
AIC Talks | 寻此逆旅 以达星辰



「齐物达观」- 寻此逆旅 以达星辰

AIC Talks

在第十二期AIC Talks 「齐物达观」知识论坛上,我们荣幸地邀请到了2023届的优秀毕业生——Joey Wang和Phoenix Jing两位学姐来到现场,面对面地为AIC的学弟学妹们进行了精彩的分享。同时,Abigail Ding、David Miao、Aby Huang和2022届毕业生Susie Liu也通过视频形式在线上分享了他们的经验。

At the 12th AIC Talks knowledge forum, we were honored to invite the outstanding graduates of the Class of 2023, Joey Wang and Phoenix Jing, to share their experiences in person with AIC students. Additionally, Abigail Ding, David Miao, Abby Huang, and 2022 graduate Susie Liu shared their insights through video.

Joey Wang

University of Western Ontario


- Management & Organizational Studies

Joey Wang是AIC 2023届的优秀毕业生,荣获AIC IB精神奖(Spirit Award)。她目前就读于加拿大西安大略大学管理与组织研究专业(DAN Department of Management & Organizational Studies),获得毅伟商学院(Ivey Business School)AEO资格。在大一暑假这个黄金时段,Joey同时收到了来自香港AIA、花旗银行和恒生银行三家知名企业给予的实习邀请。


管理与组织研究(Management & Organizational Studies)

精修金融荣誉学位(Honours Specialization in Finance)

辅修舞蹈(Minor in Dance)


Joey Wang is an outstanding graduate of the AIC Class of 2023, who was awarded the IB Spirit Award. She is currently studying at the University of Western Ontario, DAN Department of Management & Organizational Studies, having obtained AEO status of Ivey Business School. During her first year, Joey also received internship offers from three well-known companies, Hong Kong AIA、Citi Bank and Hang Seng Bank.

Fields of Study:

  • Management & Organizational Studies

  • Honours Specialization in Finance

  • Minor in Dance

The University of Western Ontario is a comprehensive university with a long history and a stellar reputation in Canada. The Ivey Business School at the University of Western Ontario is one of the most respected business schools in Canada, renowned for its exceptional educational quality and influence in the industry. Notably, Ivey is the only Canadian business school recognized as a target school by all major Wall Street investment banks, positioning it in the second tier just below the Ivy League schools in the United States. Moreover, Ivey leads Canada in the number of graduates who directly enter top-tier buyside institutions in the United States.


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Phoenix Jing

University of Toronto


-Faculty of Art and Science

Phoenix Jing是AIC 2023届的优秀毕业生,荣获AIC公民奖(Citizenship Award)。她目前就读于加拿大多伦多大学文理学院(Faculty of Arts and Science)。


精修天文学和物理学(Specialist in Astronomy and Physics)

辅修数学(Minor in Mathematics)


Phoenix Jing is an outstanding graduate of the AIC Class of 2023 and the recipient of the AIC Citizenship Award. She is currently studying at the Faculty of Arts and Science at the University of Toronto.

Fields of Study:

- Specialist in Astronomy and Physics

- Minor in Mathematics

The University of Toronto is one of the top universities in Canada and is known as one of the country's four oldest universities, along with the University of Western Ontario, Queen's University, and McGill University. The University of Toronto is ranked 21st in the 2024 QS World University Rankings.

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高中篇 Life in AIC:

Joey Wang和Phoenix Jing与我们分享了她们在学习IB过程中的感受和经验。她们指出,IB学习带来了忙碌和压力,但同时也充满了痛并快乐着的幸福感。在这个过程中,她们学会了有条不紊地组织时间,保持均衡发展。尽管IB的学习让她们感到非常累,但取得的成就感和信心也不断增加。



During the AIC TALK, Joey Wang and Phoenix Jing shared their experiences and feelings about studying IB. They mentioned that IB learning brought a sense of busyness and stress but was also filled with the joy of hard work. Throughout the process, they learned to organize their time efficiently and maintain a balanced development. Although IB studies made them feel very tired, the sense of achievement and confidence continued to grow.

The main challenges they faced included time management, multitasking, and transforming pressure into motivation. Specific methods they used to overcome these challenges were: creating to-do lists, setting goals, using devices flexibly, maintaining focus, distributing time effectively, and taking appropriate breaks.

These valuable experiences not only helped them overcome the difficulties in their studies but also provided us with invaluable insights.

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升学篇 University Application:





Joey and Phoenix engaged AIC students about their preparation strategies for university applications, elaborating on how to discover and cultivate personal interests and professional strengths. During grades 9 and 10, they identified their general academic and career directions, and gradually clarified their true interests by participating in various activities and courses.

Additionally, they emphasized the importance of networking in the application process. They suggested that through communication with seniors and peers, students can gain valuable advice and information, as well as receive more support and assistance during their applications.

Regarding the search for activities, competition opportunities, and internships, Joey and Phoenix shared their unique insights. They encouraged everyone to seize every opportunity actively, continuously accumulate experience and resources. They also advocated for self-promotion, encouraging students to be proactive in recommending themselves and making full use of online platforms like LinkedIn to expand their professional network, laying a solid foundation for future academic and career development.

These experiences provided clear application guidance for AIC students but also offered inspiration and insights for all students aspiring to pursue higher academic and professional goals.

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大学篇 University Study:



Phoenix则聚焦于她在多伦多大学天文学和物理学专业的学习经历。她坦诚地分享了遇到的困难,如课程评分严格、课业繁重等。然而, 校园周边积极的环境和友好的同学们给予了她巨大的支持。



Joey and Phoenix shared the challenges they faced during their studies abroad and how they overcame them. Joey dealt with visa processing, adapting to new health conditions, and starting a new life. She overcame these difficulties and adjusted to life in a foreign country.

Phoenix shared her experiences studying astronomy and physics at the University of Toronto. She discussed the challenges of strict grading and a heavy workload. However, she also noted the strong support from the positive environment and friendly people on campus.

Regarding the benefits of IB learning for university life, Joey mentioned that the IB curriculum developed her leadership, execution skills, and stress tolerance, all of which played a crucial role in her university life. Phoenix highlighted that the experimental experience, time management skills, and use of data booklets from the IB curriculum helped her significantly in her university studies.

Their sharing gave us valuable insights and inspiration, helping us understand which skills and qualities to focus on when preparing for university life. Their experiences also encouraged us to face challenges with courage and actively seek solutions to overcome difficulties.

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在聆听了Joey和Phoenix的出国读书经验分享后,我们深感其中的挑战与成长。而今,我们又有幸邀请到了Abigail Ding、David Miao、Aby Huang以及2022届杰出毕业生Susie Liu,他们将通过视频形式在线上继续与我们分享他们的宝贵经验。让我们一起聆听他们的故事,从中汲取力量,为未来的道路做好准备。

After hearing Joey and Phoenix's experiences studying abroad, we better understand the challenges and growth they faced. We are also grateful to have Abigail Ding, David Miao, Aby Huang, and the outstanding 2022 graduate Susie Liu share their experiences with us through online videos. 

Abigail Ding

University of Cambridge


-Psychological and Behavioural Sciences


Aby Huang

Goldsmiths, University of London

英国伦敦大学 金史密斯学院

-Fine Art

就读于伦敦大学金史密斯学院的Aby Huang学姐的分享。金史密斯学院作为英国领先的人文科学和社会科学研究型学院,以其在文化艺术和媒体传播领域的教学和研究而闻名于世。该学院的艺术与设计专业在全球范围内享有盛誉,排名全球第14位,全欧洲更是高居第6位

Abby Huang, currently studying at Goldsmiths, University of London, will be sharing her experiences. Goldsmiths is a leading research institution in the humanities and social sciences in the UK, renowned worldwide for its teaching and research in cultural arts and media communication. The college's art and design programs are highly esteemed, ranked 14th globally and 6th in Europe.


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Susie Liu

University of the Arts London


-London College of Communication

Susie Liu学姐在伦敦艺术大学传媒学院攻读平面与媒体设计专业。伦敦艺术大学在艺术与设计领域享有极高的国际声誉,特别是在2019至2023年期间,它连续五年蝉联QS世界大学排名艺术与设计排行榜的世界第二位,这一殊荣无疑证明了该校在艺术教育领域的卓越实力和卓越成就。

Susie Liu is pursuing a degree in Graphic and Media Design at the London College of Communication, University of the Arts London. The University of the Arts London holds a prestigious international reputation in the field of art and design. Notably, from 2019 to 2023, it has consecutively ranked second in the QS World University Rankings for Art and Design, a distinction that undeniably highlights the university's exceptional strength and achievements in art education.

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David Miao

University of Otago


-Health Science

David Miao学长,目前就读于新西兰奥塔哥大学的健康科学专业。奥塔哥大学,作为新西兰的首所大学,创立于1869年,并且如今已跻身世界顶尖大学之列。特别值得一提的是,该校的医学院不仅科研实力强大,更在全球范围内享有盛誉。作为新西兰首所医学院,它同时也是南岛医学研究的中心,为医学领域的发展做出了显著贡献。

David Miao is currently studying Health Sciences at the University of Otago in New Zealand. Founded in 1869 as New Zealand's first university, Otago has become one of the world's top universities. Notably, its medical school is renowned for its strong research capabilities and enjoys a prestigious reputation globally. As New Zealand's first medical school and the medical research center of the South Island, it has made significant contributions to the field of medicine.


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感谢中文科主任Caroline老师在本学期组织的每一场「齐物达观」知识讲坛活动, 通过长期开展齐物达观知识讲坛的活动,让学生增长见识、思考问题,培养学生的思辨能力和批判性思维, 期待学生们在一次次的学习中不断进步、通达明理,激励学生掀起学术新风, 将“终身学习”的观念贯彻落实。非常感谢优秀毕业生Joey、Phoenix、Abigail、Susie、Aby and David为我们带来这次的知识盛宴。

Thank you to Caroline, Head of Chinese department, for organising each of the “AIC Talks” Knowledge Forum events this semester. Through the AIC Talks, will let students increase their knowledge, cultivate their thinking skills and critical thinking.  Motivated students to set off a new academic trend, and get used to "lifelong learning". Thanks for oey、Phoenix、Abigail、Susie、Aby and David bring us a fabulous talk, The Talk was appreciated by students and faculty alike.

我们也期待新学期的AIC Talks


The Talk was hugely enjoyable, and we look forward to the Talk in next academic year.



Now, we invite all AIC teachers, parents and students who would like to share their professional research, knowledge and wisdom as the keynote speaker at AIC Talks.

活动时间 | Date & Time


Wed, Week 2 (House Time)

16:00 - 16:50 pm

活动形式 | Form


40-45mins long personal speech

活动地点 | Location


AIC Theatre

讲座主题 | Topic


Keynote speakers are encouraged to make proposals based on their own interests and research in any academic field in Chinese or English. All sharing topics will be reviewed and confirmed by event organizers before publication.









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