
权威幼教|期末AISL哈罗幼教交流大会: 园长齐聚首,赋能卓越幼儿教育



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—— 诺贝尔和平奖得主纳尔逊·曼德拉

2024 年 3 月,AISL哈罗集团幼儿园园长齐聚北京,参加了为期三天的专业发展活动,深入讨论如何为卓越幼教赋能。此次活动由AISL哈罗北京安贞校区主办,见证参会幼教专家们展开超乎预期的启发与交流。

参加专业学习和发展会议,所获几何,有时是个概率事件——会议日程很难充分反映每个人的兴趣和专业发展需求。如果有 60% 的日程符合意愿,已属难得,因为能够参加一场汇集众多行业专家的活动是非常宝贵的机会。因此,能够有机会设计和举办一次内容由与会者自己决定的会议,既是一种荣誉,也是一项重大责任。


我们知道,从出生到 5 岁,孩子大脑的发育比一生中任何其他时期都要快、都要多。虽然遗传因素起着重要作用,但科学研究清楚地表明:

1️⃣ 婴幼儿时期,孩子“人生经历”的质量非常重要。这几年的经历,无论是积极的或消极的,都有助于塑造他们大脑发育的方式。

2️⃣ 这些经历对他们的健康以及在学校和生活中学习和成功的能力有着长远的影响。

大脑是人体的指挥中心,也是唯一一个在出生时尚未发育完全的器官。出生时,婴儿的大脑只有成人大脑的四分之一。令人难以置信的是,它的大小在1岁时就会翻一番。到3岁时,它会继续发育到成人的 80%,到 5 岁时则会发育到成人的 90%——几乎完全发育成熟。



" Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world. "

——  Nelson Mandela, anti-aparthei activist

In March 2024, the Heads of Early Years from across the AISL Harrow group of schools came together for a three-day event focussing on embedding quality in early years. The event was hosted by the team at AISL Harrow Beijing’s City Campus and provided an experience above and beyond that expected by any of the attendees.

Attending professional  learning and development conferences can be akin to playing a game of chance – you rarely have the opportunity to have a complete schedule that fully reflects your interests and professional needs for development. You may be lucky if 60% of the programme on offer matches your wishes and are content with this as it is a privilege to be able to attend an event where so many experts in one field are present. And so, to be afforded the opportunity to design and deliver a conference where the content is driven by the attendees themselves is both an honour and a considerable responsibility.

To bring Early Years leaders together means pulling them away from their very busy lives in a school, therefore impact is key – every member of the delegation must come away from the experience feeling energised, enthused, inspired and with a mind buzzing with opportunity for collaboration, development, change, and celebration. The aim of any collective gathering is to leave feeling empowered to make a greater impact on young children’s lives, as we know that it is in the early years that impact is most critical. 

We know that from birth to age 5, a child’s brain develops more, and more rapidly, than at any other time in life. And while genetics plays a significant role, scientific research has made clear that:

1️⃣ The qualityof a child’s experiences in the first few years of life – positive or negative – helps shape how their brain develops.

2️⃣ These experiences have a lasting impact on their health and ability to learn and succeed in school and in life.

The human brain, the command center of the entire body, is the only organ not fully developed at birth. At birth, the average baby’s brain is about a quarter of the size of the average adult brain. Incredibly, it doubles in size in the first year and keeps growing to about 80% of adult size by age 3 and 90% – nearly full grown – by age 5. 

A newborn baby has all the brain cells (neurones) they will have for the rest of their life, but what really makes the brain work – and enables us to move, think, communicate and just about everything else – are the connections between those cells. Therefore, the early years of a child's life are a crucial time for making those connections – at least one million new neural connections (synapses) every second, far more than at any other time in life.

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  • 个人

  • 社交

  • 情感

  • 心理

  • 学习轨迹



—— 理论物理学家阿尔伯·爱因斯坦



拥有一支经验丰富的幼教团队是一大幸事。我们能够召集全集团的专家来支持我们的目标,或是帮助我们打磨目标。同时,我们也邀请了不同实践领域的专家为大家提供启发性的专业发展,以补充会议主题 “赋能卓越教育”。


It is widely accepted and undisputed that the earliest years of a child’s life will have a significant impact on the:

· personal

· social

· emotional

· psychological

· academic 

· trajectory

that their life will take. Therefore, the importance of quality early years educational experiences plays a critical role.

"Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think. "

—— Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist

Knowing what we know about child development in the early years, neuroscience research and brain development, and the power of the experiences a child is exposed to, creating a conference that promotes high-quality educational experiences is therefore imperative. And that is what we were able to successfully do; because we have such a wealth of experience within the early years team, we were able to guarantee that everyone got exactly what they wanted from the experience. 

The power of a coming together of minds that share a collective vision and purpose can never be underestimated. The rich and meaningful dialogue that takes place can only happen when everyone has a desire to achieve the same goals, the open, honest and challenging conversations can only occur when there is a high level of trust between the attendees, and when they have worked together for a substantial period of time, it flows, as the reservation of meeting someone for the first time is long gone.

Being privileged in having access to the level of experience that we have within the team, we were able to call upon experts from across the Group to support and challenge thinking around our purpose, whilst also inviting experts in specific aspects of practice to provide thought provoking professional development to complement the overarching conference theme of embedding quality.

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通过Greg Bottrill进行文化素养学习领域的专门培训。







—— 哲学家、教育家约翰·杜威


Within the three-day period, we were able to deep dive into the areas of :

Assessment: the purpose and impact of meaningful assessment, ensuring rigour of the data produced

Data stories: making meaning of the numbers produced from assessment – what do we learn and where do we go next when planning for learning and progress

Maximising learning through quality provision: ensuring that we provide access to all learning disciplines and domains, and promote the Little Lions curriculum in every learning space

 Literacy-specific training in the learning domain of literacy by the inimitable Greg Bottrill

Classroom-based sessions to consider how best to thread all learning disciplines and domains of the 

Little Lions curriculum into the environment and practice, so that we maximise the learning potential for every unique and individual child

Identifying key priorities as an Early Years Network for next academic year – where do we go from here?

We have confidence in our Early Years identity; we are clear in our vision and purpose and the opportunity to gather our collective minds serves to reinforce this. The world of education evolves continuously, and our role is to be responsive to change, ensuring that we remain relevant and current whilst maintaining our vision and identity. To do so doesn’t always mean the need for external experts, but rather maximising the use of the internal experts that we already have. 

Thankfully, we are able to celebrate our experts and share best and evidence-informed practice, so that we ensure that when we are with the children I our charge, that we make the most of every second (and every million new neural connections).

"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. "

—— John Dewey,

philosopher and educational reformer



Moving forward, 

our education experts will be sharing more

insightful tips on early years education, so stay tuned!


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for a one-to-one consultation!






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