scientific research and the University of Chicago's summer school for biological scientific research (RIBS), which has a global admission rate of only 14.1%, in the 10th and 11th grades.
At RIBs, she participated in and studied DNA sequence analysis, gene cloning and other biotechnologies, and together with four students, completed a small research project on chronic myeloid leukemia. This opportunity is also known as a top summer school opportunity with a very high gold content!
When talking about her multifaceted nature, we have to mention her persistence in public welfare.
Since junior high school, she has followed her mother to participate in public welfare activities in Singapore and other countries and regions.
For four years, she has insisted on going to Luo Mei Wanxiao in Yunnan every year as a public welfare volunteer, regularly sharing public welfare moments on her video account, and under her leadership, the "Yunnan Public Welfare Society" was established in the school.
Every time the society recruits, she will wear the traditional service of the Mosuo people to give a lecture. She not only became a scenery line in the campus but also quickly developed the society into one of the largest in the school.
I remember once chatting with her father, he said: Since she has been persistent in public welfare, her daughter rarely drinks bottled water. If you see her in the campus, you can always see her with her own water bottle.
For some people, public welfare is a hypocritical cover-up, but for her, public welfare is life, and it is a commitment. This also helps us to better understand her and know her from another perspective.
As the president of the student council, she is a campus bilingual commentator who has represented the school to receive foreign guests many times, a simultaneous interpreter when foreign guests visit, the host of campus activities such as the graduation ceremony and the Christmas and New Year's Concert, and the spokesperson for "academic talent" in the eyes of many junior students...
But she is more than just the roles she plays.
As the president of the student council, in addition to being proficient in her studies, she participated in various reception activities of the school, and more accurately set an example, using her way of understanding the world to convey her positive cognition of the world to the entire campus community.
参加天津国海博“关心海洋 认识海洋”倡议书活动选拔赛
Participated in the 'Care for the Ocean, Understand the Ocean' initiative organized by the National Marine Museum of China
Run for the presidency of the student council
Hosted and provided simultaneous interpretation for the Oxbridge Students China Tour at Farragut
Together with classmates
During the stage of the American undergraduate application, she also experienced the result of the dream school's rejection, but finally received a very precious, the only admission notice from Duke University undergraduate stage in Tianjin.
Whether it is talking about rejection or admission, she always smiles lightly: "I really didn't expect it." But we obviously all know that the god of luck will never come out of the blue.
This is one side of Alice in the campus.
Outside the campus, she has more sides.
She likes yoga, likes Pilates, has been raising several cute chinchillas since junior high school, and has opened a public account for them; she is a public welfare enthusiast; she likes to travel all over the world: to see the aurora in Northern Europe, to explore more of the world.
With the admission notice from Duke University in hand as she leaves campus, we have every reason to believe that life will open many beautiful doors to her. Bless you, Alice!
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