

时光采撷共携手,共叙成长待花开——CBFS期末三方会谈 | Parent-Student-Teacher Conference

07-10 08:23发布于湖南



Mo Yan once said: children's excellence, are soaked in the sweat of the parents. Every good child, behind the parents cannot be separated from the hard work of lifting. Every step of a child's growth cannot be separated from his/her teachers' hard work, and even more so from his/her own endeavors. During the parent-student-teacher conference at the end of the spring semester of the 2023-2024 academic year, CBFS teachers shared with parents the children's learning and life situation in this semester. 


Symphony of the Heart: A Heartwarming Chapter of Tripartite Talks 


The Parent-Student-Teacher Meeting is a regular session where parents, students and teachers engage in open communication to address any outstanding concerns. It facilitates a constructive dialogue between the three parties, allowing for the sharing of ideas and the resolution of any issues. It is not only a review of academic achievements, but also a forum for discussion of the pastoral needs of the students’.


Every meeting and learning report documented the children's intellectual growth trajectory. Every photo and learning tracking record represented a pearl fished out of the river of time, linking together all aspects of their growth. All kinds of examples and data were like the brightest stars in the night sky, guiding the direction of the way forward. These testimonies provide a compelling illustration of the collaborative approach to education at the school, where teachers and students, parents and children, and the school itself are all engaged in a shared endeavor to enhance the quality of education. 


Rising Light: Children's Confidence and Sharing 


The children, like the rising sun, confidently shared the fruits of their learning with the harvest and growth of the semester. Their voices, as clear and powerful as the spring in the mountains, not only flowed with the sweetness of knowledge, but also contained the joy and pride of self-growth. In the interaction with teachers and parents, they bravely showed themselves, reflected positively, and drew a grand blueprint for their future learning together.


 For example, Mandy, a fourth grader, conducted a self-summary and analysis of this final assessment, planning for self-improvement over the summer and next semester. 


Rain in the Spring: Teacher's Wisdom and Guidance 


Teachers, with their wisdom, customized the development blueprint for each student's uniqueness. Their advice, like the gentlest moonlight in the night sky, illuminates the children's path, allowing them to find the learning method and rhythm that best suits them on their journey of discovery, by utilizing their strengths and avoiding their weaknesses. Mr. Stephen, the third grade teacher, was eloquent and knowledgeable about his students' growth and improvement this semester, even in his online conference. 


The Road to Sunshine: Parents' Understanding and Support 


Parents felt unprecedented warmth and strength. They not only saw the growth and progress of their children, but also learned how to give their children more effective support and companionship in the family. This understanding and support, just like the warm sunshine in spring, is warm and firm, establishing a solid cornerstone for the children's continued growth. The parents of G2 Koala understand the educational philosophy of home-school co-education, and are able to speak frankly and with respect and understanding during the conference. In the talk, they were forthright in their assessment of the situation. They believe that through close collaboration between home and school, they can create a more holistic, healthy, and happy environment for Koala to grow up in. 


Sunny Road of Love: Towards a Brilliant Future 


All in all, this parent-student-teacher conference is not only a summary of academic results, but also a deep touch of the heart and a warm mingling of emotions. It allowed the three parties involved in education to explore the true meaning and beauty of education with more delicate and sincere feelings. This activity paved a sunny road full of love and hope for the children's growth. On this road, the children will step into a more brilliant future with more enthusiasm and firm belief. 

撰文 Author:  李依璠 Yifan Li 

翻译 Translator: Smith James Lloyd

一审 First Reviewer: 赵斌 Jack Zhao

终审 Final Reviewer: 刘斯亮 Ada Liu






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