Dr. Chen, Dr. Mills, Mr. Wayne, Mr. Grewal, Ms. Alba, Mr. Detwiler (from left to right)
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2024年7月25日-27日,西亚斯外籍人员子女学校理事会成员齐聚加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳市,举行了第一次理事务虚会。本次会议由世界知名理事会管理专家里克·德特维勒(Rick Detwiler)主持并为成员提供了为期两天的培训。会上,理事会成员从战略层面上厘清角色并明确重任。
From July 25th to 27th, 2024, the Board of Directors of Sias International School gathered in Pasadena, California for their first retreat. The two-day training was facilitated by world-renowned board governance expert Rick Detwiler. During the retreat, the Board members focused on understanding their roles and responsibilities.
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As a result of this first retreat, the Board members identified two primary roles: 1) supporting the school's mission, and 2) acting strategically to ensure the school's future for the next generation of students.
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To fulfill these roles, the Board also recognized three primary responsibilities: 1) fiduciary oversight, including approving the budget, 2) policy development, guiding the work of the school, and 3) managing the Head of School, which includes hiring, firing, evaluating, and supporting the head of school.
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At present the Sias IS Board of Directors has four voting members and 1 Ex officio:
Dr. Shawn Chen- Chairman
Mr. Wayne Wang- Member
Mrs. Alba Carollo- Member
Mr. Randeep Grewal- Member
Dr. Sam E. Mills- Ex officio
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The retreat provided a wonderful opportunity for learning, building stronger relationships, prioritizing strategic goals for the 2024-2025 school year, and offering continued strategic support to Sias International School.
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We also would like to share the detail introduction about our board members.