在彼一米湘府校区IEYC主题结题展暨家长开放日活动这场亲子共享的盛会上,我们不仅见证了孩子们在“Blast Off 发射”单元中的成长与收获,更携手踏上了一段探索宇宙奥秘的奇妙之旅。通过精心设计的互动环节,我们深入领略了孩子们的学习成果,共同感受了宇宙的无穷魅力。
At the IEYC Theme Conclusion Exhibition and Parent Open Day event at the BeeMee Xiangfu Campus, we not only witnessed the children's growth and achievements in the "Blast Off" unit but also embarked on a marvelous journey to explore the mysteries of the universe. Through carefully designed interactive activities, we gained insight into the children's learning progress and shared in the infinite wonders of space.
在IEYC“Blast Off 发射”单元中,我们的孩子们化身为“小小宇航员”踏上了一次神奇的太空之旅!在这段旅程中,孩子们不仅学习了太阳系中的八大行星——从火热的水星到神秘的海王星,他们了解了每颗行星的特征、温度、大小以及在太空中的位置,而且通过动手制作行星模型、参与小组讨论,孩子们深入了解了太空的奥秘和科学原理。孩子们在充满创意和互动的活动中,体验了与外星人老师的亲密接触!让他们感受到了宇宙中不同星球的神奇与多彩。
In this IEYC "Blast Off" unit, our children became "Little Astronauts," embarking on a magical space adventure! During this journey, the children explored the eight planets of the solar system—from the fiery Mercury to the mysterious Neptune. They learned about the characteristics, temperatures, sizes, and positions of each planet in space. Through hands-on activities like making planet models and participating in group discussions, the children delved deeper into the mysteries of space and scientific principles. They also engaged in a creative and interactive activity with their alien teacher, experiencing the wonder and vibrancy of the different planets in the universe!
This closing event was not only a showcase of the children's learning achievements but also a testament to their courage in expression and innovative thinking. Today, let us step into this world of knowledge and fun and witness the children's growth and accomplishments in this unit!
Y1A的孩子们展示了一场充满创意的“月光降落太空之旅”。在课堂上,孩子们用歌声和舞蹈展现了他们在《Apple Song》、《Open Shut Them》和《Mr. Golden Sun》等歌曲中表演。孩子们展现出了极大的自信,歌词清晰且富有感情,他们用生动的动作和表情把歌曲演绎得淋漓尽致,充满活力和感染力。接着,孩子们与爸爸妈妈一起动手制作了喷气背包用来“飞行”,寻找星星和行星,体验了一场别开生面的太空探险!孩子们玩得非常开心,爸爸妈妈惊讶的表示,孩子们的进步非常明显,尤其是在歌曲演唱和舞蹈表现上。
The children of Y1A presented a creative "Moonlight Landing in Space." In the classroom, they showcased their singing and dancing talents through songs like "Apple Song," "Open Shut Them," and "Mr. Golden Sun." The children demonstrated great confidence, singing clearly and expressively while performing with lively movements and animated expressions that were both energetic and captivating. Next, the children and their parents worked together to create jetpacks for "flying" as they searched for stars and planets, embarking on a unique space adventure! The children had so much fun, and their parents were amazed at their noticeable progress, especially in singing and dancing.
K1A的孩子们以自信笃定的态度呈现了一场精彩纷呈的表演。孩子们以一首《Sun,Moon,Stars》开场,孩子们边唱边跳:“I put my helmet on, I take my rocket ship, I want to fly up high. So I can say: Hello, sun. Hello, moon. Hello stars.”。随后,Sara老师带我们一起去各个行星旅游,我们遨游在天空,感受到不同行星的魅力。在展示中,爸爸妈妈看到精彩的表演,纷纷说孩子们进步很大,能唱很长的句子,也能认识太空的行星,上台表演自信大方得体。孩子们奶萌奶萌真可爱。
The children of K1A delivered a wonderful performance with confidence and charm. They opened with the song "Sun, Moon, Stars," singing and dancing to the lyrics: "I put my helmet on, I take my rocket ship, I want to fly up high. So I can say: Hello, sun. Hello, moon. Hello, stars." Afterwards, Teacher Sara took us on a journey through the planets, where we explored the sky and experienced the unique allure of each one. Parents were impressed by the children’s performance, noting their progress in singing longer sentences, recognizing planets in space, and presenting confidently and gracefully on stage. The children were so adorably sweet.
一场期待已久的太空旅行,如约而至,K1B的孩子们和Ruessll老师以“Sing with me ”“wag your tail clap ““you hands”音乐开场,孩子们迅速融入,积极热情,充满了对宇宙太空的好奇。接着孩子们一起演绎了一首“Twinkle, Twinkle little star”,在孩子们的眼中的我们看到了小星星和充满对宇宙的遐想。孩子们与爸爸妈妈一起制作了外星人手工面具。活动结束后,爸爸妈妈们惊叹孩子们的学习力和口语表达能力如此之强。
A long-awaited space adventure arrived right on schedule! The children of K1B and Teacher Russell began with songs like "Sing with Me," "Wag Your Tail," and "Clap Your Hands." The children quickly joined in with enthusiasm and curiosity about the universe. They then performed "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," and in their eyes, we could see sparkling stars and their imaginative dreams of the cosmos. The children also made alien masks together with their parents. After the activity, parents were amazed by their children's learning ability and strong oral language skills.
K2A的孩子们兴奋地欢迎爸爸妈妈来到K2A,庆祝他们“Blast off 发射”单元的结束!孩子们首先用一首歌欢迎父母,帮助他们想象自己正在太空飞行。然后,他们向爸爸妈妈展示了K2A空间站,介绍了太阳系中的行星。最后,我们一起创造自己的星球,制作了一幅美丽的3D喷溅画,永远记住快乐而美好的一天。
The children of K2A excitedly welcomed their mums and dads to celebrate the end of their "Blast Off" unit! They began by singing a song to welcome their parents, helping everyone imagine flying through space. The children then presented the K2A space station and introduced the planets in our solar system. Finally, parents and children worked together to create their own planets, making a beautiful 3D splatter painting to remember this fun and wonderful day forever.
K2B的孩子们在这个充满奇思妙想的月份里,孩子们带着满满的创意和热情,与爸爸妈妈一同开启了一场别开生面的亲子手工之旅——制作属于自己的火箭!当欢快活泼的歌曲《Zoom, zoom, zoom》响起,仿佛是孩子们内心对未知宇宙探索欲望的表达。孩子们饱富热情地投入到歌曲表演中,仿佛化身为即将升空的火箭。孩子们怀着无比自豪的心情,迫不及待地向爸爸妈妈介绍展示自己的得意之作,生动地讲述着自己在制作过程中的奇思妙想和遇到的小挑战。
The children of K2B were bursting with creativity and enthusiasm during this whimsical and imaginative month. They embarked on a unique parent-child craft activity with their mums and dads, creating their very own rockets! When the cheerful song Zoom, Zoom, Zoom played, it perfectly captured the children's excitement and curiosity about exploring the unknown universe. They performed the song with energy and enthusiasm, embodying rockets ready to launch into space. Proud of their creations, the children eagerly showed off their masterpieces to their parents, vividly sharing the playful ideas and small challenges they encountered during the process.
As the melody of Launching Into the Sky filled the air, parents and children worked side by side to craft their rockets. From designing the rocket’s shape to adding intricate decorations, every step was infused with love and a special sense of teamwork. In this joyful and exploratory atmosphere, the children and their parents bonded over creativity and shared dreams of interstellar adventure, growing together as they reached for the stars.
Teacher Richard guided the children of K2C on an exciting planetary learning journey filled with fun and exploration. Through singing and dancing, the children not only deepened their knowledge of space but also reviewed and reinforced what they had learned in a relaxed and enjoyable way. The highlight of the day was the much-anticipated Astronaut Little Explorer Training Programme. In this activity, the children navigated simulated space challenges, including dodging space rocks, maneuvering around planetary rings, and overcoming other obstacles. They also completed jumping, climbing, and balancing tasks that helped develop their physical agility and coordination. By blending space elements into the exercises, the program sparked the children’s curiosity and fueled their passion for discovery.
As they tackled these exciting challenges, the children not only improved their physical fitness but also fully embraced the experience of being “astronauts,” feeling as though they had truly embarked on a space adventure. Parents joined in the fun, immersing themselves in this creative and joyful learning experience with their children, and proudly witnessed their growth and progress.
K3A的孩子们早已准备就绪,通过《I can name all the planets》和歌曲《I ride on a bike》展示了孩子们美妙的歌声。在问答环节孩子们快速而准的回答了Martin老师提出的问题,爸爸妈妈在课堂上频频的点赞与夸奖,赞叹我们的孩子们英语口语与知识如此之强。接着我们一起玩了“The earth goes around the sun”的亲子体能游戏,孩子们在玩中学,和家人们一起享受游戏带来的欢乐。
The children of K3A were eager to showcase their beautiful singing voices with performances of I Can Name All the Planets and I Ride on a Bike. During the Q&A session, they confidently answered Mr. Martin's questions with speed and accuracy. Parents were full of praise for the children's strong English-speaking skills and impressive knowledge. Afterward, everyone joined in a lively parent-child physical activity called The Earth Goes Around the Sun. The children learned through play and shared joyful moments with their families, making it a fun and educational experience for all.
The children of K3B proudly showcased their work to their mums and dads in English, highlighting their creativity and learning abilities. Through hands-on projects like solar system models and space stations, they deepened their understanding of space concepts. During the space knowledge quiz, the children impressed everyone with their ability to recall and describe the characteristics of the eight planets in our solar system. They confidently and accurately shared details about each planet.
在汇报展示中,可以发现孩子们熟练运用高级句型,如 “Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system.” “Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.” 。爸爸妈妈们对孩子们的精彩表现赞不绝口。他们看到了孩子们的蜕变,对孩子们的进步感到非常惊喜与骄傲。
In their debriefing presentations, the children demonstrated their proficiency in using advanced sentence structures, such as, "Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system" and "Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system." Parents were full of praise for the children’s outstanding performance, marveling at their growth and transformation. They expressed surprise and pride at how much their children had progressed.
It was an exciting open house where the mums and dads of K3C enjoyed a wonderful exhibition of the children's space-themed artwork, showcasing their growth in knowledge and creativity about the solar system. Following the exhibition, the K3C children confidently took the stage to present fascinating facts about the solar system to their families, impressing everyone with their enthusiasm, teamwork, and poise.
The event continued with a lively and engaging quiz competition, where mums, dads, and children enthusiastically competed on space-related questions. The room was filled with laughter and cheers as everyone joined in the fun. This memorable morning was not only an opportunity for parents to witness their children’s growth and accomplishments in the unit but also a chance to create warm and joyful moments together as families.
在结题活动中,不仅有我们彼一米家长们,还迎来了许多外来参观的家长。他们见证了孩子们在“Blast Off发射”单元中的出色表现,也对孩子们的学习成果给予了高度评价。一位参观家长感叹道:“我简直不敢相信小朋友们能如此自信且用流利的语言讲解太空和航天的知识!他们的口语表达不仅清晰地道,而且充满了热情和自信,真的让人刮目相看!”。还有家长表示“这种自信和大方,在其他地方真是难得一见”。为我们彼一米的孩子们感到无比骄傲!在家长的夸奖不仅让我们的孩子们更加自豪,也激励他们在未来的学习和成长中更加自信地面对挑战。
At today’s closing event, we were delighted to welcome not only our BeeMee parents but also many visiting parents. They witnessed the children’s outstanding performances in the Blast Off unit and shared high praise for their achievements. One visiting parent exclaimed, "I couldn’t believe how confidently and fluently the children were able to talk about space and aerospace! Their oral expressions were not only clear and natural but also brimming with enthusiasm and confidence—it was truly impressive!" Other parents commented, "This level of confidence and poise is rare to find elsewhere." We are incredibly proud of our children at BeeMee! The kind words from parents not only filled the children with pride but also motivated them to approach future learning and challenges with even greater confidence and determination.
通过“Blast off发射”这一系列精彩的结题活动,我们欣赏到了孩子们精心设计的星球模型、外星人等艺术作品,同时我们看到了孩子们在知识与表达上的飞跃,也感受到了孩子们对航天航空及科学的浓厚兴趣。每一位孩子都在活动中展现了他们独特的创造力和团队合作精神,成为了真正的小小宇航员。
Through the series of wonderful closing activities in Blast Off, we admired the children's beautifully crafted artwork, including planet models, aliens, and more. At the same time, we witnessed their significant growth in knowledge and expression, as well as their strong enthusiasm for aerospace and science. Every child showcased their unique creativity and teamwork, truly transforming into little astronauts during these activities.
Every piece of work and every interaction reflects the children’s ongoing progress. At BeeMee, children not only gain a wealth of scientific knowledge and learn how to communicate effectively with others, but they are also inspired to explore the unknown world with enthusiasm and confidence. They are encouraged to think independently and embrace innovation, fostering a spirit of curiosity and creativity.
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