

【喜报】创新引领未来,科技点亮梦想——彼一米森林学校在自然科学类科技竞赛中硕果累累 I Celebratory Bulletin

10-18 08:52发布于湖南


在科技创新不断推进的今天,长沙市岳麓区彼一米森林学校始终坚守“植根中华 面向世界 筑梦苍穹”的办学理念,鼓励师生们在自然科学领域进行深入探索与实践。全校师生凭借卓越的表现和非凡的创造力,荣获了多项重要奖项,成果令人瞩目。  

In today's era where innovation continues to advance, Changsha BeeMeeForest School (CBFS) remains steadfast in its mission "to root in China, face the world, and dream of the sky," encouraging teachers and students alike to delve deep into exploration and practice in natural sciences. Through outstanding performances and remarkable creativity, our school community has garnered numerous prestigious awards, achieving commendable results. 


Student Reflection 


Students such as Mandy, Kenny, Max, and Eleanor shared their experiences, emphasizing the importance of logical thinking, perseverance, and continuous learning through programming. 

任洛慷 Kenny

五年级 G5

  • ICode国际青少年编程竞赛全球总决赛银奖

  • ICode国际青少年编程竞赛中国区决赛金奖,晋级全球总决赛

  • ICode国际青少年编程竞赛中国区预赛银奖  

  • 全国青科赛湖南省一等奖 

  • OUCC牛津大学计算机思维挑战赛中国区二等奖 

  • 全国青少年航天创新大赛湖南省区域赛航天创意比赛小学组(3-6年级)二等奖

  • 湖南湘江新区创客节信息类竞赛二等奖  

  • 湖南湘江新区科技节编程竞赛三等奖  

  • Silver Medal (World Level) in the global finals of the ICode International Youth Programming Competition

  • Gold Medal in the National Finals (National Level) of the ICode International Youth Programming Competition, and advancing to Global Finals 

  • Silver Medal in the Preliminary Round (National Level) of the ICode International Youth Programming Competition

  • First Prize of Hunan Province in the National Youth Science and Technology Education Achievement Exhibition Contest

  • Second Prize in the China Division (World Level) of The Oxford University Computing Challenge (OUCC) 

  • Second Prize in the Aerospace Creative Competition Primary School Group (Grades 3-6) of the National Youth Aerospace Innovation Competition Hunan Provincial Regional Competition

  • Second Prize (District Level) in the Hunan Xiangjiang New District STEAM Festival Information Competition

  • Third Prize (District Level) in the Hunan  Xiangjiang New District Programming Competition 


Learning to code has not only taught me how to write programs but, more importantly, it has improved my logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Whenever I encounter tough problems, I try to think from different angles to find the best solution. This kind of thinking helps me not just with coding but also positively impacts my daily life and studies. 


In the future, I'll keep working hard to learn more about programming and improve my skills. Right now, I'm studying C++ with Mr. O’neal, and I plan to participate in informatics Olympiads. Also, I hope more of my classmates will join me in learning to code so we can explore the mysteries of technology together and experience the magic of programming. Finally, I want to say a big thanks to the school for providing such a great learning environment and resources, and to all the teachers and friends who care about and support me. I’ll continue to work hard, live up to everyone's expectations, and make our school proud! 

董心蔓 Mandy

五年级 G5

  • ICode国际青少年编程竞赛中国区预赛铜奖  

  • 全国青科赛湖南省预赛三等奖  

  • 全国青科赛湖南二等奖  

  • ACSL美国计算机科学联盟计算思维竞赛个人优秀奖,并晋级ACSL全明星赛  

  • 湖南湘江新区科技节编程竞赛二等奖  

  • 湖南湘江新区创客节信息类竞赛三等奖  

  • Bronze Medal in the Preliminary Round (National Level) of the ICode International Youth Programming Competition

  • Third Prize in the Preliminary Round (Provincial Level) in the National Youth Science and Technology Education Achievement Exhibition Contest

  • Second Prize (Provincial Level)  in the National Youth Science and Technology Education Achievement Exhibition Contest

  • Excellence Award of the American Computer Science League, who will advance to Global Finals and promotion to the ACSL All Star Game

  • Second Prize (District Level) in the Hunan  Xiangjiang New District Programming Competition 

  • Third Prize (District Level) in the Hunan Xiangjiang New District STEAM Festival Information Competition


Looking back on the days gone by, I started out as a beginner full of curiosity and dreams about programming, and I've grown into someone who can showcase their skills on an international stage. Along this journey, I've come to understand that learning to code is both charming and challenging. 


Through coding, I've learned the importance of logical thinking. Coding isn't just a skill; it's a way of thinking. It taught me how to break down problems and tasks, and turn those ideas into reality through code. Every time I successfully solve a problem, I feel a sense of accomplishment and joy that comes from coding. At the same time, I've realized that learning to code requires patience and perseverance. When faced with complex problems and challenges, I've often felt confused and helpless. But these difficulties have strengthened my resolve and made me even more determined to keep moving forward. 

王梓宸  Max 

五年级 G5

  • ICode国际青少年编程竞赛中国区预赛铜奖  

  • 全国青科赛湖南省预赛三等奖  

  • 全国青科赛湖南省二等奖  

  • ICC全球发明大会中国区湖南省赛区三等奖  

  • 湖南湘江新区科技节编程竞赛三等奖  

  • Bronze Medal in the Preliminary Round (National Level) of the ICode International Youth Programming Competition

  • Third Prize in the Preliminary Round (Provincial Level) in the National Youth Science and Technology Education Achievement Exhibition Contest

  • Second Prize (Provincial Level)  in the National Youth Science and Technology Education Achievement Exhibition Contest

  • Third Prize (Provincial Level) in the ICC Global Invention Convention (China Division)

  • Third Prize (District Level) in the Hunan  Xiangjiang New District Programming Competition 


Looking back on this period of learning and competing, I’ve come to realize that programming is not just a skill—it’s a way of thinking. Learning to code taught me how to break down problems, think logically, and solve issues. Every time I write a program or fix a bug, it makes me more resilient and patient. Coding has shown me that success doesn’t happen overnight; it comes through constant effort and persistence, step by step. 


During the competitions, I met many talented competitors whose skills and hard work really impressed me. At the same time, I became aware of my own shortcomings, which motivates me to keep learning and improving. Every competition is a valuable learning opportunity, helping me grow through competition and progress through challenges. 

刘灵逍 Eleanor 

三年级 G3

当我刚开始学习编程时,心中充满了好奇和期待。代码的世界既神秘又迷人,但同时也让人感到些许畏惧。然而,在曾老师的指导下,我很快发现编程不仅仅是编写代码,它是解决问题、创造解决方案并将想法变为现实的过程。 在他的教导下,我从一个编程新手变成了可以独立使用代码解决实际问题的人。每一堂课都是一场充满挑战和发现的冒险。他对编程的热情极具感染力,激发了我对编码的新爱好。 

When I first started learning programming, I was filled with curiosity and anticipation. The world of code seemed mysterious and fascinating, yet somewhat intimidating. However, under the guidance of Mr. Oneal, I quickly discovered that programming was not just about writing lines of code; it was about solving problems, creating solutions, and bringing ideas to life.  Through his guidance, I have transformed from a programming novice to someone who can independently tackle real-world problems using code. Each lesson with Mr. Oneal is an adventure filled with challenges and discoveries. His passion for programming is contagious, and it has sparked a newfound love for coding within me.  


In conclusion, learning programming has been a rewarding journey filled with growth, excitement, and endless possibilities. I am indebted to Mr. Oneal for his dedication, patience, and inspiring mentorship. I look forward to continuing my programming journey under his guidance and achieving even greater heights.  


Coach Highlights 


Behind these achievements stands Mr. O’neal, a dedicated coach in technological competitions at CBFS. His contributions have earned him multiple accolades including the international "Outstanding COACH" certificate. Mr. O’neal expressed his pride and gratitude for witnessing the growth and breakthroughs of his students during the competition season. He emphasized the importance of science and technology education and the significance of programming in fostering problem-solving skills and creativity. 

曾奇 Oneal

ICT老师 ICT Teacher

  • 荣获多项优秀指导教师荣誉证书  

  • 获得国际级“Outstanding COACH”荣誉证书

  • 荣获ICC全球发明大会组委会颁发的优秀教育指导教师证书、评委证书及感谢状

  • 在全国青少年科技教育成果展及ICode国际青少年编程竞赛中获得优秀指导教师及荣誉证书

  • Received multiple certificates of honor for excellent guidance teachers

  • Received the international level "Outstanding COACH" honor certificate

  • Received the Excellent Education Guidance Teacher Certificate, Jury Certificate, and thank-you letter from the ICC Global Invention Conference Organizing Committee

  • Received excellent guidance teacher and honorary certificate at the National Youth Science and Technology Education Achievement Exhibition Contest and the ICode International Youth Programming Competition 


Coach Reflection


As an information technology teacher and competition coach at CBFS of 2023-2024 academic year, it has been a privilege to witness and contribute to the growth and breakthroughs of our students in various technological innovation competitions. From the ICC Global Invention Convention China Division to the National Youth Science and Technology Education Achievement Exhibition Contest, and from local events like the Xiangjiang New Area Science Festival and Maker Festival to international competitions such as the ICode International Youth Programming Competition and the Oxford University Computing Challenge (OUCC), our students have demonstrated their talents on both domestic and international stages. These achievements not only affirm the individual capabilities of our students but also validate our school's philosophy and practices in technology education. 


The Importance of Technology Education 


In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, where advancements in AI and other technologies are reshaping the world, technological education has become an indispensable component of the educational system. As the saying goes, “a strong youth makes a strong nation, a wise youth makes a wise nation.” Promoting technology education is not solely about cultivating future scientists or engineers; it is about inspiring creativity, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork among students. Participation in various technology competitions allows students to apply what they learn in class to real-world situations, significantly enhancing their hands-on skills and innovation awareness through a practical learning approach. 


The Significance of Learning to Code


Coding, as an integral part of technological education, holds substantial meaning for students. Firstly, it aids in the development of logical thinking and enhances problem-solving capabilities. Through coding, students learn how to analyze problems, design solutions, and implement their ideas via programming. Secondly, with the progression of technologies like AI, mastering coding skills has become a fundamental ability beneficial across all future career paths. Lastly, coding provides a creative outlet for expression, enabling students to bring their concepts to life, thereby boosting their confidence and opening doors to countless possibilities. 


CBFS's Path in Technology Education


Technology education and coding learning are invaluable in promoting the holistic development of students. At CBFS, we are committed to providing high-quality technological educational resources for every student. By offering diverse technology courses and organizing various technological activities and competitions, we aim to spark students' interest in science and technology, encouraging them to explore unknown territories boldly. Additionally, we focus on fostering a spirit of teamwork and social responsibility, ensuring that while pursuing personal aspirations, students also contribute to societal progress. Moving forward, we will continue to strive to create broader platforms for our students, assisting them in navigating the vast ocean of technology and chasing their dreams. 


CBFS commits to nurturing innovative talents with scientific literacy by adhering to the principle of "student-centered" education. Looking ahead, CBFS is confident in achieving further glories in the realm of technological education, contributing to the advancement of science and society. 

撰文 Author: 曾奇 Oneal Zeng

翻译 Translator: 赵斌 Jack Zhao, Joeseph

一审 First Reviewer: 赵斌 Jack Zhao

二审 Second Reviewer: 彭瑶 Tiffany Peng

终审 Final Reviewer: 钟焱莉 Anna Zhong






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