
Weekly Moments| 升学展、中文辩论比赛佳绩、地理学科学习重点、艺术展、地铁阅读文化体验...







Mrs Jane Arden




此外,Mr Holt组织了每周一次的教师交流分享活动。在本次活动中,每周都会随机抽取两位老师,他们会一起讨论日常教学工作中的某个方面,并在接下来的例会上与同事们分享他们的见解。这个过程鼓励教师们反思和优化自己的教学方法,同时能够营造一个充满活力和创新的学习社区。




Mrs Arden








预备部音乐学科主任 Mr Smale

10月25日星期五的预备部非正式音乐会取得了圆满成功,充分展示了我们学校学生架子鼓、小提琴和钢琴精湛的演奏才华。音乐会以Kai Kun优美地演绎Seitz的D大调第五小提琴协奏曲(Op.22)中的回旋曲拉开序幕。

随后,我们聆听了Polaris、Norah和Amy那流畅而熟练的钢琴演奏。Chloe, Estrella和Truman则以他们的打击乐才华震撼了全场观众,我们都非常期待下一场音乐会的到来。


预备部中文学科主任 Ms Zhou

2024年10月20日,一场主题为“我为祖国发声(佛山论坛)”的中文思辨类辩论赛在佛山霍利斯外籍人员子女学校正式揭开帷幕。 来自五所学校的35名参赛选手在家长的陪同下,展开了激烈的1对1的辩论对决。


在经过激烈的角逐,预备部的五年级的Chloe荣获冠军,五年级的Easan获得亚军,四年级的Ryan和五年级的Cecilia 并列季军。更令人欣喜的是,以上这四位学生以及五年级Luuna凭借着出色的表现成功晋级下一轮大湾区辩论赛。




戏剧老师 Mrs Kingsley-Mills





人文学科主任 Mr Johnson

我们非常高兴地欢迎Mr Molinari加入地理学科。

Mr Molinari作为佛山霍利斯的升学指导及社会科学老师,同时亦教授关键阶段三的地理科目。他曾在美国和中国工作,拥有20多年的教学经验和升学指导经验。Mr Molinari教授过世界历史,经济学,美国历史和英语。Mr Molinari对知识追求充满热忱,倡导学生勇于探索和挑战,致力于提升学生对全球文化的理解和拓宽学生的国际视野。


















艺术、设计和计算机科学学科主任 Ms Hayward


Ms Hayward与耘正楼工作室艺术家见面





王俊茹作品  《清风》

画展开幕式将在11月6日5点-6点举行,我们非常期待你的参与。展览将持续至 12 月 9 日星期一。请扫码报名参加活动吧!


体育学科主任 Mr Coates





新款浴袍预计将于11月8日到货(在11月的一场游泳比赛开始之前)。如有任何疑问,请联系Angel Li(angel.lileh-foshan.cn)。


十二、十三年级主任 Mrs Kirk




1. 课程内容与结构:核心模块有哪些?有没有提供实习或实践的机会?

2. 入学要求:需要什么成绩和资格?有没有特定的入学考试?

3. 校园生活:学校有哪些课外兴趣活动、社团?

4. 职业前景:毕业生的就业率如何?有没有就业指导?

5. 财务信息:学费是多少?是否提供奖学金等?



  • 教育机会:不同大学提供的多样化课程和项目。

  • 录取流程:提供了清晰的指导,包括如何申请以及需要准备什么资料。

  • 校园生活:对校园环境和课外活动的深入了解。

  • 未来前景:关于职业发展等信息。



图书管理员 Ms Li











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Weekly Moments



Letter from the Headteacher

Mrs Jane Arden


Dear Parents,

At LEH Foshan, we place a strong emphasis on the importance of collaboration among our staff, recognising that working together enhances both teaching practice and student outcomes. One of the key ways we foster this is through our annual Open Door Week, where staff have the opportunity to observe each other's lessons and provide feedback. This year, the focus is on how teachers are embedding the key 8Cs—communication, commitment, curiosity, collaboration, craftsmanship, compassion, confidence, and creativity—into their classroom practice.

Collaboration at LEH doesn't stop there. Under the careful guidance of Mr. Holt, we’ve introduced a new initiative into our weekly briefing called Tweak of the Week. Each week, two staff members are randomly chosen to meet, discuss an aspect of their day-to-day practice, and share their insights with the team the following week. This simple yet effective process encourages staff to reflect on and refine their teaching methods, while promoting a culture of sharing expertise and learning from one another.

All staff members at LEH take professional development seriously, and it’s been wonderful to see how Tweak of the Week has sparked new ideas and strengthened our collaborative ethos. It’s this dedication to ongoing improvement that makes LEH such a vibrant and dynamic learning community for both our students and teachers.

Have a great weekend!

Best Regards

Mrs Arden


School News

Weekly E-Safety Tips

Ensure your computer

has up-to-date antivirus software.

Prep School

Enjoy the video and experience the weekly excitement and vibrancy at Prep Shcool!


by Mr Smale, Head of Prep Music

The Prep Informal Concert on Friday 25th October was a resounding success and showcased the drumming, violin and piano talents of our committed students. Kaikun opened the proceedings with an elegant rendition of Seitz’ Rondo from his Violin Concerto no. 5 in D Major, Op. 22.

We then heard lyrical and mature piano performances from Polaris, Norah and Amy. Chloe, Estrella and Truman blew the audience away with their percussive talent and we are all excited for the next one.


by Ms Zhou, Head of Prep Mandarin

On October 20th,the "Voice for the Nation (Foshan Forum)" Chinese Debate Competition was officially held at LEH International School Foshan. A total of 35 contestants from five schools, accompanied by their parents, engaged in intense 1-on-1 debates. 

The competition focused on Foshan’s top ten traditional cultures. The Prep School group explored the development and preservation of Cantonese Opera with the debate topic: "Is it good to innovate Cantonese Opera to better suit young people’s tastes?" The secondary group focused on loyalty and righteousness, debating whether these values should be based on traditional role models or modern-day heroes.

After fierce competition, LEH Prep Year 5 Chloe won the championship, Year 5 Eason took second place, and Year 4 Ryan and Year 5 Cecilia tied for third. In addition, these four students, along with Year 5 Luuna, successfully advanced to the next round of the Greater Bay Area debate competition.

Regarding to the Secondary,Year 9 Ryan claimed the championship with his exceptional debating skills, and he, along with Year 10 Angela, advanced to the next round of the Greater Bay Area debate competition.

As a purely British international school, LEH International School Foshan has always been committed to providing students with authentic British international courses. It also highly respects and values local culture, creating a multicultural environment on campus. The Mandarin department actively provides students with opportunities to engage with and understand traditional Chinese culture, aiming to cultivate open-minded global citizens with international perspectives in a diverse cultural setting.


by Mrs Kingsley-Mills, Teacher of Drama

I am very excited to offer a fantastic opportunity for Drama Drop-In Sessions, which will take place every Wednesday during lunch in the Drama room. These sessions are designed to meet the specific needs of students, allowing them to work on concrete tasks they bring with them. Students can come and practice their presentations, speeches, drama assignments, or any other public speaking projects they are currently working on. They will have a safe space to enhance their speaking skills.

These sessions will provide students with the opportunity to build confidence and improve their public speaking abilities in a supportive environment.

The sessions operate on a first-come, first-served basis, and there is no requirement to attend every week.


by Mr Johnson, Head of Humanities

Welcome to Mr Molinari!

We are thrilled to welcome Mr Molinari to our Geography Department. Mr Molinari joins LEHF as a Universities Counsellor and Social Studies teacher, including Key Stage Three geography. 

With over 20 years of experience in teaching and university counselling in the USA and China, Mr Molinari brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Humanities Department and the school. Throughout his career, he has taught World History, Economics, US History, and English, and has worked in several schools in China. Mr Molinari is passionate about intellectual achievement, encourages academic boldness and risk-taking among students, and actively promotes broadening students’ global cultural awareness and outlook. 

Geography Curriculum Highlights

This year’s geography curriculum for students from Years 7 through 13 has kicked off with an exciting array of topics:

Key Stage 3

  • Year 7 have been introduced to the fundamentals of geography, exploring the diversity of natural and human environments and global issues that threaten these. They are developing core skills such as map reading and using latitude and longitude coordinates.

  • Year 8 are focusing on global biomes and climates, including factors affecting different climates and cultural differences.

  • Year 9 are learning about the Earth’s structure and the story of continental drift, which began 250 million years ago, and how tectonic plates create landforms and hazards like volcanoes and earthquakes.

Key Stage 4

  • Our largest Year 10 class yet is embarking on the IGCSE Geography course, starting with world population growth, demographic transition, and contemporary issues faced by countries. This topic encourages students to think critically about population dynamics, resource distribution, and the challenges of sustainable development.

  • Following last year’s successful field trip to Lingnan Tiandi, Year 11 are diligently working on their IGCSE geography coursework, investigating competition for land use in Foshan. This practical investigation helps students understand real-life urbanisation, and how to collect data and present a detailed and structured written report to test a hypothesis, including an introduction, methodology, data presentation and analysis, conclusions, and evaluation.

Key Stage 5

  • Year 12 have begun their Advanced Level studies, focusing on global population dynamics, factors influencing fertility and mortality in different income countries, and critically evaluating the demographic transition model. These initial studies introduce and equip students with the higher-level analytical skills required to bridge the gap between IGCSE and Advanced Level studies.

  • After completing their first topic on Hazardous Environments, Year 13 have started their second topic, Environmental Management. This topic emphasises the importance of managing natural resources and environmental risks, preparing students to tackle global environmental challenges and fully appreciate the complexities of environmental issues, such as geopolitical disputes.

Promoting Global Citizenship through Geography

At LEHF, our commitment to Global Citizenship spans across all subjects and aspects of school life. Geography plays a crucial role in promoting this important aspect of education. The geography curriculum empowers students with essential knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes necessary to thrive as responsible and adaptable citizens of the world.

By learning about global issues and developing map reading skills, students are equipped to understand and navigate the complexities of our interconnected world, fostering a sense of responsibility and stewardship. Exploring global biomes and climates fosters an appreciation for environmental and cultural diversity and the need for sustainable practices. Understanding tectonic processes and natural hazards highlights the importance of disaster preparedness and resilience, as well as global inequalities in hazard management. Studying population growth and demographic transition encourages critical thinking about sustainable development and population-resource relationships and management. Investigating urban land use through fieldwork promotes practical understanding of real-life urban environments as influenced by local culture, highlighting the diversity of urban environments. Analysing global population dynamics and demographic models prepares students to engage with complex local and global socio-economic issues. Lastly, environmental management studies equip students with the knowledge to address global environmental challenges.

Through these topics, geography regularly empowers students to become better global citizens, ready to make a positive impact on the world.

We look forward to a year of exciting learning and growth in the Geography Department!


by Ms Hayward, Head of Art, Design and Computer Science Faculty

Upcoming Art Exhibition ‘Studio Huang 23’

Ms Hayward is welcomed by Studio Huang artists

In preparation for the upcoming exhibition in The Holles Gallery, ‘Studio Huang 23’ the Art Department visited Master Huang’s studio, and had an informative and interesting discussion about the artists inspirations and approaches. It was wonderful to see so many of Master Huang’s incredibly beautiful paintings, especially in the environment where they were created.

In the exhibition, we will be presenting over 60 artworks from the Huang studio by Master Huang Ruxiang and 22 of his students. This is a unique opportunity to view and purchase original paintings and prints by these artists, some of which have never been shown to the public before. Studio Huang artists are committed to the study of traditional Chinese painting theory and the practice of Song Dynasty painting skills and techniques. You will be delighted and in awe of the professionalism and talent of this highly successful and acclaimed artist and his students.

Prosperous China in Spring Breeze

 1&2 Landscape of Zhaoqing by Huang Jingwen

A Gentle Breeze by Wang Junru

We look forward to seeing you at our opening event on Wednesday 6th November from 5 to 6pm. The exhibition continues until Monday the 9th of December. Please scan the QR Code to attend.


by Mr Coates, Head of Physical Education

LEH International School Foshan PE Department is excited to announce the introduction of a new uniform item to its sports attire collection, aimed at enhancing style and comfort for our students during swimming competitions. The new addition is an LEH branded swim robe. Please refer to the photos below:

The robe is available in two sizes, one size suitable for Prep students and one size suitable for Secondary School students.

The swim robe is a mandatory item for all members our swim teams (both Prep and Secondary) but optional for other students. Swim team members are expected to wear the robe during interschool competitions, and during other of official fixtures off campus.

To purchase the robe for your child, please scan and pay via the QR Code below. The cost of the robe is 280RMB.

Our new robes are expected to arrive on 8th November, on time for our next swimming competition in November. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Angel Li at angel.lileh-foshan.cn.

University Fair

by Mrs Kirk, Head of Sixth Form

LEH was excited to bring together a diverse range of universities from the UK, USA, and Europe. This was a fantastic opportunity for students, teachers, and parents to explore various educational pathways and gather valuable information.

Preparing for the Fair

Students in PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic education) classes have been preparing to ask insightful questions and gather information. Here are some key factors they considered when speaking with university representatives:

1. Course Content and Structure: What are the core modules? Are there opportunities for internships or practical experience?

2. Admission Requirements: What grades and qualifications are needed? Are there any specific entrance exams?

3. Campus Life: What clubs, societies, and support services are available?

4. Career Prospects: What are the employment rates for graduates? Are there career services to help with job placements?

5. Financial Information: What are the tuition fees? Are there scholarships or financial aid options?

Insights Gained

Both students, teachers, and parents gained a comprehensive understanding of:

  • Educational Opportunities: Diverse courses and programs available across different universities.

  • Admission Processes: Clear guidelines were given on how to apply and what is required.

  • Student Life: Insights into the campus environment and extracurricular activities.

  • Future Prospects: Information on career opportunities and support services.

We hope the fair provided valuable insights and helped the Students and Parents make informed decisions about the educational journeys on offer and the requirements for them. All the participants enjoyed the fair and made the most of this opportunity to explore possible future pathways.


by Ms Li, Librarian

Recently, our library has cooperated with English and Chinese teachers to produce the Student’s Subway Reading Map. Hundreds of new English and Chinese books with many genres have been added to the library shelves, which creates many exciting reading opportunities for students.

This reading activity is inspired by the subway and consists of many lines: classic literature, fantasy novels, history and science, for example. Each line takes the students on a journey of adventure and knowledge; each station has one book waiting for students to explore its pages.

Students can choose the line they want based on their reading interest and start the journey. When there is a transfer station, students can continue on the same line or transfer to another line to explore the unknown world. This aims to boost students’ reading enthusiasm and broaden their horizons.

Students can get gifts, house points and certificates if they finish reading three books and above. This is not only positive affirmation of their reading achievement but also encouragement for their continued hard work and progress.

This activity will be carried out through the academic year, and it aims to boost students’ reading interest, encourage them to read more widely and help them cultivate good habits. In addition, we are planning on carrying out the Spanish reading activity in the future.

We hope they are looking forward to this wonderful reading feast! We believe that students will learn to read, read to learn and make a strong foundation for their future through gaining knowledge constantly.









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