哈罗横琴在本学期首次开设A-Level课程,十一年级的学生开始了为期两年的A-Level课程学习。A-Level课程是英国教育体系的黄金标准,得到全球160个国家,一万多所大学的认可。与传统教育体系相比,A-Level允许学生根据自己的兴趣和未来职业规划选择科目。 毕业班阶段的课程兼具挑战性和趣味性,学生可以根据自身特长选择科目进行深入学习。A-Level课程以其高质量和灵活性,越来越受中国考生的欢迎。
我们近期与三名在A-Level学习中进步较大的学生进行了访谈,他们都认为小班教学给与他们很大的帮助,老师可以根据他们的节奏调整教学,给与足够的支持 ,让他们在这个学期快速进步。
因为和Gloria是一对一教学,我能仔细观察出来她是个十分独立自主的学生,很有批判性思维,善于提出问题,这一点恰恰是学好科学最需要的一个品质。我在课堂上会主要以questioning 方式引导她独立思考而不是直接告诉她理论。除了考纲上的内容,我会拓展相关的内容或者更深入的细节以引起她的兴趣和思考。她也很擅长做实验和调研,在这学期,她的实验技巧也进步了很多。我觉得她更有自信了,不管是实际操作层面还是理论理解层面,她对生物的兴趣也逐渐增加了。
Gloria L.和Sam Z.同学透露,他们都已经明确申请大学的方向,正根据升学指导老师的指引,设定标准化考试目标,规划职业实践、暑期学校和其他背景提升项目等等。Winnie Y. 同学正了解不同的大学体系、文化和海外生活,探索与职业目标相关的学术兴趣,获得A-Level课程选课建议。
Harrow Hengqin has launched its A-Level programme this term, with Grade 11 students beginning a two-year course of study. The A-Level programme is the gold standard of the British education system, recognised by over 10,000 universities across 160 countries worldwide. Compared to traditional education systems, A-Level allows students to select subjects based on their interests and future career plans. The courses are both challenging and engaging, offering students the opportunity to specialise in subjects that align with their strengths. With its high quality and flexibility, the A-Level programme is becoming increasingly popular among Chinese students.
Flexible Pathways for
Personalised Learning
Harrow Hengqin offers several A-Level pathways to meet students’ needs for admission to top universities.
· Mathematics Pathway: Mathematics, Further Mathematics
· Science Pathway: Biology, Chemistry, Physics
· Business Pathway: Business Studies, Economics
· Creative Pathway: Art & Design, Drama, Music
Many students also choose to take the EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) to enhance their research skills and delve deeper into a field of interest.
In addition, Harrow Hengqin offers a three-year A-Level programme, specifically designed for Grade 10 students who have completed their Zhongkao and are transitioning to an international high school.
Diverse and Comprehensive Academic Structures
Harrow Hengqin High School Curriculum:
Students in the A-Level Induction Programme will benefit from a combination of IGCSE and A-Level courses. They will not only gain the globally recognised IGCSE qualifications but also lay a strong foundation for their subsequent A-Level studies.
Students take three IGCSE courses and two A-Level preparatory courses. The IGCSE subjects include Chinese, English, and Mathematics, all externally assessed by the Cambridge Examination Board. For A-Level preparatory students, we offer subjects such as Chemistry, Physics, Economics, Business Studies, and Art.
Additionally, we have specifically designed an intensive English improvement programme tailored to the English proficiency and learning methods of students who have recently completed their high school entrance exams. This personalized programme effectively enhances their English skills in a comprehensive and efficient manner.
Students Share:
How Small-Class Teaching Supports
Personalised Learning
We recently interviewed three students who have made significant progress in their A-Level studies. All of them agree that the small-class teaching approach has greatly helped them, allowing teachers to adjust their pace according to their individual needs and provide the necessary support, enabling them to make rapid progress this term.
At Harrow Hengqin, each class consists of no more than 24 students, with a teacher-to-student ratio of 1:4. In sixth form, this can even be as low as 1:2 or 1:1, ensuring that students receive ample attention and support.
I am currently studying four A-Level subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. As I moved into Grade 11, the level of difficulty increased, and I inevitably felt some pressure. My teachers are always attentive to my needs, particularly in Biology, where I receive one-on-one instruction. If my teacher notices that I’m struggling, they adjust the pace of the lesson or modify the assignments accordingly. Thanks to small-class teaching, I’ve noticed significant progress this semester.
Since I teach Gloria one-on-one, I’ve been able to see that she is a very independent and critical thinker, which is an essential quality for mastering science. In class, I primarily use questioning techniques to encourage her to think independently rather than just providing the theory. Besides the prescribed syllabus, I also expand on related topics or go into greater depth to spark her interest and encourage deeper thinking. She is also very skilled at conducting experiments and research, and this semester, I’ve seen considerable improvement in her practical skills. She has gained more confidence, both in her hands-on work and theoretical understanding, and her interest in Biology has grown.
I am currently studying A-Level Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. I didn’t fully grasp Chemistry during my IGCSE studies, but now the teaching pace and methods are much more suited to me. Because of small-class teaching, my Chemistry teacher can focus more on my individual needs, and my questions get answered more quickly. Additionally, I had fallen behind in Mathematics for a while, but my teacher has been very supportive, helping me catch up. I’m very grateful for this assistance.
He seems to be mor dedicated and now taking his studies more seriously. It’s rewarding to see his progress.
Dr. Furze
I transferred from a public school to Harrow Hengqin after my Zhongkao exams, and I’m now enrolled in the three-year A-Level induction programme, which includes both IGCSE and A-Level induction courses. I’ve been taking an English enhancement course, and after some time, I’m no longer afraid to communicate with native speakers. I recently participated in the school’s bilingual public speaking competition and made it through the preliminary round. Additionally, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my Mathematics – I went from not understanding the English-language problems to now being able to read and solve them independently. I’m really grateful for my Mathematics teacher’s patient guidance.
Winnie, with the help of her teacher, is now able to solve fairly difficult IGCSE mathematics problems.
Winnie transferred from a public school, so she wasn’t familiar with the types of questions and concepts in international exams. I’ve been working with her to review the different types of questions and key concepts, while also reinforcing mathematical terminology. She has a solid foundation in Mathematics; she just needed the right approach to get on track. This is laying a strong foundation for her future A-Level studies.
Claus Li
One-on-One Guidance:
University Admissions and
Career Counseling
At Harrow Hengqin, we prioritize the personal development of every student. Throughout Grades 9 to 12, students and parents can access expert guidance on university admissions and career development. This includes in-person consultations by appointment, university and career guidance workshops, and events such as university fairs and lectures from university representatives.
Students in sixth form attended a university fair at Harrow Hong Kong this semester.
University Guidance Counselor
Master's in Linguistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bachelor's in English, Hunan University
College Admissions and Career Planning Certificate, University of California, Berkeley
Years of Experience in Career Development and Education Planning
To provide students with comprehensive information on admissions and career planning, they start exploring their career and academic interests through the UniFrog platform from Grade 9. Beginning in Grade 10, students receive career and university counseling from experienced professional university counsellor, including guidance on A-Level course selection and strategies for enhancing their profiles. In Grade 11, students engage in intensive one-on-one sessions with their counsellor to develop personalized plans for their future.
Our school regularly holds parent workshops, inviting university admissions officers and education experts to engage in discussions with parents.
Gloria L. and Sam Z. have both clarified their university application directions and are setting standardised exam goals, following the guidance of their university counsellors. They are also planning career-related internships, summer schools, and other activities to enhance their profiles. Meanwhile, Winnie Y. is exploring different university systems, cultures, and life abroad, while also investigating academic interests related to her career goals and seeking advice on subject choices for her A-Level programme.
