




In June 2024, Farragut School celebrates its 11th anniversary and the graduation of the 10th graduating class. Each year, our graduates bring us new surprises and breakthroughs, and this year's class is no exception.


Not only have they received admission letters from prestigious Ivy League institutions such as Cornell University, but they have also achieved new breakthroughs in the number and majors of admissions to top universities around the world, including Duke University, Carnegie Mellon University, Nanyang Technological University, University of British Columbia, and the University of Waterloo.

在升学指导团队和教育教学团队的通力合作下,2024年,我校最具优势的北美方向班打破100%被世界综合大学TOP 80的录取记录,100%被全美综合大学TOP 60录取!

Thanks to the concerted efforts of our college guidance and educational teams, in 2024, our most competitive North American-oriented class broke the record of 100% admission to the world's top 80 comprehensive universities and 100% admission to the top 60 comprehensive universities in the United States!


As of June 16, 2024, the 102 graduates of the 2024 class from Farragut School have received a total of 520 admission letters from 16 countries and regions.

Graduate Profiles Series



As the outstanding graduates of the 2024 class have been receiving their university applications, the Brand Promotion Department has been gradually interviewing them since April, showcasing their talents and achievements through written and video formats.

毕业生中,有从小就被飞机火车吸引,最终圆梦康奈尔大学能源工程专业的Henry,有怀揣天文梦想,喜欢生物学习,热衷公益服务并被杜克大学录取的Alice,有腼腆、略显内向,但却对学习数学和计算机专业展现出天赋和向往的Eric,更有因为一场旅行爱上波士顿并圆梦波士顿大学的Sydney... ... 

Among the graduates, there is Henry, who has been fascinated by airplanes and trains since childhood and has finally realized his dream of studying energy engineering at Cornell University. There is Alice, who harbors a dream of astronomy, loves studying biology, is passionate about public service, and has been admitted to Duke University. There is Eric, who is shy and somewhat introverted, but shows talent and aspiration for studying mathematics and computer science. And there is Sydney, who fell in love with Boston during a trip and has realized his dream of studying at Boston University...


Our student Eva has become the "only" international student to receive a full scholarship from New York University and has been interviewed by institutions including the TOEFL officials. Some students are passionate about music; they have established school orchestras, folk music groups, and choirs within the school, encountering various problems during the process of creating these clubs, but resolving them with their intelligence and ingenuity...


It is impossible to mention each graduate individually. The 2024 graduates are both the same and different from the graduates of every year, leaving an unforgettable and brilliant stroke to the entire school community.

在法拉古特,每一位毕业生都是我们无比珍贵的财富,他们以独特的光芒照亮了校园的每一个角落。Our graduates, Our pride! 这句话不仅仅是对毕业生们成就的认可,更是对他们未来无限可能的期待。

At Farragut School, every graduate is an invaluable treasure to us, illuminating every corner of the campus with their unique light. "Our graduates, Our pride!" This phrase is not only a recognition of the graduates' achievements but also an expectation for their boundless future possibilities.


With the unveiling of the admission results, we see the real scenes of dreams setting sail. We believe that no matter where they go, the imprint of Farragut School will accompany them for life, becoming their strongest support!



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