

IEYC Theme Unit - Brilliant Bug Ball | IEYC主题单元——聪明的虫虫球

06-28 08:36发布于湖南


BeeMee Forest Academy IEYC theme units are based on four learning strands. Combined with the UK National EYFS Framework, which is based on holistic inquiry and game teaching methods, learning is tailored to meet individual learning and development needs of children. Through multi-cultural development and international perspective each child is prepared academically and emotionally as future global citizens.




The IEYC unit "Brilliant Bug Ball" invites young learners into the enchanting world of insects and minibeasts. Through hands-on exploration, children delve into the habitats, characteristics, and behaviours of various bugs. They engage in activities such as bug hunting, observing, and even creating bug-inspired art. The unit promotes curiosity and empathy as children learn to appreciate the vital roles insects play in the ecosystem. Through collaborative projects, they develop communication and teamwork skills. "Brilliant Bug Ball" fosters a love for nature and biodiversity, instilling in children a sense of wonder and respect for the smallest creatures that inhabit our planet.

IEYC单元 “聪明的虫虫球”邀请孩子们进入迷人的昆虫和小动物世界。通过动手探索,孩子们深入了解了各种虫子的栖息地、特征和行为。他们参与的活动包括捕虫、观察,甚至创作受虫子启发的艺术作品。通过本单元的学习,孩子们学会了欣赏昆虫在生态系统中发挥的重要作用,从而增强了好奇心和同理心。通过合作项目,他们培养了沟通和团队协作能力。“聪明的虫虫球”培养了孩子们对大自然和生物多样性的热爱,让他们对居住在我们星球上的最小生物充满好奇和尊重。

Entry Point 


To begin the unit and capture the children’s interest and curiosity, the children were equpped with a variety of bug hunting equipment including magnifying glasses, tweezers, bug cathers and bug cages. The children went outside to explore the school grounds and local park for all sorts of different bugs. The children thought about where different bugs might live and suggested we look in the tall grass, dig in the mud, search in the bushes and in the vegetable patch. During this exploration, the children discovered so many different bugs including caterpillars, spiders, ladybugs, butterflies, bumblebees, centipedes and ants. The children placed the bugs in little tubs and took them home to share with their parents. 


Communication and Language


Over the course of this unit, the children have been filled with new language about bugs and practised their English on a daily basis. They first reviwed the bug names they have previously learnt in English, including ladybug, spider, caterpillar, butterfly, bumblee, centipede, ant as well as learn some more advanced bug names such as millipede, preying mantis, stick insect and grasshopper.

As they explored bugs more and more, they were able to increase their vocabulary and the use of full sentences. The children are able to describe the appearance of different bugs using a variety of body parts.

"The caterpillar has a long body."

"The bumbleebee has four wings."

"The centipede has so many legs."

They are also able to talk about what the bugs can do such as:

"A grasshopper can jump high."

"A bumblebee can fly so fast."

"A worm wiggles in the ground."

Over the course of the unit, the children learnt about habitats and where the different bugs like to live and where they are likely to be found.

"Spiders live in a spiders web."

"Ladybugs live in the grass."

"Bumblebees live in the beehive."














Personal, Social and Emotional Development 


The process of building human pyramids in the class served as a powerful metaphor for teamwork and cooperation, mirroring the collaborative efforts observed in ants. As the children took turns kneeling on the floor, they not only physically supported each other but also learned to trust and rely on their peers. Each child's role in the pyramid was equally essential, emphasizing the importance of every individual's contribution to the collective effort. Despite the challenges of balancing and supporting the weight of their peers, the children persevered, demonstrating determination and resilience. Through this activity, they developed not only physical coordination but also interpersonal skills such as communication, leadership, and empathy. Moreover, the sense of accomplishment and pride that accompanied successfully forming a pyramid fostered a positive sense of self-esteem and belonging among the children, strengthening their social bonds and sense of community within the class. Overall, the experience of building human pyramids was not just a physical activity but a transformative lesson in collaboration, teamwork, and mutual support, laying the groundwork for future personal and social growth.


Expressive Arts and Design


Over the course of this unit, the children were given many opportunites to show off their imagination and expressive skills as they took part in arts and crafts to showcase their newfound knowledge of bugs. The children used playdough and a paper plate to recreate the life cycle of a caterpillar. They rolled up white play dough to be the eggs, bits of green to be the caterpillars, made sticks for the chrysalis to hang on and finally the children designed the most beautiful butterflies. The children showed off their style as they chose the colours, patterns and shapes of their very own butterflies. Next, the children created very beautiful lady bugs by painting one paper plate black and one red. The red plate was later cut in half. Each piece was cut using a hole punch and all connected together using split pins. This made a black body and red wings that could open and shut. They then added a small black semi-cirlce as the head, attached googley eyes and pipe cleaners for the antenna. Amazing ladybugs! 

在本单元的学习过程中,孩子们有很多机会展示他们的想象力和表达能力,他们参与了艺术和手工制作,展示他们新发现的关于虫子的知识。孩子们用橡皮泥和纸盘再现了毛毛虫的生命周期。他们把白色的橡皮泥搓成虫卵,把绿色的橡皮泥搓成毛毛虫,再用木棍把蛹挂在上面,最后孩子们设计出了最美丽的蝴蝶。孩子们选择了自己蝴蝶的颜色、图案和形状,展示了自己的风格。接下来,孩子们把一个纸盘涂成黑色,一个涂成红色,制作出了非常漂亮的瓢虫。红色纸盘随后被切成两半。每一片都用打孔器剪开,然后用大头针连接在一起。这样就形成了黑色的身体和可以张开和闭合的红色翅膀。然后,他们在头部添加了一个黑色的小半圆环,并粘上了眼睛和天线用的水管清洁棒。神奇的瓢虫 !

Physical development


The class activity of rescuing bugs from a tangled spider web provided a dynamic and engaging opportunity for the children to enhance their physical development. As they worked together to wrap string around the table legs and create the intricate web, they exercised their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Pulling the string tight and twisting it in various directions required precision and control, further refining their motor abilities. Additionally, navigating through tunnels and using tweezers to carefully extract bugs from the web challenged their spatial awareness and dexterity. The physical aspect of racing through the tunnels and retrieving bugs with tweezers also promoted agility, balance, and gross motor skills. Moreover, the element of suspense and excitement added a motivating factor, encouraging the children to move quickly and carefully. Overall, the class activity not only sparked the children's imagination and creativity but also provided a fun and effective way to promote their physical development in a dynamic and interactive setting.


Understanding the World 


Students embark on exciting expeditions, searching for bugs in their natural habitats. Through this hands-on exploration, they not only encounter diverse insect species but also learn about their preferred habitats and behaviors. Moreover, the unit delves into the intricate life cycles of various bugs, including butterflies, ladybugs, bees, and ants. Students gain insights into the stages of metamorphosis, from egg to adult, fostering a deeper appreciation for the marvels of nature's transformations. A highlight of the unit is the hands-on activity of crafting bug hotels using natural resources. By designing and building these habitats, students actively participate in conservation efforts, providing shelter for insects and encouraging biodiversity in their surroundings. Overall, "Brilliant Bug Ball" offers a multifaceted approach to understanding the world of insects, combining field observations, scientific inquiry, and creative projects to engage students in the wonders of the natural world.


Exit Point 


To end this unit, the children took a very exciting trip to a bug museum to see many different types of bugs from around the world. During their visit, they took part in a bug scavenger hunt. Each child was given a card with several bug pictures that could be found in the museum. As the children walked through the museum, they had to search for the bugs in the picture and cross it off once it was found. At the museum, the children saw some amazing bugs including a giant spider, stick insect, beetles, worms and so many different coloured butterflies. The children walked around very excited seeing the different bugs, especially the bugs that were very big. After visiting the museum, the children went outside to the lawn to enjoy a picnic with their classmates and friends. The children laughed and talked as they shared their favourite snacks and drinks, read a story together and played some games. What a great end to a great unit. 


At BeeMee Forest Academy, we are committed to providing a comprehensive and enriching learning experience through every stage of the IEYC framework. This unit will stimulate students' curiosity through the inquisity-based learning of the insect world, and satisfy their thirst for knowledge through field visits, information retrieval, communication and cooperation, laying a solid foundation for their lifelong learning and development.


撰文 Author: 彼一米湘府校区国际学术部 BeeMee Xiangfu Campus International Academic Department

一审 First Reviewer: 郭鐔遥 Sia Guo

二审 Second Reviewer: 彭瑶 Tiffany Peng

终审 Final Reviewer: 左红 Grace Zuo







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