05-28 08:14发布于广东
Teaching Development Workshop
On 20 May, 2024, a teacher’s professional development workshop was successfully conducted at ASJ (Dongguan). To allow secondary div teachers to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the effective teaching methodologies, there was a lesson demonstration by Principal Samuel KAM.
It was an English speaking lesson with G10E students, in which a topic of English Language subject of the DSE public exam was adopted. The class was divided into groups of 4 for the group interaction. During the learning process, all four English skills were integrated into the speaking lesson. Students were asked to answer questions related to the theme of the speaking activity after watching a video clip from YouTube.
The lesson was student-led as students had to share their experience and feelings with partners before the group interaction. Pairwork and group work were designed in the class to enhance students’ active involvement. After the speaking activity, a newspaper article relevant to the theme of the task was assigned for students’ further reading that would be the learning material for the upcoming lesson.
Self-directed learning was also promoted in the lesson since students were asked to watch another YouTube video for additional information that would be discussed in the following sessions.
During the lesson demonstration, teachers, being the observers, sat at the back of the classroom and took notes. After the 45-minute lesson, teachers were formed into groups and shared their observations.
The Academic Affairs Advisor, Dr Stanley WONG, guided teachers to analyse Principal KAM’s lesson and provide positive and corrective feedback. Additionally, Dr WONG went through the lesson plan that Principal KAM had prepared with teachers, showing them the required components of a lesson plan, including motivation, development and consolidation stages.
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