
教育因热爱而茁壮:预备部新任教师 Ms Babb 的教育旅程和理念 Meet Ms Babb, Y5 Teacher



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我们很高兴向大家介绍佛山霍利斯预备部今年新增的主班老师 Ms Michelle Babb。她是一位充满热情且富有反思精神的教师,拥有七年以上在英国及国际学校教授小学关键阶段一和二课程的经验。在加入佛山霍利斯之前,Ms Babb 曾在缅甸的一所英国学校担任小学教师,并负责数学课程的领导工作,倡导精通式学习法,并组织全校范围的 STEM 挑战活动。她拥有格拉斯哥大学的英语语言硕士学位,以及坎布里亚大学的小学教育 PGCE 证书和英国教师资格证(QTS)。此外,她还曾在英国皇家空军担任分析员,这段经历使她培养了出色的领导力和团队协作能力。




Ms Babb 对教育的热情源自家庭。“我之所以成为老师,原因是我的母亲,她将毕生奉献给了教育事业。” Ms Babb 在母亲的熏陶下,对学习产生了浓厚的兴趣——如今,她正在将这种求知欲传递给她的学生们。“能够点燃学生们的好奇心,培养他们对学习的热爱,就像我的母亲曾经为我做的,是让我继续进行教学工作的重要动力。能够看到学生们‘恍然大悟’的表情样子和理解新鲜概念时的欣喜表情,这种体验是无比动人的。”

当谈到是什么吸引她来到佛山霍利斯时,Ms Babb 表示她对中国丰富的文化与历史充满兴趣,同时也期待为一所新学校的成长贡献自己力量。自到校以来,Ms Babb 深受同事们的友好和学生们积极态度的感染。“我最欣赏的是这里浓厚的社区意识,”她分享道,“教师和学生之间的合作精神,营造了一个让每个人都能蓬勃发展的环境。

Ms Mandy Bateman


预备部主任 Ms Mandy Bateman 指出,Ms Babb 的教学风格注重学生的参与和主动性。

她努力激发学生的好奇心,鼓励他们深入探索问题,并培养他们的批判性思维。Ms Babb目标不只是让学生们理解课程内容,而且是能自信地表达自己的想法——这些品质正是佛山霍利斯特别看重的。




Ms Babb 的教学风格重在积极参与和激发好奇心。“我力求通过激发孩子们的好奇心,将他们带入每个学习主题,鼓励他们进一步探索问题。”她希望自己的课堂是一个充满活力的空间,在这里好奇心得以成长,学生们在合作和探讨中学会思考,而不仅仅是接受信息。她的最终目标是帮助学生们掌握必备的技能,特别是学校倡导的“8C”价值观,为他们未来的学习和生活打下坚实的基础。


在英国、科威特和缅甸的教学经历,为 Ms Babb 带来了丰富的教育视角和灵活的教学方法。她学会了根据不同文化背景学生的需求调整教学方式,确保每个孩子都能得到充分的关怀和支持。她认为自己是一个引导者——在尊重和支持每个孩子个性的同时,培养他们的潜力,让他们在学习中茁壮成长。

Ms Bateman 还补充道:

自加入学校以来,Ms Babb 将她的课堂打造为一个充满活力的学习环境,在每节课中,她都鼓励学生提问,探索自己的兴趣,培养他们独立学习和批判性思维的能力。




Ms Babb 老师目前担任的班级取名为“向日葵班”,这一名称反映了她对成长和积极心态的关注。“向日葵象征着成长、积极向上,以及每个孩子带来的那股充满活力的能量。”她解释道。到学年结束时,她希望学生们能够为自己感到自豪——他们将成为年轻学生的榜样,做好准备迎接新的挑战,并具备足够的韧性和同情心,以应对未来不断变化的世界。

课余时间,Ms Babb 喜欢阅读、探索博物馆和艺术画廊,或欣赏一部戏剧或电影。她从艺术、文学和戏剧中汲取灵感,用这些时刻为自己充电,以便在课堂上呈现最好的自己。

凭借她对教育的热情与丰富的教学经验,Ms Babb无疑是我们预备部团队的宝贵成员之一。我们期待在她的带领下,“向日葵班”的学生们能够茁壮成长!

如果您想跟 Ms Babb 以及我们的预备部英籍教师见面交流,欢迎参加我们10月19日的预备部开放日活动。

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We are excited to introduce Ms Michelle Babb, an enthusiastic and reflective educator with over seven years of experience teaching in Key Stages 1 and 2, both in the UK and internationally. Before joining LEH Foshan, Ms Babb worked as a Key Stage 2 teacher at a British school in Myanmar, where she led the Maths curriculum, championing mastery-based learning and organising whole-school STEM challenges. Ms Babb holds a Master of Arts in English Language from the University of Glasgow and a PGCE in Primary Education with QTS from the University of Cumbria. Her background also includes service in the Royal Air Force as an analyst, where she developed strong leadership skills and a keen sense of collaboration.


Journey in Education

From Homegrown Inspiration 

to LEH Foshan

What sparked Ms Babb’s passion for education? It all began at home. “My passion for teaching was first ignited by my mother, who dedicated her life to education,” she shares. Growing up surrounded by her mother's love for teaching, Ms Babb developed a curiosity for learning—a curiosity she now loves to pass on to her students. “What continues to motivate me is the opportunity to inspire curiosity and foster a love of learning in my students, just as my mother did for me. There's something incredibly rewarding about sharing those 'aha!' moments with students, watching their faces light up as they grasp new concepts.”

When asked what drew her to LEH Foshan, Ms Babb speaks warmly of her interest in China’s rich culture and history, and the opportunity to contribute to the growth of a new school. Since she arrived, Ms Babb has been touched by the kindness of her colleagues and the positive attitude of her students. “The sense of community is what I appreciate most,” she explains. “The collaborative spirit among staff and students creates an environment where everyone can thrive.

Ms Mandy Bateman

Head of the Prep School

Head of the Prep School, Ms Mandy Bateman, noted that Ms Babb's teaching style is centred on engagement and active participation.

She strives to ignite curiosity, encourages students to explore ideas further, and promotes critical thinking. Ms Babb aims for all her students to develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter and build confidence in expressing their thoughts—qualities that LEH values highly in a Prep School teacher.


A Dynamic Approach

Teaching Style Shaped by 

Global Experience

Ms Babb’s teaching style focuses on active engagement and nurturing curiosity. “I strive to draw children into each topic by igniting their curiosity and encouraging them to explore ideas further,” she says. She aims for her classroom to be a vibrant environment where inquisitiveness flourishes, guiding her students as they collaborate and question rather than simply delivering information. Ultimately, she hopes to equip her students with essential skills, including our 8C values, that will help them thrive beyond their school years.

Roald Dahl Themed Lesson

Her international teaching experiences, spanning the UK, Kuwait, and Myanmar, have enriched her approach to education. Ms Babb has learned to adapt her teaching to meet the diverse needs of students from different cultural backgrounds, ensuring each child feels seen, heard, and supported. She believes her role is to be a facilitator—nurturing each child's potential while respecting and celebrating their individuality.

Ms Bateman also noted,

Since joining, Ms Babb has made her classroom a thriving environment where inquisitiveness flourishes. In each lesson, she encourages students to ask questions and explore their interests, fostering a sense of independence in their learning journey.


Nurturing Potential

The Sunflower Class 

and Their Journey

Ms Babb’s current class, known as the “Sunflower Class,” reflects her focus on growth and positivity. “The sunflower represents growth, positivity, and the vibrant energy that every child brings,” she notes. By the end of the year, her aim is for her students to feel proud of themselves—ready to shine as role models for their younger peers, confident in their readiness for new challenges, and armed with the resilience and compassion needed to navigate an ever-changing world.

Outside of school, Ms Babb loves diving into books, exploring museums and art galleries, and enjoying a play or film. She finds inspiration in art, literature, and theatre, and uses these moments to recharge so she can bring her best self into the classroom each day.

With her passion for education and her wealth of experience, Ms Babb is a wonderful addition to our Prep team. We look forward to seeing the Sunflower Class bloom under her guidance!

If you would like to meet Ms Babb and our team of British Prep teachers in person, we warmly invite you to our Prep School Open Day on 19 October. Please scan the QR Code on the poster to sign up. 









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