
教育者的终身学习:教师持续专业发展赋能未来课堂 Meet Mr Holt, Our New CPD Coordinator



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我们非常荣幸地欢迎 Mr Paul Holt 加入佛山霍利斯,担任我们的教师持续专业发展(CPD)协调员兼物理学科主任。Mr Holt 拥有15年丰富的国际教育经验,曾在新西兰和中国的学校担任教学和领导职位,对推动教师团队的合作与成长充满热情。加入佛山霍利斯之前,他曾在深圳一所顶尖国际学校带领 IGCSE 物理学科部门的发展,并在指导教师与推动创新方面表现出色而备受认可。

什么是 CPD?CPD 为什么很重要?


Mrs Arden



在 Mr Holt 的带领下,我们正致力于构建一个宏大且激励人心的教师持续专业发展计划,鼓励团队协作、创新精神以及教师的持续成长。为了更好地了解 Mr Holt 的丰富经验和他对佛山霍利斯教师持续专业发展计划的愿景,我们特别邀请他分享了自己的看法。



Mr Holt 先生坦言,促使他加入佛山霍利斯的主要原因,是他在拜访学校期间感受到的温馨包容的文化氛围以及学校的巨大成长潜力。他说:“我在踏入学校的时候就立刻能感受到它的文化氛围。佛山霍利斯正在快速发展,我很兴奋能够加入和参与这段成长旅程。我从一开始就感受到教师们对学生充满了关心与了解。在这里,我看到了许多让学生和教职工建立紧密联系的机会。”

他还特别提到了学校领导的充分支持,尤其是校长 Mrs Arden 十分鼓励他担任教师持续专业发展协调员角色。“她看到了我的优势,并给了我一个有足够发挥空间的职位角色。如果你有好的想法并愿意为之努力,学校会给予你最大的支持,” Mr Holt 补充道。



Mr Holt 的一大优势在于他的团队凝聚力。在深圳工作期间,他通过鼓励教师分享教学策略,成功转变了他所领导的物理系的团队文化。他说道:“合作与互相学习是我们工作的核心。”此外,他还参与组织了国际性的教师持续专业发展培训课程和教育会议,吸引了来自亚洲各地的教育工作者参与。

Mr Holt 对教师持续专业发展的信念是他担任佛山霍利斯教师持续专业发展协调员的核心理念之一。

在像佛山霍利斯这样一所新兴学校担任教师持续专业发展负责人是一件非常令人激动的事情,因为学校正处在快速发展阶段,我们有机会从最基本开始,建立一个优秀的教师持续专业发展计划。我们也非常幸运,拥有众多经验丰富的教师,这意味着我们拥有巨大的潜力可以发掘。作为教师持续专业发展负责人,我的目标是找到方法,让教师们能够分享他们的经验和智慧。正如知名教育学家 Dylan Wiliam 所说,‘我们总有可以提升的空间’,这是我希望佛山霍利斯推广的思维模式。

在加入佛山霍利斯后的短时间内,Mr Holt 已经着手落实他的理念和初步计划,成立了教师持续专业发展委员会,以确保教师专业发展能够广泛吸收和代表不同学科教师的声音。“集思广益总胜于独断专行,” Mr Holt 强调了从不同教师中收集反馈意见、量身定制教师持续专业发展计划的重要性。

Mr Holt 先生还推出了“TeachMeet”项目,鼓励教师们分享经过实际课堂检验的实用教学方法。他说道:“我相信,最好的专业发展应该是实用且立竿见影的,能够立即应用于课堂教学中。因此,我十分认可‘TeachMeets’这种项目,它能为教师提供切实可行的教学策略。”



Mr Holt 对佛山霍利斯的教师持续专业发展有着宏大的规划,核心目标是营造一种持续改进的文化氛围。他表示:“我对未来充满期待。建立一个成功的教师持续专业发展计划项目需要时间,以及关键在于培养成长型思维。我们希望将专业发展融入学校的日常生活中,不仅仅是通过一次性活动,而是通过持续性的项目,比如教师导师项目、团队教学以及合作规划。”他提到,接下来即将开展的项目包括“每周微调”和教师导师项目,这将有助于营造一个充满活力的环境,让教师们在成长的道路上获得支持和鼓励。

Mr Holt 还非常关注教师持续专业发展计划对学生学习成果的积极影响。他解释道:“优秀的教学能够对学生产生直接的影响,而有效的教师持续专业发展计划确保教师不断提升他们的教学技能。最终,我们希望学生从最优质的教学中受益,不论是当下还是未来。”

凭借丰富的经验和对教师持续专业发展的热情,Mr Holt 已经给佛山霍利斯的教师和学生中带来了积极影响。我们期待他所推动的各项举措,继续引领我们学校教职员工的专业发展。

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We are delighted to welcome Mr Paul Holt to LEH Foshan as our new Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Coordinator and Head of Physics. With an impressive 15 years of experience in international education, including leadership roles in both New Zealand and China, Mr Holt brings a passion for fostering collaboration and growth within teaching teams. His most recent role was leading the IGCSE Physics department at a top international school in Shenzhen, where he developed a reputation for mentoring staff and driving innovation.

What is CPD and why is it important? 

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) refers to the ongoing training, learning, and professional growth of teachers and staff within a school. At LEH Foshan, we believe that CPD is essential for maintaining high educational standards and ensuring that our students receive the best possible education. By investing in our staff, we create a culture of continuous learning, where teachers regularly share best practices, refine their skills, and stay at the forefront of educational advancements.

Mrs Arden


Professional development is at the heart of what we do as educators, and it’s through continuous learning that we model the 8C of craftsmanship for our students. By refining our skills and staying at the forefront of educational practices, we ensure that we not only deliver the highest standards of teaching but also demonstrate the value of lifelong learning. This commitment to excellence empowers us to nurture the same dedication in our students, inspiring them to embrace their own learning journeys.

With Mr Holt leading the way, we are building an inspiring CPD programme that fosters teamwork, innovation, and the continuous growth of every educator. To learn more about Mr Holt’s experience and his vision for CPD at LEH Foshan, we sat down with him.

A Passion for 

Building Communities

Mr Holt shared that his decision to join LEH Foshan was guided by the welcoming and inclusive culture he experienced during his visits to the school and its potential for growth. “I firmly believe you can learn a lot about a school’s culture the moment you walk through the door,” he explains. “LEH Foshan is growing, and I’m excited to be part of that journey. There’s a great opportunity to develop strong relationships with both students and staff, and I could see from the start how much the teachers here know and care about their students.”

He also highlighted the school’s supportive leadership, noting how Headteacher Mrs Arden was instrumental in encouraging him to take on the CPD Coordinator role. “She recognised my strengths and gave me the chance to take on a position I believe suits me well. If you have good ideas and the drive to see them through, this school is very open and supportive of people taking initiative,” he added.

A Vision for 

Professional Growth

One of Mr Holt’s core strengths is his ability to bring people together. During his time in Shenzhen, he transformed the culture of his Physics department by encouraging staff to share teaching strategies and ideas. “Collaboration and learning from one another were at the heart of what we did,” he says. His efforts extended beyond the classroom, organising CPD training sessions and conferences that brought together educators from across Asia.

His belief in the importance of continuous learning and professional development is central to his approach as CPD Coordinator at LEH Foshan. 

Being a CPD leader at a new school like this one is incredibly exciting, because the school is still quite young and we have the chance to develop a great programme from the start. We are also fortunate to have so many experienced teachers here and therefore a huge amount of potential for growth. My goal as CPD leader is to find ways for teachers to share that wealth of experience with each other. As Dylan Wiliam says, ‘We can always improve,’ and that’s the mindset I hope to foster.

At LEH Foshan, Mr Holt has already applied the same principles, launching a CPD Committee to ensure that staff development is driven by a shared vision. “Many heads are better than one,” Mr Holt noted, emphasising the importance of gathering input from staff to tailor the CPD programme to the school’s unique needs.

Mr Holt has also introduced the TeachMeet initiative, a programme that encourages teachers to share practical, classroom-tested ideas with one another. “I believe that the best professional development is practical and can be applied immediately to improve teaching and learning,” he explains. “That’s why I’m a big fan of TeachMeets—they provide teachers with strategies they can use right away in their lessons.”

Looking to 

the Future

Mr Holt has big plans for the CPD programme at LEH Foshan, with a focus on creating a culture of continuous improvement. “I’m excited about what’s ahead,” he says. “Building a successful CPD programme takes time, but it’s all about fostering a mindset of growth. We want to integrate professional development into the daily life of the school, not just through one-off events but through ongoing initiatives like mentoring, team teaching, and collaborative planning.” Upcoming initiatives, such as “Tweak of the Week” and teacher mentoring systems, aim to foster a dynamic environment where staff feel supported and inspired to grow.

He is also keen to ensure that the benefits of CPD extend beyond staff development to impact student learning outcomes. “Great teaching has a direct impact on students, and effective CPD helps ensure that teachers are continually improving their skills. Ultimately, we want our students to benefit from the best teaching possible, both now and in the future,” Mr Holt explains.

With his wealth of experience and a passion for developing others, Mr Holt is already making a positive impact on the staff and students at LEH Foshan. We’re excited to see how his initiatives will continue to shape the future of professional development at our school.









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