Innovative Learning: Integrating IT
into the Primary Classroom
In recent weeks, our Director of Technology Integration & Innovation, Mr. Said, collaborated with our primary homeroom teachers to deliver lessons on “Contemporary Inventions and Their Implications” and “Digital Safety”. He guided students in experiencing the magic of “LittleBits” (circuits) and helped them understand how to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly. Additionally, Mr. Said shared professional insights on becoming better digital citizens.
最近几周,我们的技术融合和创新总监Mr. Said与小学部主班老师一起协作,走进课堂,教授学生“当代发明以及它们的影响”和“数字化安全”的课程。他指导学生们体验了"LittleBits" (乐高电子模块)的魔力,帮助他们理解如何在数字化世界里安全、负责任地遨游。同时,Mr. Said也与学生就如何成为优秀的数字化公民分享了他的专业见解。
In the Grade 4 class, students were exploring the topic of inventions within the IB PYP unit "Where We Are in Place and Time." The Grade 4 homeroom teacher, Mr. Paul, invited Mr. Said to the classroom to introduce “LittleBits” and discuss how inventions have influenced our lives today and their implications for the future. In this interactive session, students worked in groups, each receiving a magical box. They opened the box and assembled gadgets based on questions and tips provided by Mr. Said.
在4年级课堂上,学生们正在探索IB PYP单元“我们身处什么时空”涉及到与发明相关的主题。4年级的主班老师Mr. Paul邀请Mr. Said,向大家介绍“LittleBits”并一起讨论了新的发明是如何影响我们当下的生活以及对于未来的影响。在互动中,学生以小组为单位,每个小组都会拿到这个魔法小盒。他们打开盒子,根据Mr. Said设置好的问题和小提示一步一步地进行组装。
For Grade 5, Mr. Said introduced “Digital Safety”, breaking them down into topics and sub-questions for students to discuss and share their opinions, such as “Digital Identity/Fingerprint,” “Digital Behavior,” and “Digital Balance”. This lesson helped students deepen their understanding of the digital world and encouraged them to become responsible digital citizens.
在5年级,Mr. Said向大家介绍了“数字化安全”这一概念,并将它细分到不同的话题和子问题让学生进行讨论,分享他们的想法。这些话题包括“数字化的身份/指纹”、“数字化的行为”和“数字化的平衡”等。这堂课帮助学生加深了对于数字化世界的理解,鼓励他们成长为负责任的数字化公民。
Today, the digital world plays a significant role in our daily lives, influencing how we communicate, learn, work, and entertain ourselves. It encompasses all online activities, interactions, and content, including the internet, digital communication, digital content, online services, social media, and virtual environments. AXIS aims to foster students who are not only excellent global citizens but also responsible digital citizens.
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