Tracy Chen
法拉古特 2024 届毕业生,
Tracy Chen,
a graduate of the class of 2024 at Farragut,
has been admitted to University of California,Berkeley.
从小喜欢看海洋BBC又热衷于潜水的我,对于未来专业的憧憬曾是marine biology。后来,在探索专业方向后,了解到传媒。
I have been fond of watching BBC and attracted by diving since childhood. When I was in ninth grade, I originally planned to major in marine biology, but I gave up the idea due to various factors. Later, I learned about “communication and media” through exploring diverse majors.
As an Internet surfer, I was deeply attracted by the rapid development of social media along with the progress of science and technology. I love the ability of media platforms to connect people from all corners of the world, making me curious about the operation and segmentation behind the entire industry. Therefore, choosing media is not an unexpected decision, but also a sense of belongings preserved in my comfort zone.
怀揣着对未来的憧憬,我来到法拉古特。回首三年,我更愿意用申请USC时“Describe yourself in three word”的答案来讲述三年我为自己高中生涯绘出的蓝图:
With a vision for the future, I came to Farragut. Looking back on the past three years, I would like to use my answers from the small essay "Describe yourself in three words" when I applied for USC to portray the blueprint I drew for my high school:
“Social Butterfly”
It is because of these three characteristics
that I own the opportunity
to have today's achievements!
Social Butterfly:
"Inward seeking, outward socializing"
From designing a class play script to acting as an event director, the process of "multi-identity" has taught me how powerful the cooperation between people can be.
I still remember that the day I came to Farragut in September 2021, the first challenge we faced was to recreate a short play about the school motto "Integrity" in just three days. With my social talent, I took the initiative to act as the director, and it was also this opportunity that enabled me to establish deep links with many classmates.
Under Eva's leadership, we completed the compilation of four issues of the School Journal. As the teamwork became more mature, I also had the opportunity to switch from writing and translating articles to editing interview videos and independently setting up the psychological div of the school magazine "Tree Hole" with the cooperation with teachers.
在随后的时间里,我跟班内许多同学组队参加了CTB竞赛,我们一路闯进全球赛,一举拿到三等奖的好成绩!在一次次presentation环节,我也锻炼了表达能力,在global individual challenge:Pitching and Persuation里面拿到全球top1%的好成绩!
At the same time, I also teamed up with many classmates to participate in the 2021 CTB. Although we just met each other, but everyone's highly efficient cooperation made us all the way into the global round, and successfully got the third prize! I also won the first place award(top1%) in the global individual challenge: Pitching and Persuations.
In the process of participating in activities, I learned to "outward socialize", and also met a group of close friends from all over the country. On the road of applying for study abroad, we support and encourage each other.
On campus, being with friends created many beautiful memories
The Beginnings of Off-campus Leadership
The second word I use to describe myself and my experience is ambitious.
I am not satisfied with a simple understanding of “communication”. I am more willing to challenge myself to trace more branches in the field when faced with opportunities:
- 在HSYLC中学习“广告与公关”方面的semianr并拿到A*的成绩;Studied semianr in "Advertising and Public Relations" at HSYLC and got an A*;
- 独立完成Emory University“市场营销”的科研并产出发表论文;Completed the leacture of Emory University's "leveraging Social Media" Marking Strategy;independently and published a 7000+ words paper
- 身为导演,演员,参与“HOSA公益广告”并获得全国第一
As a director, actress edited "Public Service announcements" and won first place in the HOSA competition;
- 以4.0满分gpa完成USC Annenberg和哥大CSPA“新闻类”项目Completed the USC Annenberg and Columbia CSPA
summer programs with a 4.0/4.0 gpa
HSYLC is the first project I participated in in my high school, and it also has the deepest impact on my growth.
在HSYLC里,我完成四次身份的转变:从2022年普通学生到HAA校友会主席团成员,从2023年线下峰会student intern,到参加2024年HSYLC预热环节并解锁school ambassador身份。
In HSYLC, I completed four identity changes: From an ordinary student of HSYLC in 2022 to a national committee member of the Alumni Association(HAA), I applied to become a student intern(SI) last year and participated in the offline summit in 2023.This year, I unlocked my new identity as a school ambassador to join in the warmup session of HSYLC in 2024.
It is the Harvard Summit that has grown up with me, cultivated my self-confidence, and given me the courage to run for the presidium members to create and provide more value for more alumni. My ability has also been improved here, so that I have the opportunity to create my own podcast.
I still remember that it was after I was appointed as the head of Talentshow, two staffs said to me, "No matter what media platform, it seems that the voices of high school students have not been properly listened to," and I came up with the idea of opening the high school podcast market, so that the thoughts and voices of high school students can be noticed.
From the early stage of recruiting the director, interviewing, forming the team, to the later stage of the topic selection meeting, scheduling the release cycle, and even inviting guests to join our program, all these work are completed by myself.
Using the platform of HAA, watching the small projects in my mind gradually become organized and planned from 0 to 1, and watching the gradually rising broadcast volume, my heart is really full of pride and passion.
I have never felt that being ambitious, or brave enough to do something that no one else has tried, is a risk not worth taking. On the contrary, it is through the process of learning new knowledge and challenging again and again, I understand the meaning of media, and further exercise my ability to become a better and stronger-self.
my path to “Public welfare media”
HOSA2023我跟校内外同学组队参加了公益广告PSA(Public Service Announcement)的研习,最终获得了全国第一的荣誉。比赛期间我们就像一个真正的”小剧组“一样,我也体验了剧组中多重身份的辛苦和快乐。
In HOSA2023, I joined a team with my classmates to participate in the PSA (Public Service Announcement) study, and successfully won the National Top 1. During the HOSA, we were like a real "production crew", and I also experienced the hard work and joy of multiple identities in the crew.
Public Service Announcement
2023年PSA的主题是关于抑郁症患者该如何正确的向寻求外界帮助。接触这个话题以前,我以为自己拥有足够的同理心去了解别人的心理变化,然而,为了拍摄出一支高质量PSA我们小队在做前期topic analysis的时候,我才真正体会到抑郁症患者日常生活中承受的心理压力和煎熬。
PSA 2023 is about the right way for people with depression to seek outside help. Before I delved into this topic, I used to think that I had enough empathy to find out the psychological changes of others. However, when our team did the preliminary topic analysis in order to shoot a high-quality PSA, I truly realized the psychological suffering of patients with depression in their daily lives.
我们全国站的PSA视频也在社交媒体平台上获得了3.6w的播放量。看着评论区底下观众的共鸣,我突然明白了传媒和短视频平台存在的意义从来都不是简单的取悦自己和别人,而是深层次链接人与人内心的桥梁。通过HOSA,我看到了传媒与公益结合的力量。这股信念带领我加入了HOSA2023-2024公益代表团,身为PSA Facilitator参与到HOSA2024的前期准备活动中。
The PSA video also received 3.6w+ views on social media platforms. Looking at the resonance of the audience under the comments, I suddenly understood that the meaning of the existence of media and short video platforms has never been simply to please myself and others, but to connect people's hearts at a deeper level. Through HOSA, I saw the power of combining media and public welfare. This belief led me to join the HOSA2023-2024 Student Service Project Team and participate in the preparatory activities of HOSA2024 as the PSA Facilitator.
我们从去年8月开始工作,合作完成了不下10场线上workshop,撰写PSA-themed database和topic pre-analysis,帮助新一届的HOSAer顺利完赛。今年4月,我又以代表团身份参与了线下全国站的过程中,在B类实验室里面作为分享嘉宾讲述自己与公益传媒的故事。
We started to work in August last year, and cooperated to complete no less than 10 online workshops, write PSA-themed database and topic pre-analysis, and help the new HOSAer successfully graduate. In April this year, I participated in the process of offline national stations as a delegation, telling stories about ourselves and public welfare media as guests in B-Lab.
在身为PSA Facilitator的一年里,我们最重要的任务就是在每个赛段开始之前进行1v1 tutoring。我也有幸辅导了8支小队,他们全部进阶到了全国站,还有三只小队闯进了全球站。当出结果之后一些小队来跟我报喜,幸福感爆棚的那个瞬间才让我懂得我作为一个小小”老师“通过自己经验和努力帮助到别人的意义。
During our year as PSA Facilitator, our most important task is to perform a 1v1 tutoring before the start of each stage. I also had the privilege of coaching eight teams, all of which made it to the national station, and three of which broke into the Global station. After the result, some teams came to report good news to me, and only at that moment when my happiness exploded did I understand the significance of helping others through my own experience and efforts as a small "tutor".
For me, receiving an offer from UCB is really a huge surprise and a result that I never dared to think about before. I have always heard my dad talk about how beautiful the scenery in San Francisco is and how fierce the competition in Silicon Valley is. I never imagined that one day I would come to this city where my elders have described me since childhood to study.
Although I was rejected by USC, perhaps, going to UCB to study will be my second opportunity to break through my comfort zone and be a brand new beginning of my life.
Thanks to the three-year experience and education in Farragut. See you in California~
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