English Department Newsletter:
Welcome to our new English Department Newsletter. Here we will give you important updates about student learning in each grade and celebrate their achievements. The purpose of this newsletter is to share with parents the amazing things that the students accomplish, learn and enjoy when they are at school. Hopefully this will help parents feel more involved in the learning journey of their children. We hope you enjoy reading the first issue of the English Newsletter, all the best, Mr Leo (Head of English).
---- Leo(英语教学组长)
Grade 10:
This week Grade 10 students have been learning grammar and vocabulary in order to improve their English language skills to help them when they go into grade 11 and begin to study for their English First Language IGCSE exam. The student of the week is Sofia who went to speak with Mr Leo and give him feedback about the class and how it could be improved to become even better! Thank you Sofia for your feedback, we will be making the changes and increasing the speed and difficulty of some of the grammar learnt to stretch and challenge the students in class.
Grade 11:
Grade 11 have recently began using “BEDROCK” a brand new English learning software from the UK. It is the best available English learning software available at the moment and has won multiple awards in the UK and international school. This program has been very positively received by students, with them completing over 4 hours of bonus English practice every week! In class, we are still focusing on learning the English first language IGCSE and have just finished studying figurative language, a challenging concept even for native speakers to understand. However, grade 11s hard work and focus in the lesson has shown that they can learn anything, with students coming to the front of the class and providing amazing examples and 100% of the class getting correct answers on their mini whiteboard quiz. The student of the week is Jayson Liu who has not only scored the highest amount of bedrock points in the class, but has also shown a great work attitude in class. He constantly goes above and beyond to help his partner and those around him.
11年级的同学们最近开始使用一套源于英国、名为“Bedrock Learning”的英语学习软件。该软件在英国及各个国际学校荣获诸多奖项,是目前最好的学习软件。同学们已经很好的适应了通过这套软件进行学习,并且每周都会在“Bedrock”上进行课外四小时英语练习。在课上,我们继续专注于IGSCE(英语第一语言)的学习,并且刚刚结束了“比喻修辞法”的教学。比喻修辞法的学习对于英文母语者来说也是一项极具挑战性的任务,但是,11年级的同学们通过课上不断的努力与专注的精神,证明了他们可以克服任何困难。在课上,同学们走上讲台,与大家分享自己用所学知识造出的句子,并且,每位同学都用自己的白板给出了正确的答案。11年级本周的学习之星是Jayson Liu同学,他不仅在Bedrock取得了全班最高分,还在课上展现了极佳的学习态度。他总是能够尽自己最大的努力帮助他的同伴们。
To help students better understand the differences between simile and metaphor, Mr. Leo invited classmates to come up to the front and use drawing and sentence-making as a way to vividly contrast simile and metaphor.
Grade 12:
Grade 12 are currently preparing for their IELTS examinations, they have been working very hard this week completing monthly mock exams in reading and listening. We are hoping for great results as we have already seen their scored double (class average) since the start of this new school year. An achievement they should all be proud of, and a testament to their engagement and focus in English lessons. Grade 12 have also made amazing progress with their bedrock learning in their independent study time. The student of the week is Amber for her incredible effort with Bedrock and the progress she has made. In the space of 1 month Amber has increased her English language and reading skills by 2 years!
Below the timetable can your write a message saying - if you would like your child to attend these free bonus classes please tell them to contact Mr Leo and sign up.
If you have any questions or want further information about our child’s progress please message their homeroom teacher or email the head of English directly. Many thanks and we wish you all a wonderful weekend.
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