
奥运冠军进校园——英国短跑Marlon Devonish来访





这个秋冬,英国短跑冠军Marlon Devonish,中国乒乓名将刘诗雯与于子洋,澳大利亚马术冠军Andrew Scott先后到访。













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Marlon Devonish







在演讲中,Mr Devonish不仅分享了自己在赛场上的拼搏与奋斗,更着重强调了如何把握机遇的重要性。他结合自己的亲身经历,向师生们阐述了在关键时刻如何坚定信念,从而抓住那些稍纵即逝的机会。这一观点与哈罗学校的价值观不谋而合,哈罗一直致力于培养学生的领导力、创造力和批判性思维,鼓励他们勇于面对挑战,善于把握生活中的每一个机遇。



这场比赛,Mr. Devonish与传奇飞人尤塞恩·博尔特同场竞技,并且他们都打破了个人记录。


“你们觉得这公平吗?”Mr. Devonish提问现场的同学。


“是的,这不公平。我当场就跟我的经纪人说这场比赛我不参加了” Mr. Devonish说。你想让我和世界上跑得最快的人比赛,而且我要先跑一次到两次?即便我获得资格,我也已经很累了。不,我赢不了,这不公平。如果这是世界锦标赛或者奥运会,这样的事情根本不会发生。



在反复思考后,他最终决定参赛。Mr. Devonish 顺利晋级,最终与博尔特一起站在起跑线上,并跑出了个人150米的最好成绩。冲过终点的一瞬间,他接受了曼彻斯特市民热烈的欢呼声,并与其他运动员一起提高了田径运动的知名度和影响力。




就像他的教练所说:“你永远不知道这个机会将把你带到哪里。”如果不是这场比赛,Mr. Devonish的个人短跑冲刺最好成绩或许只能停留在原地。


Mr. Devonish的演讲技巧一流,他用自己的故事和亲身经历,深深打动了在场的每一个哈罗人。师生们纷纷表示,从这位奥运冠军的身上,他们学到了很多宝贵的人生经验和精神品质。




Marlon Devonish的来访,不仅让学生近距离接触世界运动员,了解冠军背后的巨大付出和成长经验,更激发了学生们对体育运动的热爱和对奥林匹克精神的追求。



邀请到卓越的冠军进校园在哈罗海口早已逐渐成为常态,中国乒乓球奥运冠军刘诗雯以及世界冠军于子洋也在不久前来到哈罗海口,和哈罗学生同台竞技乒乓球并提供技术指导。上周五澳大利亚马术冠军Andrew Scott的到访也让更多同学了解了小众运动马术的魅力。未来几周我们会持续更新报道。


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Harrow Haikou is a school that focuses on building an international and diverse communication platform, allowing pupils to engage closely with leading scholars and celebrities from various fields.

This autumn and winter, British sprint champion Marlon Devonish, Chinese table tennis stars Shiwen Liu and Ziyang Yu, and Australian equestrian champion Andrew Scott have visited the campus in succession, offering our community an extraordinary opportunity to meet and talk with them on a personal level.


World Champion


Olympic champion

Table tennis

Olympic champion

Their visits not only inspire the pupils but also inject a strong spirit of sportsmanship into the Harrow campus.

Let's take a look back at the memorable moments from the first champion meet-and-greet!




Marlon Devonish

is a former men's track and field athlete for the British national team, specializing in sprinting


He represented Great Britain at the 2000, 2004 and 2008 Summer Olympics, and achieved the pinnacle moment of his athletic career when he beat the powerful United States team to win the gold medal in the 4x100-meter relay at the 2004 Olympics.


Seizing Opportunities: 

Aligning with Harrow Values

In his speech, Mr Devonish not only shared his efforts and struggles on the field, but also emphasized the importance of seizing opportunities. Drawing on his own personal experiences, he explained to pupils how to have faith in the key moments and seize those fleeting opportunities

This viewpoint is in line with the Harrow values, which have always been committed to developing pupils' leadership, creativity and critical thinking, encouraging them to face challenges and seize every opportunity in life.

In the auditorium of Harrow Haikou, he shared a personal, little-known story from the run-up to the 150m sprint in Manchester at the Great City Games in 2009.

In this race, Mr Devonish competed alongside legendary runner Usain Bolt and they both broke their personal bests.

Before he signed up for the event, the rules suddenly changed. He and the other runners were informed that they had to run the qualifying rounds before they could get a spot, yet Bolt was able to advance without having to participate. Crucially, the interval between the qualifying rounds and the final was only 45 minutes.

“Do you guys think that's fair?” Mr. Devonish asked the pupils in the audience.

“It's not fair” was the unanimous reply.

“Yes, it's not fair. I told my manager that I was not going to do this race” Mr. Devonish said, “You want me to race against the fastest man in the world and I'm going to run once or twice first? Even if I qualify, I'm already tired. I can't win, it's not fair. If this was the World Championships or the Olympics, things like this wouldn't even happen.”

His manager told him,

“You're in great shape, you've spent a lot of time training for British Athletics. This is an opportunity for you and you never know where it will take you.”

After much deliberation, he finally decided to enter the race. Mr Devonish progressed through the ranks, eventually joining Bolt on the start line and achieving a personal best of 150 meters. The moment he crossed the finish line, he received a huge cheer from the people of Manchester and joined the other athletes in raising the profile and influence of athletics.

It was only after the race that he learned that Bolt had been in a car accident a few weeks before the race, that he had injured his foot, and that many questioned whether he would be able to run at his former level. For Bolt, taking part in this race was like putting himself in a dangerous situation.

He's already the fastest man in the world, and he could have said, “I'm not going to run”. But even Bolt, with everything going against him, took his chances.

“So, I want to convey to each of you the message that your chances may not be fair, or your chances may be in your favour. Regardless, you must adjust to your situation and seize the opportunity to perform at your best.A lot of things may seem unfair, but everyone carries different pressures and challenges.

As his coach said, “You never know where this opportunity will take you.” Had it not been for this race, Mr Devonish's personal best might have remained at the previous level.


Mr Devonish possesses very good presentation skills and he deeply touched every audience with his stories and personal experiences. Pupils and staff present at the event said that they had learned a lot of valuable life lessons and spiritual qualities from this Olympic Champion.

He shared his experiences as an athlete and some lesser-known stories of top athletes, which were inspiring and fascinating and left a deep impression on all Harrow pupils.

Embracing Centuries of Glory, Walking with Champions——

Great athletes visiting campus becomes a regular event at Harrow Haikou

Mr Marlon Devonish's visit not only allowed our children to get close to the world's top athletes and learn about the tremendous effort and growth experience behind winning a championship, but also inspired them to love sports and pursue the Olympic spirit.

In the future, Harrow Haikou will invite more outstanding athletes and sports stars to visit our campus and share their stories and life experiences with our pupils.

As the only international school in Hainan, Harrow Haikou has a strong sporting environment and has achieved excellent results in table tennis, badminton, sailing and equestrian and golf.

Inviting great athletes to school has become a regular event at Harrow Haikou. Chinese Olympic table tennis champion Shiwen Liu and world champion Ziyang Yu also came to Harrow Haikou not long ago to play table tennis with Harrow pupils and provide technical guidance. Last Friday's visit from Australian equestrian champion Andrew Scott also introduced more pupils to the charms of equestrian sports. Just stay tuned for our coverage in the coming weeks.

Close interaction with outstanding talents in various fields brings more than just a professional boost to our children.

A little spark of inspiration, the power of a role model, all of which may become the key to influencing a vital decision in their future life.









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