Early Years: Visual Arts in Action|幼儿部:视觉艺术之旅
Visual Arts in Action|视觉艺术之旅
Song Credit: Something In The Air By High School Musical
The Foundation students explored the light table to create their self-portraits using different materials. Each student discovered how to use colour, texture, and light to express their individuality. It's wonderful to see their creativity shine as they experiment and bring their unique personalities to life through their art!
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The Kindergarten 1 students created self-portraits which beautifully captured their unique personalities and creativity. They did a fantastic job expressing themselves!
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The Kindergarten 2 students created a visual art piece inspired by their favourite part in the story “Playing” by Tim Hopgood, depicting different seasons. The students found great joy in applying their creativity to the project, experimenting with colours and textures while sharing their thoughts and ideas about each season.
K2的学生创作了一件具有视觉艺术的作品,灵感来自Tim Hopgood的故事“玩耍”中他们最喜欢的部分,故事描绘了不同的季节。他们发现,尝试颜色和纹理,将自己的创造力应用于项目展示,同时分享他们对每个季节的想法和看法,是一种极大的乐趣。
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As part of our Unit of Inquiry, the Kindergarten 3 children carefully listened to the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’, by Michael Rosen. After learning about the setting of a story, the students created a mixed-media map that led them through the different places in the story.
作为我们的调查单元的一部分,我们的K3学生们细聆了Michael Rosen的《We’re Going on a Bear Hunt》的故事。在了解故事场景后,学生们创作了一幅混合媒体地图,带领我们穿过故事中的不同地方。
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Foundation and Kindergarten 1 students continued learning scarf dancing. This week they learned how to use their scarves in different movements to the songs, "Jiggle in the Plate” & “Wobble, Wobble Up and Down". In Kindergarten 2, students continued learning the last set of ribbon dance movements to complete the song, “Let It Go”.
Foundation及K1学生继续学习围巾舞。这周,他们学习了如何随着歌曲“在盘子里晃动”和“摇晃,上下摆动”的不同动作来使用他们的围巾。在K2,学生们继续学习最后一组彩带舞动作,以完成歌曲《Let It Go》。
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Foundation & Kindergarten 1 - Jojo
Kindergarten 2 - Nolan
Kindergarten 3 - Joshua
