
彼一米得天独厚的环境,成就得天独厚的课程 ——秋天是一个什么样的季节,我从我的幼儿园里找答案 I Explore Autumn




Located in Xihu Park, BeeMee Forest Academy Xihu Campus offers stunning views of Xianjia Lake and the majestic Yuelu Mountain. The landscape features wetlands, grassy slopes, and vibrant flora, allowing children to experience nature and explore the beauty of culture and art.


Throughout the seasons, children engage with a variety of fruit trees. In spring, cherry blossoms dance in the breeze as children play beneath them. Early summer brings the allure of ripe cherries, inviting eager little hands. During summer, children climb to taste the sweetest mulberries. By autumn, fruit trees are laden with jujubes, oranges, pomelos, and sapodillas, maturing amidst the laughter of children as they create their own stories.


At BeeMee, we prioritise environmental education. We strive to provide an indoor experience that mirrors the outdoors, immersing children in nature where they learn vital life skills. Let’s explore how the Seal Class discovers autumn at BeeMee!





Curiosity in Nature


As school begins in early autumn, the orange trees are heavy with small, round fruits. Shorter children can reach up to touch them, while taller ones gaze up, intrigued. Each outdoor session ignites their curiosity about when the oranges will ripen. A teacher reminds them, “When autumn arrives, the oranges will be ready to eat. Let’s take care of them!” Hands quickly retreat as excitement fills the air.




When Does Autumn Arrive?

Little minds are often filled with questions like this.

After the National Day holiday, children return to discover that the osmanthus flowers near the slide have bloomed. The pomelo tree by the swings is gradually turning a soft yellow. Some of the oranges, which have been carefully nurtured, have outgrown their skins and begun to crack. The ground is scattered with fallen sapodilla fruit. Autumn has truly arrived! How can we help the children better experience this wonderful season?




Experiencing Autumn Through Fruits




In our class, we organised a "Sun-Drying Autumn" activity to help children understand the concept and joy of harvest in autumn.

Before the holiday, we invited children and their parents to collect seasonal fruits for a communal drying session at the kindergarten.

Upon returning, the classroom was filled with the delightful aromas of the harvest. Some children brought small pumpkins and red peppers, while others carried sweet potatoes, rice, peanuts, and pomegranates. They eagerly arranged their fruits in a designated corner, filling several tables to the brim. The air buzzed with excitement as they shared their finds.











"I brought peanuts!"

"I brought sweet potatoes!"

"This pomelo is mine!"

"What’s this red one?" 

"It’s a flower my mum gave me; I don’t know the name."

"What’s hanging over there?" 

"I know, it’s rice; I brought some too!"

"I brought red peppers. Are you scared of the spice?"

Autumn truly is a lively and vibrant season




Tasting Autumn Through Fruits








Children enjoy fresh fruit daily, but the essence of autumn extends beyond ready-to-eat produce. It lies in the joy of hard work. With plenty of sweet potatoes brought in, we decided to make sweet potato chips while the sun was shining.

Equipped with cutting boards, safe knives, bamboo drying trays, and baskets, the children took charge. They washed, peeled, cut, steamed, arranged, and dried the sweet potatoes—all by themselves.

"I’ve washed sweet potatoes at home!"

"Mine are orange!"

"I can peel them myself."

"I can’t cut it; the sweet potato is too hard!"

"The steamed sweet potatoes smell amazing!"

Once arranged in bamboo trays, they took everything outside to dry.






The warm autumn sun shone on the trays, the fruits, and the children’s smiling faces.

"We’re sun-drying!"

"I’m so happy today!"

"When can we eat the sweet potato chips?"

Autumn is truly a season of joy!







After three days in the sun, the sweet potatoes were perfectly dried. We steamed them again and gathered in the morning to taste our homemade sweet potato chips.

"These sweet potato chips are delicious!"

"So sweet!"

"Can I have a whole one?"

"These are better than the ones at home!"

Autumn truly is a season of delightful sweetness!







A few days later, the autumn sun hid away, and it was time to process the remaining harvest. With so many fruits, it was hard to tell whose was whose, so we decided to share everything. We enjoyed peanuts, oranges, and pomelos together. Each child took a bag to select a few items to take home.

"I love corn!"

"I love peanuts!"

"I want your pumpkin!"

"Look how much I got!"

Sharing the bounty of the harvest, autumn proves to be a season filled with love!




Curiosity in Nature





During outdoor time, we embarked on a treasure hunt for the tiny golden fruits hidden deep in the grass. It wasn’t easy to find them! Children crouched and searched through the grass, and delighted voices filled the air.

"I found another one!"

"Look, teacher! I found so many!"

In no time, we had gathered nearly a full box of these treasures.








What can we do with sapodilla? It can be turned into hand wash—how fascinating! Let’s see how it’s done.

The hard outer skins we collected were tough to peel. After soaking them for two days, we prepared pots, plates, and bottles. The children worked together to peel and wash the skins.

"Why is it so hard to peel?"

"Where is it easiest to peel?"

"My fingers feel sticky and uncomfortable!"

"Look, I’ve made so many bubbles!"







After washing, we boiled the skins for 20 minutes. What was once clear water turned cloudy.

"I don’t like this smell; it’s stinky."

"I think it smells nice!"

"Is this really hand wash? I want to take some home!"

We bottled it up to take home, excited to share their homemade hand wash with their families.

Autumn is truly a season of wonder!


At the forest kindergarten, children have daily, close encounters with nature. Every flower, blade of grass, tree, and insect reveals subtle changes that catch their bright eyes. They crouch down to observe a small insect for long periods, gently pick up a fallen flower, joyfully chase after a butterfly, and excitedly share discoveries of new fruits. As the seasons change, nothing teaches children more about time, the cycle of planting and harvesting, and the values of love and sharing than nature itself.

撰文 Author: 孔冬冬 Amanda Kong

翻译 Translator: Thomas Morris

一审 First Reviewer: 彭扬玲 Iris Peng

二审 Second Reviewer: 彭瑶 Tifanny Peng

终审 Final Reviewer: 刘可 Sara Liu






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