

极目楚天,稚萃逐星——CBFS一年级航天游园会 I CBFS G1 Fun Park Test

07-04 08:53发布于湖南



On June 26th, in the vastness of the universe, a special tour spaceship transported the first grade of Changsha BeeMee Forest School (CBFS) on a journey of interstellar exploration. From the initial acceleration at the Rocket Launching Station to the aerospace science and technology micro-projects at Halley's Comet, each stop was a harmonious blend of knowledge and entertainment, and each moment was replete with unexpected occurrences and challenges. 


火箭发射站 —— 起点冲刺我能行

Rocket Launching Station – I can do it


In the guise of a courageous astronaut, participants can jump over the rope ladder continuously by jumping on both feet, as if they were travelling in space. Subsequently, the participants were required to demonstrate their coordination and patience by dribbling a ball inside a hula hoop. This exercise served to develop perseverance and courage in the children, which would prove invaluable in the subsequent intergalactic journey. 


太空空间站 —— 词海拾贝我能认

Space Station – I Can Recognise Words


Upon entering the space station, the children were presented with two cards from the teacher in charge of the station. Each card contained eight words, which represented the stars in the universe, waiting to be discovered and recognised. The children proceeded to draw their cards and read them aloud, their voices clear and pleasant, as if they were the most melodious verses in the universe. This allowed the seeds of language to take root and grow in this vastness. 


月球站 —— 声情并茂我能读

Moon Station – I can read in a beautiful voice


Upon arrival at the Moon Station, the students were invited to recite excerpts from the Chinese texts of the semester. Under the guidance of the teacher, they read aloud with great expression, just like the breeze on the moon, gently brushing the hearts of the listeners. The act of reading aloud proved to be an effective method of deepening comprehension of the texts in question, while simultaneously developing the children's ability to express themselves. This, in turn, allowed the power of words to transcend the limitations of space and reach every corner of the universe. 


水星站 —— 认字组词我最棒

Mercury Station – I am the most proficient at recognising characters and forming words

在水星站,孩子们邂逅了汉字的海洋。他们需要根据要求,写出3个同一偏旁的字,并口头组词。孩子们开动脑筋,努力回想着本学期学过的符合要求的字,望着他们那若有所思的神 情,老师们真是又欣喜又感动。这一探究过程,不仅是对汉字结构的探索,更是对文化传承的体验。孩子们在欢笑中学习,将古老的文字编织成了一个个新的汉字故事。

At the Mercury Station, children were presented with a sea of Chinese characters. They were required to write three characters with the same radical and form words orally. Teachers were gratified and touched by the thoughtfulness of the children as they attempted to recall all the characters they had learned in the current term that met the specified requirements. This process of enquiry was not only an exploration of the structure of Chinese characters, but also an experience of cultural heritage. The children learned through laughter and weaved the ancient characters into a new Chinese character story.


金星站 —— 查字典小达人

Venus Station - Little Dictionary Searchers 


The task at the Venus Station was a test of the children's dictionary skills. They needed to find a character with a specific radical and then spell out the pronunciation of that character. It is evident that phonetic and radical word searches are essential skills that children in G1 need to master. For the children, a small dictionary is a magical book that contains endless fun and surprises. This challenge not only stimulates the children's curiosity, but also allows them to learn how to solve problems independently and become little explorers of knowledge through practice. 


海王星站 —— 图形探秘场

Neptune Station - Graphics Mystery Field


Neptune Station prepared a graphic mystery journey for the children. In addition to identifying flat shapes, the children were required to utilise tangrams to construct a variety of intricate patterns. With their delicate hands, the children continued to manipulate the colourful toy parts, resulting in a living graphic representation of their creative thinking and practice. The children's creativity was fully engaged, and each piece of work reflected their accumulated wisdom, radiating with limitless imagination. 


天王星站 —— 操作手工坊

Uranus Station - Operation Craft Workshop


At the Uranus Station, the children were introduced to the manipulative craft workshop. Here, they were required to identify the pattern of shapes, arrange the subsequent shape card, and then sort and organise them. The challenging activities not only tested the children's observational skills but also cultivated their perception of beauty and respect for order.


土星站 —— 人民币乐园

Saturn Station - Renminbi Land


The Renminbi Paradise at Saturn Station allowed children to engage in the role of money managers. They were able to utilise different denominations of coins to purchase goods and experience the simple transaction process. During the transaction process, a number of children utilised different denominations of banknotes to complete the task. For instance, some children took two fives to trade in order to purchase a 10 yuan painting, while others took 10 yuan to trade. During the trading process, children occasionally developed whimsical ideas and asked interesting questions. In this station assessment activity, the children not only gained an understanding of the basic concepts of money management, but also developed mathematical thinking. 


火星站 —— 拼写爆炸空间

Mars Station - Blast off to Spelling Space


The Mars Station spelling challenge took children on a language adventure in space. They needed to spell words correctly to help the space rocket rise and earn star rewards. Furthermore, they also needed to reassemble disrupted sentences in order to form logical and complete stories. For children in the first grade, the initial stages of language acquisition are of particular importance. The activity proved an effective method of exercising the children's verbal thinking skills, as well as stimulating their curiosity and imagination. 

本次游园评估一共12个站点,除了以上这些站点外,孩子们挑战了木星站、泰坦星站和 哈雷彗星站的任务。这场星际探索游园会,不仅是一次知识的旅行,更是一次心灵的成长。孩子们在欢笑与挑战中,学会了团队合作、勇于探索、善于思考。每一个站点,都是他们成长道路上的一块里程碑,记录着他们从懵懂到自信的转变。让我们期待着,这些小小探险家们,未来能成为真正的航天英雄,继续书写属于他们的星际传奇!

The tour comprised a total of 12 stations. In addition to these, the children were presented with missions to Jupiter, Titan, and Halley's Comet. This intergalactic exploration tour was not only a knowledge trip, but also a spiritual growth experience. The children learned teamwork, courageous exploration, and good thinking through laughter and challenges. Each station represented a milestone on their growth path, recording their transformation from ignorance to confidence. It is to be hoped that these young explorers will become real space heroes in the future and continue to write their own intergalactic legends. 

撰文 Author:  赵斌 Jack Zhao

翻译 Translator: Smith James Lloyd

一审 First Reviewer: 彭瑶 Tiffany Peng

终审 Final Reviewer: 刘斯亮 Ada Liu






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