

欢迎更多新老师加入佛山霍利斯,期待在新学年跟同学们见面!More New Teachers Join LEHF!

08-12 08:19发布于广东


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Michelle Babb


Ms Babb 是一位充满热情和反思能力的教育工作者,拥有超过7年的教学经验,曾在英国、科威特和缅甸的小学任教。在加入佛山霍利斯之前,她在缅甸的一所英国学校担任KS2教师,同时担任数学学科的负责人。她成功地在小学部推广了数学教学,并协助全校开展STEM挑战赛。她的教学经验包括帮助学生在长时间的在线学习后重返学校,并根据需要提供英语作为附加语言的支持。在担任教职之前,Ms Babb曾在英国皇家空军担任分析员职务,并在执行任务期间提供语言支持,这也培养她出色的领导能力。

Ms Babb 拥有格拉斯哥大学的英语语言硕士学位和坎布里亚大学的小学教育研究生证书(PGCE)及英国教师资格证书(QTS)。



Adam Duckworth


Mr Duckworth 是一位资深的英语教师,拥有超过20年的英国和中国国际学校的教学经验。在他丰富的教学经历中,他的职责涵盖了教授IGCSE和IBDP英语、开发课程以及支持有英语学习需求的学生。Mr Duckworth 还担任过多种领导职务,包括学习主任和英语协调员。他的教学理念强调创造一个支持性和高参与度的学习环境,致力于培养学生的求知欲和独立思考能力。

Mr Duckworth 拥有兰卡斯特大学的学士学位、伯明翰大学的教育研究生证书(PGCE)以及莱斯特大学的应用语言学硕士学位。

Kathryn Hollowood


Ms Hollowood 是一位热情的英语文学和语言教师,致力于激发学生对阅读、写作和批判性思维的兴趣。Ms Hollowood 拥有超过10年的教育经验,擅长教授IGCSE英语第一语言和英语第二语言课程,开发引人入胜的课程,帮助学生备考。在加入佛山霍利斯之前,她在深圳的一所英国学校任教,同时担任8-9年级的年级主任和儿童安全保护负责人。

Ms Hollowood 拥有格洛斯特大学的英语文学和英语语言荣誉学士学位,以及德比大学的中学教育国际研究生证书(IPGCE)。她还拥有TES和COBIS颁发的安全和心理健康意识的认证证书。

Zdislava Kingsley-Mills


Mrs Kingsley-Mills 是一位专业的多语种戏剧教师和戏剧从业者,拥有4年的教学经验。在加入佛山霍利斯之前,她在英国的一所学校教授戏剧,并担任培生爱德思的GCSE戏剧外访考官。Mrs Kingsley-Mills热衷于帮助学生通过戏剧创意表达自己,并在此过程中增强自信心。作为GCSE戏剧外访考官,她熟悉了解关于中学戏剧教育标准和考试要求,能给学生们提供关于戏剧学科的更深刻的见解。

Mrs Kingsley-Mills 拥有南威尔士大学的戏剧与戏剧一等荣誉学士学位,通过格林威治大学的CTSN项目获得的教育研究生证书(PGCE),以及安格利亚鲁斯金大学的心理学硕士学位。她还持有开放大学的TEFL证书。

Gustavo Buerkle


Mr Buerkle 是一位经验丰富的西班牙语教师,在英国本地学校任教将近10年。在加入佛山霍利斯之前,他在英国的 Stamford Endowed 学校担任西班牙语教师,给7-13年级学生教授西班牙语。他的职责包括担任班级主任,并组织乒乓球俱乐部和西班牙语俱乐部。Mr Buerkle热衷于分享西班牙语言和文化,致力于让语言教学充满乐趣,从而有效帮助学生提升学习效果。他曾在多个国家生活和旅行,拥有独特的跨文化理解力和全球视角,这有助于他开发、设计和创新课程教学。

Mr Buerkle 先生拥有曼彻斯特大学的西班牙语、葡萄牙语和拉丁美洲研究荣誉学士学位,以及曼彻斯特城市大学的教育研究生证书(PGCE)和英国教师资格证(QTS)。

林菡滋 Ella Lin


林菡滋老师是一位充满活力、思想开明并善于反思的国际中文老师,拥有10年K12国际教育经验,对国际课程体系以及IGCSE、A Level、YCT和HSK等国际中文课程有着深入的了解。她曾在中国和泰国的国际学校担任教职,同时兼任剑桥大学国际考评部IGCSE中文学科的官方阅卷官,以及香港国际青少年中文写作比赛的官方评委。在工作期间,林老师成功开发并执行了高效的中文教学计划,显著提高了学生的成绩。林老师深信自己是一名教育推动者,专注于唤醒每个孩子的内在潜能,引领他们走上终生学习和探索的道路。




Gregory Molinari


Mr Molinari 是一位经验丰富的教师,拥有超过20年的教学和升学指导经验,曾在美国和中国任教。在Mr Molinari的职业生涯中,他曾在美国加利福尼亚州教授过多门学科,如世界历史、经济学、美国历史、英语和美国政府。他曾在中国多所学校工作,专注于英语教学和升学指导咨询。他的职责包括为学生准备大学申请、指导他们撰写申请文书,并为AP和牛剑项目提供支持。

Mr Molinari拥有加州大学伯克利分校的历史学士学位、加州大学洛杉矶分校的国际和比较教育硕士学位,以及加州州立大学长滩分校的教师资格证书。



Steven Coates


Mr Coates 是一位经验丰富且专业敬业的体育教师和体育学科负责人。他在英国、巴哈马、西班牙和中国的多所国际学校拥有超过20年的教学和领导经验。Mr Coates热衷于为教职员工和学生创造一个安全、积极且充满关怀的环境。他在课程开发、学生评估和提供身心健康支持方面卓有建树。此前,他在中国一所学校担任体育学科主任及学院负责人,强化了体育设施管理,管理部门预算和资源,并领导教师培训和发展。

Mr Coates 拥有谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学的体育教育荣誉学士学位及英国教师资格证(QTS)。他持有的资质证书包括游泳、篮球和足球的二级教练证书,并完成了多项专业发展培训课程。

Nicholas Lomas


Mr Lomas 是一位专业且积极活跃的体育教师,曾在卡塔尔和英国任教超过7年,教学对象覆盖各年级学生。在加入佛山霍利斯之前,Mr Lomas曾在多哈一所学校担任体育学科负责人,领导体育部门,指导新晋教师,并监督体育课程和评估。他也曾在英国学校里教授体育,在课程规划、学生评估和推广体育活动方面作出了贡献。他在领导部门发展、建立男女生校队以及培养运动员学生方面取得了成功,以及在学生关怀工作方面表现出色而备获认可。

Mr Lomas 拥有谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学的体育文化与社会学士学位和利兹贝克特大学的小学体育教育的教育研究生证书(PGCE)。



Thomas Fitzpatrick


Mr Fitzpatrick 拥有曼彻斯特大学的历史荣誉学士学位,善于批判分析和沟通的能力有助于他担任英语教学支持教师一职。他拥有多元化的教育和客户服务经历,例如他曾在意大利的Interski机构协调不同学校团队的滑雪假期安排和沟通,这提升了他的组织和沟通能力。Mr Fitzpatrick致力于营造一个包容和支持的学习环境,帮助学生提高英语语言技能和自信心。



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Following our previous article introducing the new STEAM teachers (click here to review), we are excited to present another group of outstanding teachers joining LEH Foshan for the academic year 2024-2025. This article highlights these exceptional educators joining our Prep School, Humanities, Modern Languages, and Physical Education faculties. These dedicated professionals bring a wealth of experience, a passion for their subjects, and a commitment to nurturing the intellectual and physical development of our students. Let’s meet the talented individuals who will be guiding our students in these essential areas of learning.


Prep School 

Michelle Babb

Prep Teacher

Ms Babb is an enthusiastic and reflective educator with over 7 years of experience teaching in Key Stages 1 and 2, primarily in Years 4 to 6, in the UK, Kuwait and Myanmar. Before joining LEH Foshan, she was a KS2 Teacher at a British school in Myanmar where she also served as the Maths Learning Lead. In this role, she successfully introduced mastery maths teaching throughout the primary department and assisted in delivering whole-school STEM challenges. Her experience includes aiding children in their return to school after significant periods of online learning and providing EAL support as needed. Ms Babb’s background also includes a career in the Royal Air Force as an analyst, where she developed strong leadership skills and provided real-time linguistic support during live operations.

Md Babb holds a Master of Arts in English Language from the University of Glasgow and a PGCE in Primary Education with QTS from the University of Cumbria.



Adam Duckworth

Second in English Department

Mr Duckworth is an accomplished English teacher with over 20 years of teaching experience in schools in the UK and international schools in China. In his extensive teaching experience, his responsibilities have ranged from teaching IGCSE and IBDP English, developing curricula, and supporting students with English language learning needs. Mr Duckworth has also held leadership roles, including Director of Studies and English Coordinator. His teaching philosophy emphasises creating a supportive and engaging learning environment that fosters intellectual curiosity and independent thought.

Mr Duckworth holds a Bachelor’s degree from Lancaster University, a PGCE from the University of Birmingham, and a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics from Leicester University.

Kathryn Hollowood

Teacher of English/Drama

Ms Hollowood is a passionate English literature and language teacher with a passion for inspiring a lifelong love of reading, writing, and critical thinking in her students. Ms Hollowood has over 10 years’ experience in education and with experience teaching IGCSE English as a First Language and English as a Second Language, she is skilled in developing engaging curricula and preparing students for international exams. In her previous position, she taught at a British school in Shenzhen where she was also the Head of Year for Y8-9 and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Ms Hollowood holds a BA (Hons) in English Literature and English Language from the University of Gloucestershire and an IPGCE in Secondary Education from the University of Derby. She has additional certifications in safeguarding and mental health awareness from TES and COBIS.

Zdislava Kingsley-Mills

Teacher of Drama

Mrs Kingsley-Mills is a dedicated and qualified multi-lingual Drama teacher and practitioner with 4 years experience. Before joining LEH Foshan, she was teaching Drama at a school in the UK and serves as a GCSE Drama Visiting Examiner for Pearson Edexcel. Mrs Kingsley-Mills is passionate about helping students express themselves creatively and develop their confidence through drama. Her experience as a GCSE Drama Visiting Examiner has provided her with valuable insights into the standards and expectations of drama education at the secondary level.

Mrs Kingsley-Mills holds a First Class BA (Hons) Degree in Theatre and Drama from the University of South Wales, a PGCE from CTSN via the University of Greenwich, and a Master’s Degree in Psychology at Anglia Ruskin University. Her qualifications include a TEFL certificate from the Open University. 

Gustavo Buerkle

Teacher of Spanish

Mr Buerkle is an experienced Spanish teacher with a rich background and nearly 10 years’ experience in diverse educational settings across the UK. His last position is as a Spanish teacher at Stamford Endowed Schools in the UK, where he teaches all year groups from Y7 to Y13. His roles included being a form tutor, and co-leading the Table Tennis Club and Spanish Club. Mr Buerkle has a strong commitment to integrating engaging and effective language education. His global perspective and expertise in curriculum development have been key to his success. He is passionate about sharing the Spanish language and culture and has a unique cross-cultural understanding gained from living in multiple countries and extensive travel.

Mr Buerkle holds a BA (Hons) in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American Studies from the University of Manchester, and a PGCE with QTS from Manchester Metropolitan University.

Ella Lin

Teacher of Chinese

Ms Ella Lin is a dynamic, open-minded, and reflective international Chinese language teacher with 10 years of experience in K-12 international education. She possesses an in-depth understanding of various international curricula, including IGCSE, A Level, YCT, and HSK Chinese courses. Ms Lin has taught at international schools in China and Thailand and has served as an official examiner for the IGCSE Chinese subject with the University of Cambridge International Examinations. Additionally, she is an official judge for the Hong Kong International Youth Chinese Writing Competition. Throughout her career, Ms Lin has successfully developed and implemented effective Chinese teaching plans, significantly boosting her students’ exam scores. She is a dedicated education advocate, committed to unlocking each child’s inner potential and guiding them on a journey of lifelong learning and discovery.

Ms Lin holds a Master’s degree in Teaching Chinese as an International Language from Jinan University, a Master’s degree in International Teaching from Framingham State University in the United States, and a Bachelor’s degree in Bioengineering from Zhejiang University of Technology. She also holds a Chinese Language Teacher Certificate and an International Chinese Teacher Certificate.



Gregory Molinari

University Counsellor & Teacher of Social Science

Mr Molinari is a seasoned educator with over 20 years of experience teaching and counselling in the USA and China. Throughout his career, Mr Molinari has taught various subjects such as World History, Economics, US History, English, and American Government in California. He has also worked in several schools in China, focusing on English instruction and college preparation counselling. His responsibilities have included preparing students for college applications, guiding them through essay writing, and providing extensive support for AP and Oxbridge programmes.

Mr Molinari holds a BA in History from UC Berkeley, an MA in International and Comparative Education from UCLA, and a teaching credential from CSULB.


Physical Education

Steven Coates

Head of Physical Education

Mr Coates is an experienced and dedicated Physical Education teacher and Head of PE with a proven track record of leading and motivating both staff and students. He has over 20 years of experience in teaching and leadership roles in schools in the UK and various international schools in the Bahamas, Spain and China. Mr Coates is passionate about creating a safe, secure, and nurturing environment for both staff and students. He is skilled in curriculum development, student assessment, and providing pastoral care. Previously, he served as the Head of Physical Education and House in China, where he strengthened the sports provision, managed department budgets and resources, and led teacher training and development.

Mr Coates holds a BSc (Hons) in Physical Education with Education and QTS from Sheffield Hallam University. His qualifications include Level 2 coaching certificates in swimming, basketball, and football, as well as various professional development training courses.

Nicholas Lomas

Teacher of Physical Education

Mr Lomas is a dedicated and highly motivated Physical Education teacher with over 7 years of experience across all key stages in Qatar and the UK. Before joining LEH Foshan, Mr Lomas served as the Head of PE in Doha, where he led the PE department, mentored early career teachers, and oversaw the PE curriculum and assessment. His previous roles include teaching PE at UK schools, where he contributed to curriculum planning, student assessment, and the promotion of physical activity. He has proven success in leading a department, boys and girls sports teams and high quality individuals, as well as being recognised for the pastoral work with individuals that he has taught over the years.

Mr Lomas holds a BA in Sports Culture and Society from Sheffield Hallam University and a Primary PGCE with a PE Specialism from Leeds Beckett University.


Learning Support

Thomas Fitzpatrick

ELA Teacher & House Parent

Mr Fitzpatrick holds a BA (Hons) in History from the University of Manchester and brings a strong background in critical analysis and communication to his role as an ELA teacher. He has experience in education and customer service, including coordinating school ski holidays at Interski in Italy, where he developed his organisational and communication skills. Mr Fitzpatrick is committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment, helping students develop their English language skills and confidence.

Shaping Futures Together

We are thrilled to welcome these outstanding teachers to the LEH Foshan family. Their expertise and enthusiasm for teaching will significantly enrich our students’ holistic learning experiences. Together, we will continue to nurture a supportive and dynamic learning environment, preparing our students for success in leading universities worldwide and beyond.









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