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作为河南省唯一一所国际学校,西亚斯外籍学校邀请资深的升学指导官——哈佛大学前招生办副主任Dr. Grace Cheng Dodge为在校学生和家长提供专业的升学指导服务。

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Sias International School (Sias IS), the first and only international school in Henan, invited Dr. Grace Cheng Dodge as our College and Career Consultant. She was formerly the Associate Director of Admissions at Harvard University and will provide professional support to our students and parents.

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On September 23rd and 24th, lectures will be provided to in-school parents. On September 27th, individual sessions will be provided to parents from outside the school.

9月23日(Sept. 23 )3:00-4:15


In-school Parent Talk: Lower Grades - MYP3: How Sias International School will Prepare Your Students for Their University Futures

9月24日(Sept. 24)4:15-5:15


In-school Parent Talk: Diploma Program and Career Counseling Overview

9月27日(Sept. 27)9:00-11:00


Outside-of-school Parent Talk: What kind of students do overseas colleges prefer? How to plan for your child's education?

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In-school parent sessions are by invitation only. Please check and sign up through the Dingtalk group. For parents from outside of school, you can sign up for a session by scanning the QR code at the end of the article to make an appointment. We will share information on overseas university admissions and on how parents can effectively empower students during the university application process.

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Dr. Grace Cheng Dodge毕业于哈佛大学,是哈佛大学前招生副主任,也曾任台北美国学校总校长、著名美国女子文理学院韦尔斯利大学招生总监。是一位有着丰富经验的学校管理者、升学导师以及大学招生专家,尤其在美国院校申请流程上有着专业的知识及独到的见解。

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Dr. Grace Cheng Dodge graduated from Harvard University. She worked as the Associate Director of Admissions at Harvard University. She also served as the Head of School of Taipei American School and the Director of Admissions at Wellesley College, a prestigious American liberal arts college for girls. Dr. Dodge is an experienced school administrator, college advisor, and university admissions specialist with specialized knowledge and unique insights into the application process for U.S. colleges and universities.

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在西亚斯外籍学校,我们不仅积极践行纯正的国际化教育理念,同时也为学生的大学申请提供多方面支持。高年级学生们可以获得Dr. Grace提供的1v1个性化升学辅导。同时,在校家长可以通过不同主题的升学指导讲座,积极获取大学申请信息,并为孩子提供有力有效的支持。

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At Sias IS, we are committed to providing genuine international education and offering extensive support in College and Career Counseling. Middle Year students have access to personalized university and career counseling with Dr. Grace. Additionally, parents can access information about university applications and participate in university admissions seminars covering various topics to better support their children.

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Scan the QR code below to register for the Harvard University Admissions Officer's College Admissions Seminar. Don't miss this excellent opportunity to help your child realize their dreams!






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