

IEYC Theme Unit - Press It, Click It  | IEYC主题单元——按一按,点一点

06-25 08:26发布于湖南


At BeeMee Kindergarten, our educational approach revolves around the International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC), with each thematic unit designed to engage young minds through immersive experiences. Anchored by the overarching theme of "Press it, Click it," our curriculum invites children to explore the world around them through the lens of technology and innovation. From the moment they step into our classrooms, children embark on a captivating journey structured around four key stages: Entry Point, Gaining Interest, Investigating, and Exit Point.


Entry Point


The Entry Point serves as the gateway to our thematic exploration, where children are introduced to the exciting possibilities of "Press it, Click it." Through engaging activities and interactive experiences, they begin to unravel the mysteries of technology and its impact on our daily lives. From identifying common household appliances to understanding the mechanics of pressing buttons and clicking switches, children are immersed in a world of discovery from the very beginning. Physical development is a fundamental aspect of early childhood education, and our thematic exploration of "Press it, Click it" provides numerous opportunities for children to refine their motor skills. Through hands-on activities such as pressing buttons, clicking switches, and manipulating objects, children practice fine and gross motor movements. For example, during our investigation of household appliances, children engage in activities like turning knobs on a pretend stove or pushing buttons on a toy microwave. These actions require precise hand-eye coordination and help children develop greater control over their movements. 


Gaining Interest


As we transition into the Gaining Interest phase, our focus shifts towards igniting a passion for learning. Through hands-on experiences and interactive learning opportunities, children delve deeper into the subjects that captivate their interest within the realm of "Press it, Click it." Whether it's constructing group robots or visiting construction companies to observe machinery in action, each activity is designed to foster curiosity and exploration. Additionally, activities like constructing group robots and crafting miniature machines involve manipulation of various materials, further strengthening children's grasp and dexterity. Furthermore, activities like deciphering clues during scavenger hunts and solving puzzles during the construction of group robots challenge children's cognitive abilities and encourage them to think flexibly and creatively.

当我们过渡到“获得兴趣阶段时,我们的重点将转向点燃学习热情。通过亲身体验和互动学习机会,孩子们在 "按一按,点一点 "的领域中深入研究他们感兴趣的主题。无论是搭建集体机器人,还是参观建筑公司观察机械运作,每项活动都旨在培养好奇心和探索精神。此外,建造集体机器人和制作微型机器等活动涉及对各种材料的操作,进一步增强了儿童的掌握能力和灵活性。此外,寻宝游戏中的破译线索和集体机器人制作中的解谜等活动,都对儿童的认知能力提出了挑战,鼓励他们进行灵活和创造性的思考。



In the Investigating stage, children dive into the heart of technology, where they explore, question, and experiment with pressing and clicking. From learning about the operational mechanisms of household appliances to crafting their own miniature machines, children gain valuable insights into the interconnectedness of technology and everyday life. Through inquiry-based learning and hands-on experimentation, they develop critical thinking skills and a deeper understanding of the world around them. Cognitive development is stimulated through inquiry-based learning and problem-solving activities embedded within our thematic exploration. As children explore the inner workings of technology and machines, they develop critical thinking skills and enhance their understanding of cause and effect. For instance, during our investigation of robots, children learn about the different components that enable them to function, such as sensors, motors, and programming. They engage in discussions and experiments to understand how these components work together to perform specific tasks. 


Exit Point


Finally, the Exit Point serves as the culmination of our exploration into "Press it, Click it," where children showcase their newfound knowledge and skills. Through collaborative projects like constructing a group robot named "Mary" or participating in engaging activities like simulated tea pouring and vacuuming, children celebrate their achievements and reflect on their learning experiences within the realm of technology and innovation. Language acquisition and communication skills are nurtured through meaningful interactions and language-rich experiences woven throughout our thematic exploration. As children collaborate with peers during group activities and share their discoveries, they develop vocabulary related to technology and innovation. For example, children learn words like "button," "switch," "robot," and "appliance" as they engage in discussions about household technology. Moreover, they practice using descriptive language to articulate their observations and ideas, fostering effective communication. Random English phrases such as "What's this?" and "How does it work?" become commonplace as children inquire about the world around them, further enriching their language development.

最后,出口点是我们探索“按一按,点一点的高潮,孩子们在这里展示他们新发现的知识和技能。通过合作项目,如建造一个名为“玛丽的集体机器人,或参与模拟倒茶和吸尘等引人入胜的活动,孩子们庆祝自己的成就,并反思他们在技术和创新领域的学习经历。通过有意义的互动和丰富的语言体验,语言习得和沟通技能在我们的主题探索活动中得到了培养。当孩子们在小组活动中与同伴合作并分享他们的发现时,他们就掌握了与技术和创新相关的词汇。例如,在讨论家用技术时,孩子们会学到“按钮开关”、“机器人和 “电器等词汇。此外,他们还练习使用描述性语言来表达自己的观察和想法,从而促进有效的交流。当孩子们对周围的世界进行探究时,“这是什么?和“它是如何工作的?等随机英语短语就会变得司空见惯,从而进一步丰富他们的语言发展。

Teambuilding and Creative Innovation


Our thematic exploration fosters social interaction and emotional well-being among children through collaborative activities and imaginative play. Working together on projects like constructing group robots or participating in scavenger hunts, children learn to communicate effectively, cooperate with others, and respect different perspectives. They celebrate their achievements and support one another through challenges, developing a sense of belonging and camaraderie within the classroom community. Additionally, engaging in imaginative play allows children to explore and express their emotions in a safe and supportive environment. Through role-playing scenarios involving technology and innovation, children learn to empathize with others and navigate social situations. Creativity flourishes as children explore the interdiv of technology and imagination in our thematic exploration. From designing their own miniature machines to decorating group robots with colorful embellishments, children exercise their creativity and expressiveness. Open-ended art activities and imaginative play provide opportunities for children to experiment with different materials, textures, and colors, unleashing their artistic potential. Random phrases like "Let's make it colorful!" and "I have an idea!" resonate throughout the classroom as children explore and innovate, embracing the limitless possibilities of their creativity.

我们的主题探索活动通过协作活动和富有想象力的游戏,促进儿童之间的社交互动和情感健康。孩子们通过合作完成集体机器人制作或寻宝游戏等项目,学会了有效沟通、与他人合作以及尊重不同观点。他们会庆祝自己取得的成就,并在遇到挑战时相互支持,从而在班集体中培养归属感和友爱精神。此外,富有想象力的游戏能让孩子们在安全和支持性的环境中探索和表达自己的情感。通过涉及技术和创新的角色扮演情景,孩子们学会了与他人产生共鸣并驾驭社交场合。当孩子们在我们的主题探索中探索技术与想象力的交汇点时,创造力也随之蓬勃发展。从设计自己的微型机器,到用五彩缤纷的装饰品装饰集体机器人,孩子们锻炼了自己的创造力和表现力。开放式的艺术活动和充满想象力的游戏为孩子们提供了尝试不同材料、质地和颜色的机会,释放了他们的艺术潜能。“让我们把它变得五彩缤纷吧!和 “我有个主意!这样的随机短语会在课堂上引起共鸣,因为孩子们在探索和创新,拥抱他们创造力的无限可能性。

At BeeMee Kindergarten, our commitment to providing a holistic and enriching learning experience shines through every stage of the IEYC framework. By nurturing curiosity, fostering creativity, and instilling a love for lifelong learning within the context of "Press it, Click it," we empower our students to embark on a journey of discovery and growth that extends far beyond the classroom walls. Join us on this extraordinary adventure, where every press and click opens doors to endless possibilities.

在彼一米幼儿园,我们致力于通过IEYC框架的每个阶段,提供全面而丰富的学习体验。在 “按一按,点一点的环境中,我们培养学生的好奇心、创造力和对终身学习的热爱,使他们能够踏上探索和成长的旅程,远远超越教室的围墙。在这里,每一次按下和点击都会开启通向无限可能的大门。

撰文 Author: 彼一米湘府校区国际学术部 BeeMee Xiangfu Campus International Academic Department

一审 First Reviewer: 郭鐔遥 Sia Guo

二审 Second Reviewer: 彭瑶 Tiffany Peng

终审 Final Reviewer: 左红 Grace Zuo






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