
Congrats to the Class of 2024! | 向2024届毕业生致以最热烈的祝贺




On Tuesday, June 4, the Canadian International School of Hefei’s Class of 2024 gathered in our school’s auditorium to celebrate their graduation ceremony. With a welcome address by our Head of School, Mrs. Peggy Gorman-Mitchell, assisted by MYP/DP Principal Ms. Tilly Erguder, it was a joyous celebration of hard-work, dedication, and growth for all in attendance. Friends and family stood in congratulations as the graduates walked down the aisle, wearing their caps and gowns with pride.

To open the graduation proceedings, we were honored to have a congratulatory message from Dr. Francis Pang, our Chairman of the Board for AKD. 

His speech was followed by kind words from Madam Du Juan, Executive Director of CISH, and from Mr. Donavan van Vuuren. Both of their speeches highlighted the importance of building relationships and taking advantage of this fresh new start to make a positive difference as a global citizen. 

We were then honored to welcome Mr. Ryan Donaghy, New Brunswick Deputy Minister of Education and Early Childhood, as our guest speaker. His speech emphasized the interconnectedness of today’s society and the value in our student’s international background saying, “you are equipped to bridge divides, foster collaboration, and lead with a global perspective.”

His speech was followed by our Giving of the Rose Ceremony, where each graduate was given a rose to hand to someone special in their life in recognition of their unwavering support. As the music played, the graduates descended into the audience and into the embrace of their eagerly awaiting family.

To wrap up the ceremony, Martin Sulik, Class of 2024 Valedictorian, delivered a particularly moving speech, thanking the teachers for their support and reflecting on the challenges and triumphs of everyone’s high school journey. He ended his speech wishing each student success in the chance to make a difference to the world in their own unique way.

As each graduate walked across the stage to receive their diploma, there was a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment in the air. The ceremony ended with the traditional tossing of caps and in the end, our Class of 2024 emerged from their graduation ceremony as confident, capable young adults ready to make their mark on the world.

As they embark on their next journey, we wish them all the best and congratulate them on their remarkable achievement. Here's to the Class of 2024 - may your futures be bright, and your dreams be endless. Congratulations!

Martin Sulik, 2024 recipient of the Governor General’s Medal presented by Mr. Ryan Donaghy, given to the student with the highest academic standing in the graduating class of 2024.

Oskar Opfer, recipient of the Birks Medallion, presented by Mr. Ryan Donaghy, given to the student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in student activities throughout high school.

Henry Bai and Harold Heo, recipients of the Salutatorian, presented by Mr. Andy Truong, Executive Director of AKD International and Co-founder of Canadian Alumni Network, given to the student(s) who have the second highest academic standing in the graduating class of 2024.

Martin Sulik, recipient of the Teacher’s Award of Merit, presented by Stephanie Tomlinson, Education Specialist for the Province of New Brunswick from Atlantic Education International, given to a deserving student as selected by the CISH teachers who displays outstanding enthusiasm, involvement, and school pride. 

Diplomas for each graduate were handed by Mr. Ryan Donaghy, Mr. Andy Truong, Ms. Peggy Gorman-Mitchell, and Ms. Madam Du.

6月4日,周二,合肥加拿大外籍人员子女学校在校报告厅隆重举行了2024级毕业典礼。在MYP/DP校长Tilly Erguder女士的协助下,总校长Peggy Gorman-Mitchell女士致欢迎辞,在热烈的氛围中共同庆祝毕业生们的努力、奉献和成长。在亲朋好友们的莅临和祝福下,毕业生们身着学士服、戴着学士帽自豪地走入会场。

AKD国际教育集团 董事会主席,彭博士,为毕业典礼致开场贺词。

随后,CISH 执行董事杜娟女士、 Donavan van Vuuren 老师也热情洋溢的上台送上祝福。他们在发言中重点强调了关系建立方面的重要性,以及作为全球公民应时刻发挥其效为社会的积极改变做贡献。

现场我们有幸地邀请到了加拿大新不伦瑞克省教育部副部长 Ryan Donaghy 先生作为演讲嘉宾为毕业生们送上寄语。Ryan Donaghy先生在讲话中强调了当今社会互通的重要性,以及学生们作为全球公民,在拥有国际文化背景上的价值所在。他表示:“你们具有弥合分歧、促进合作,并以在全球视野下领导的能力”。


典礼尾声,毕业生 Martin Sulik 以最优异的成绩,作为2024 级毕业班的学生代表在典礼上作了感人至深的演讲,他感谢了老师们的全力支持,回顾了高中旅程中的挑战和收获。最后,他祝愿同学们都将以自己独特的方式改变世界。



Martin Sulik,2024 年加拿大总督奖获得者,由 Ryan Donaghy先生为其颁奖。

Oskar Opfer,伯克斯奖获得者,由 Ryan Donaghy先生为其颁奖。

Henry Bai 和 Harold Heo 获得由 AKD International 执行董事兼加拿大校友网络联合创始人 Andy Truong 先生颁发的,授予在 2024 级毕业班学业成绩排名第二的学生的奖项。

Martin Sulik荣获由大西洋教育国际组织新不伦瑞克省教育负责人Stephanie Tomlinson女士颁发的“教师评选优秀奖”。“教师评选优秀奖 ”由 CISH 教师共同选出,颁发给在学习热情、参与度和学校荣誉感各方面表现突出的学生。

现场由Ryan Donaghy 先生、Andy Truong 先生、Peggy Gorman-Mitchell 女士和杜女士为每位毕业生颁发了毕业证书。



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