

师资 | 未来领导力学校管理团队2024-2025

08-08 08:21发布于海南



团队中多数成员均从创校起扎根蓝湾, 同时源源不断吸纳优秀的管理者和一线教师。他们拥有共同的价值观,是学校文化的创建者、践行者和引领者;他们具有创新精神和变革意识,在时代的洪流中保持锐意进取的斗志;他们具有极强的执行力,奉行“立即文化”;他们具备多元的职业经历与广阔视野,构建了包容并蓄的氛围;他们仰望星空,脚踏实地,注重细节,精益求精。


健康饮食 规律作息

终生锻炼 终生学习

The FLA management teacher consists of steady and dynamic members, 50% of whom have been rooted in Blue Bay since the establishment of the school. New excellent managers constantly join us, including education experts with decades of teaching management experience. Upholding common values, they are the creators, practitioners and leaders of school culture; with the spirit of innovation and sense of change, they forge ahead with determination in the torrent of the times; boasting the ability to execute, they pursue an "immediate culture"; their diverse professional experiences and broad perspectives contribute to an inclusive atmosphere; they not only have a dream, but try to achieve it by working hard, focusing on details, and striving for perfection. The fifth year since its founding, the management team will continue to work together to build a solid foundation through every tiny effort, and lead the school and the community to the common ideal:

Healthy diet, regular schedule,Lifelong exercise, lifelong learning.



朱植珊 Coral  Zhu


Principal of FLA


Coral Zhu, Principal, former Principal of Shanghai New Era Education Group, former Principal of Zhejiang Demonstration School, Special Researcher, Senior Lecturer, Senior Teacher of "Education Development Research". In the past 30 years of school management, he has successively won more than 20 honors such as National Innovative Principal for Basic Education Development, Excellent Principal of China's Private Education, Top Talents at the Provincial and Municipal Levels, Outstanding Youth, and Famous Principal. He is well versed in the way of education management, encourages innovation and strives for perfection. The school spirit, study style and teaching style of the school where he worked is thriving, and has become a leading school with excellent teaching quality in the local area. Since his appointment at FLA, he has emphasized the continuous improvement of the quality of education and teaching, and is committed to leading FLA teachers and students to work together, forge ahead, promote the high-quality international coordinated development of the school, and strive to open up a new journey for the prosperity of FLA.


王剑平 Jasper Wang


Principal of Primary School


Jasper Wang, a national family education instructor, will be awarded "National Excellent Instructor" by the Ministry of Education and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League in 2022. Key teachers in Jilin Province, "Top Ten Counselors" in the province, key teachers in Changchun City, excellent class teachers in the city, and first-level primary school teachers.He has been teaching for 14 years, and has been deeply involved in Chinese teaching and family education. The 10 papers written by the topics he presided over were published in journals such as "China Education", "Education Weekly", and "New Education Times". He believes that "knowledge is prior to education, and happiness is greater than excellence." Approaching students, perceiving students, and understanding students are the prerequisites for good education, and cultivating a kind-hearted, hard-working and life-loving child is the essence of teacher education.


季小菁 Kalen Ji


Principal of Secondary School


Kalen Ji, a scholar studying in the United States, holds a professional Certificate in Advanced Education Leadership from Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has more than twenty years of teaching and management experience in the field of international education. In her early years, she taught at  Sacrament Waldorf  School in California, and had in-depth study of human developement and holistic education . She had worked as principal of international high schools with A-Level & AP programs at Shanghai Guanghua Education Group and Nanchang Qihua Bilingual School etc.. Over the decades, her students have been accepted by top universities around the world such as the American Ivy League, British G5 and top universities in Hong Kong. She has always believed that the fundamental purpose of education is to cultivate children's independent personality and awareness of self-growth based on their needs. The mission as an educator is to accept children with reverence for life, accompany them with love, and escort them on their journey to freedom.


Bahler Steven Michael


Academic Principal of Secondary School

Bahler Steven Michael,来自美国,先后获得教育学硕士、博士。20年国际教育从业背景,职业生涯跨越了世界各地,曾任亚洲地区国际学校创校校长、校长。Bahler博士一直致力于推动积极的变革,率先采取措施提高教育标准,他坚定不移地致力于提高学生的学习成绩,营造一个有利于学生和教职员生长发育的环境。在中国深圳任职期间,Bahler博士在该校大学先修课程的发展和扩展中起到了举足轻重的作用。他还曾担任大学升学顾问,帮助学生实现他们的抱负,获得美国著名大学的录取,包括纽约大学、斯坦福大学、哥伦比亚大学等。

Bahler Steven Michael, from the United States of America, has obtained Master and Doctor degrees of education. With a 20-year background in international education, his career has spanned the world and he has served as a founding principal and principal of international schools in Asia. Dr Bahler has been committed to driving positive change, taking the lead in raising educational standards, with an unwavering commitment to improving student achievement and creating an environment conducive to the growth and development of both students and staff. During his tenure in Shenzhen, China, Dr Bahler played a pivotal role in the development and expansion of the university's advanced placement program. He also served in college counseling, assisting students in realizing their ambitions and gain admission to prestigious universities in the United States, including New York University, Stanford University, and Columbia University.  


卢韵帆 Fiona Lu


Head of AdmissionsMarketingTeaching Affairs


Fiona Lu received her MBA from Nankai University. With a comprehensive educational background in management, educational and developmental psychology and law, she holds the American TESOL Advanced English Teacher Certificate and the American Positive Discipline Instructor License. Having been engaged in education and management of full-time K-12 international boarding schools for over a decade and involved in the establishment of two international schools where she later served as a senior manager, she has acquainted herself with the operation of international schools, the international curriculum system, and the development characteristics and training goals of students at various stages. She devotes herself to practicing the theory of holistic education.


王娜 Luna Wang


Administrative Center Director


Bachelor's degree in English from Harbin Normal University, postgraduate in Human Resource Management from University of Gloucestershire, UK. Second-level manager of national enterprise human resources, with over 10 years of experience in human resources and administrative management in listed companies, state-owned enterprises, and international education groups. Formerly served as the Director of Human Resources in an international education group and employment director for college student. Proficient in management architecture design and overall control of human resources in the whole school. Familiar with the human resources and administrative management of staff in various educational stages of K12 schools, having completed the construction of teacher teams for IBPYP, IGCSE, A-Level, and domestic curriculum for primary, junior high and senior high schools. At FLA, committed to attracting more outstanding educators, jointly building a community of education talents, and providing internationalized management services.services.


朱佳峰 Jeff Zhu


Head of Moral Education & Logistics Department


Jeff Zhu , a graduate of Zhejiang Normal University, has dedicated many years to moral education in schools. He deeply understands the importance of character education and leadership training in the growth of students. Zhu firmly believes that every student possesses unique potential and talent, and character and leadership are the keys to their future success. Therefore, he emphasizes cultivating students' qualities such as self-discipline, cooperation, innovation, and leadership through various activities and practices, assisting them in making continuous progress in their studies and daily lives.
As an educator, Jeff Zhu  always adheres to a student-centered approach, guiding them to grow with warmth and care. He aims to create an educational environment filled with love and wisdom for every student through his relentless efforts, brightening their future prospects.


李冬雪 Snow Li


Director of Center for Student Development, Secondary School


With over 20 years of full-time K-12 boarding international school teaching experience, she has served as a moral education manager and a key founding leader in two international schools. Throughout her teaching career, she has been diligent and dedicated, possessing an international perspective and a unique educational sentiment. She is adept at psychological counseling for students and has numerous successful cases of transforming problematic students into outstanding students, earning the trust and respect of parents and students. As a subject teacher, her students have consistently achieved remarkable results in Chinese subject exams, including the senior high school entrance examination and Cambridge official exams. She has been honored with the title of "Outstanding Class Teacher" at the municipal level multiple times. Her management philosophy is to respect individuality, encourage individual development, adopt diverse educational methods and evaluation standards, and create all conditions for the personal development of each student.


李超Jason Li


Academic Coordinator for Domestic Direction

李超,曾在全国知名中学任教,曾为广州市数学教研室骨干成员,拥有十多年省重点中学高中清北班教学经验。历届有多名学生成功考入清华、北大等名校,高考班级重本率达到 90%以上。曾获市评优课一等奖、广州市黄浦区优秀教师荣誉称号,所带班级荣获省级学雷锋优秀班集体。在省级、国家级期刊上发表多篇论文,并参与编写十三五规划课题《高中数学课堂教学中渗透数学思想的实践研究》。“我最大的享受和乐趣就在于觉得自己是学生所需的,是学生所感到亲切的,在FLA这个大家庭中,感受到的更多是教学的乐趣,是与学生平等的师生关系,是互相学习,互相进步的氛围。”

Jason Li is a first-grade secondary school teacher who graduated from Hebei Normal University. He used to be a mentor for top students in key middle schools in Hebei and Guangdong, where he won the first prize in municipal open courses and instructed many students that entered famous domestic universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University. Jason also worked as a researcher in the Guangzhou Mathematics Center Group, participating in the program of "Practical Research on Infiltrating Mathematical Thoughts in High School Mathematics Classroom Teaching" in the 13th Five-Year Plan, and publishing many papers in academic journals. In FLA, he integrates Chinese and foreign teaching under the dual-track system to improve teaching efficiency.


周日Sandy Zhou


Academic Coordinator of Secondary School

周日,毕业于南京大学,药理学硕士学位。她熟悉AP、IGCSE、A-level 课程体系,曾多次被评为优秀双语老师、优秀班主任。曾多次指导学生参加高水平的国际生物竞赛,取得了十分优异的成绩。她还是ACI国际注册心理咨询师,形成了一套中西融合、行之有效、国际化的教学与学生管理模式。在教学实践中,她重视学习兴趣的培养,主张根据学生已有的知识水平和学习背景,采取与之相适应的教学方案。她在教学管理中注重细节,以人为本,根据学生的层次统筹教学资源,使得每个学生都能得到充分关注和发展。

Sandy Zhou obtained her Master's degree in Pharmacology from Nanjing University. She is familiar with the curriculum systems and examination syllabuses of AP, IGCSE and A-level, and was rated as an excellent bilingual teacher and excellent head teacher many times. She also serves as an ACI International Registered Psychological Counselor and Positive Discipline expert. By combining her knowledge with teaching practice, she has formed an international and effective model of teaching and student management that integrates Chinese and Western elements. She attaches importance to the cultivation of interest in learning, and adopts teaching plans based on students' knowledge level and learning background. Detail-oriented in teaching management, she coordinates teaching resources according to the level of students, so that each student can get full attention.


陈晓琴Lisa Chen


Academic Director of Primary School


Lisa possesses an education master's degree from Hong Kong University. She has studied the use of CLIL pedagogy in the subject, and has conducted in-depth research on the teaching and learning of Mathematics education as well as students' pathways and modes of self-inquiry in the classroom. She is conversant with the HKDSE, IGCSE, and IB curricula.
Her teaching philosophies are based on the ideas that love is the foundation of education and that children can only reach their full potential with unwavering positive direction and support. She also values each child's differentiation and fosters an inclusive, diverse learning environment. She is dedicated to helping every child become a lifelong learner, actively fostering the development of their critical thinking abilities, while offering them the freedom to carry out independent research.


李润鑫Cassie Li



Coordinator of Primary School Student Management Office,Coordinator of P.E. Department


Teacher Li, graduated from Jilin normal university with a major in physical education, has many years of bilingual physical education experience, has obtained PYP training certification, and is a second-level referee and coach. She has rich experience in student management, and is good at cultivating students' leadership through activities and developing character education in activities. She insists on being a warm educator and an educator with feelings. She has strong empathy, strong affinity, and her classroom is lively and interesting, which is deeply loved by students.


何健仪Nora He


Coordinator  of Teaching Affairs Office


Nona He, a member of the founding team, graduated from Sun Yat-sen University and has many years of experience in teaching affairs and management. She has meticulous logical thinking ability and coordination ability, and is good at coordinating various educational and teaching activities and educational and teaching resources. In the past five years of working in FLA, she upholds the service spirit of "one day contributes to one death" and provides full support for the smooth development of education and teaching activities







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