
A Golden Future for CISH Students 鹏程万里!CISH学子未来可期!



The IVEY global business competition uses case studies developed by Harvard and Tsinghua Universities to test young teams from around the world. This is a prestigious and challenging Business competition attracting 60 teams this year. Only 20 made it through to the finals.

IVEY全球商赛采用由哈佛大学及清华大学开发的案例研究,旨在为来自世界各地的年轻团队提供测试。此项商赛负有盛名且极具挑战性,本年度吸引了 60 支参赛队伍,20 支队伍进入决赛。

Our two CISH teams did brilliantly! Grade 9 students Erik, Benny and Bowen – team Magnum - came away with first prize (Gold) in the Junior div plus a special award for Innovation. 

我校两支队伍表现出色!九年级学生Erik, Benny 和 Bowen组成的Magnum队斩获初中组别一等奖(金奖)及特别创意奖。

Our other junior team, Grade 10 students Jackson, Jace, Matheus and Andy – Team Olympus - won 2 special awards for Leadership and Global Citizenship and came away with bronze (third) place overall. A Terrific result. 

我校另外一支初中组——Olympus队由10年级的Jackson, Jace, Matheus 和 Andy 组成,他们收获了领导力和全球公民两项特别奖,并拿下铜奖(第三名),成绩可喜!

Both teams competed on line via Zoom (due to exam timetables) with the majority of teams participating  person at AKD’s school, the International School of Nanshan,  Shenzhen. 

由于考试时间关系,两支队伍都通过 Zoom 在线完成比赛,与大部分来自 AKD 所属学校(深圳南山国际学校)的参赛队伍同台竞技。

Judges from IVEY, Canada’s number 1 EMBA Business School included Professor Chris Chan Dean of IVEY Asia, and other high profile education figures including Roger Ramlalsingh, GM of the Independent Learning Centre of the Ontario Ministry of Education.

本次商赛评委来自加拿大排名第一的 EMBA 商学院——IVEY 商学院,包括 IVEY 亚洲区院长 Chris Chan 教授,以及安大略省教育部独立学习中心总经理 Roger Ramlalsingh 等其他教育界知名人士。

Success in this competition will certainly help our winners with their University applications especially if they go on to choose to study at IVEY University in Canada – Congratulations CISH students!

祝贺 CISH 的学生们,他们在比赛中获益无穷,包括有助于后期的大学申请,如果他们有意向今后在位于加拿大的 IVEY 商学院开始大学生涯的话,此次商赛经历更犹锦上添花!



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