07-23 08:17发布于广东
Recently, the prize presentation ceremony for The 35th Annual Book Report Competitionfor Secondary School Student was held in Hong Kong. This literary event, which brought together outstanding students from across Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, not only showcased the profound reading skills and unique insights of contemporary teenagers but also promoted a good reading culture within the region, collectively inheriting excellent Chinese culture.
Ouyang, a student from the G10 of ASJ-Foshan even stood out among more than 4,000 participants and won the champion of the Thematic Reading Advanced Category, and was invited to give the Champion's Speech at the Award Presentation Ceremony.
The 35th Annual Book Report Competitionfor Secondary School Student is organized by Hong Kong Educational Publishing Ltd., and co-organized by The Commercial Press (HK) Ltd. and United Prime Educational Publishing (HK) Ltd.. More than 200 schools participated in this year's competition, hoping that through reading and writing, students would understand the content of culture itself, recognize the excellence of Chinese culture, learn from the past, and equip themselves well.
Focusing on this theme, Ouyang read Mr. Lao She's classic “Camel Xiangzi” in depth. With keen insight and solid writing skills, she integrated the story in the book with her own reflections and, under the guidance of Mr. Li, wrote an insightful and emotionally heartfelt reading report.
Her words, too, are like a river traveling through time and space, leading readers to feel the complexity of human nature and the cruelty of society in the context of that era, and to reflect on how to maintain oneself and pursue one's dreams in the face of adversity.
At the prize presentation ceremony, Ouyang delivered the Champion Speech, sharing her journey through the reading process.
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在谈及阅读《骆驼祥子》对于自己的人生启示时,欧阳同学说:“在这本书中 虽然大家总嘲祥子无能的努力与无意义的梦想,但大家却在现实生活中都或多或少成为了新时代的“祥子”。每个人都有梦想,有的人终其一生为了一个梦想不断奋斗,有的人随着年龄的增长而不断改变梦想,有了梦想就有了奋斗的动力 但实现梦想的道路上并非一帆风顺,而是荆棘丛生。因此我懂得:前路荆棘密布,我们要学会披荆斩棘,前路惊涛骇浪,我们要学会劈波斩浪。”
Talking about the inspiration of reading “Xiangzi Camel” for her own life, Ouyang said: “In this book, although we always laugh at Xiangzi's incompetent efforts and meaningless dreams, but in real life, we may become the ‘Xiangzi’ of the new era. Everyone has a dream, some people spend their whole life struggling for a dream, and some people keep changing their dreams as they grow older, with a dream there is a motivation to struggle, but the road to realize the dream is not smooth, but full of thorns. Therefore, I know: the road ahead is full of thorns and we must learn to cut through the thorns, and the road ahead is full of waves and we must learn to cut through the waves.”
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