
教学技巧创新,教师成长助力学生成功!From Ideas to Impact: Tweak of the Week



创新始于分享,成长源于共进。在佛山霍利斯,我们的 “每周教学技巧分享” (Tweak of the Week)计划鲜活地诠释了这一理念。从技术赋能的教学工具到学生主导的课堂创新,我们教师们勇于尝试和分享,持续激发课堂活力与教学技巧。欢迎阅读本文,深入了解这项计划的独特魅力,以及本学期令人眼前一亮的教学创意。


“每周教学技巧分享”这一项创新计划由我校的教师继续专业发展(CPD)协调员 Mr Paul Holt 主导,旨在推动全体教师专业成长。每周,Mr Holt 从全校教师中挑选两位,他们将会先各自见面交流,分享在教学中得心应手的策略与方法。这些创意经过反复打磨与优化,最终分享给全校教师,形成教学经验共享的良性循环。



  • 跨学科技巧碰撞:不同学科教师的互动交流,激发出丰富多样的教学技巧与创新方案。

  • 反思与精进:持续的经验交流促使教师们不断反思与优化课堂教学,提升教育成效。

  • 成功经验共享:优秀教学实践在全校范围内推广,惠及更多学科与学生。

  • 专业成长激励:在日常教学中不断学习,保持教学热情与探索精神。

  • 创新课堂环境:源源不断的新思路与教学技巧为课堂注入活力,让学生的学习体验更丰富多彩。





西班牙语学科主任 Mr Lechado 通过“Hey Spinner”随机点名,营造公平有趣的课堂氛围。预备部教师 Ms Wilkinson 的“呼应回应 Call-and-Response”教学法显著提高了学生的专注力与互动度。


体育教师 Mr Lomas 通过互动角色展示体育运动中身体骨骼和肌肉如何配合。中文教师王老师的“词汇 Bingo”游戏则激发了学生对汉语词汇学习热情。


校长 Mrs Arden 与预备部教师 Mr Jones 借助AI工具重新编排阅读材料,帮助不同英语水平的学生更轻松地理解文本内容。西班牙语教师 Mr Burkle 则利用Mentimeter 创建实时词云,实时跟踪学生的学习动态。


艺术与设计部门主任 Ms Hayward 鼓励学生根据教师的反馈来自主制定课后作业,培养了他们的学习责任感与主动性。同时,副校长 Mr Banks 采用“知识梳理表”(Knowledge Organisers),为学生提供了清晰的复习框架,帮助他们更有针对性地备考,提高学习效率。

Mr Holt 对教师们源源不断的教学创意倍感欣喜:

这充分展现了我们学校教师团队的智慧与创造力。每周都有新的点子涌现,无论是在线平台与AI技术的前沿应用,还是久经考验的‘经典教学策略’,如‘抓住学生的闪光点 catch them being good’等。我为教师们的积极参与和热情投入感到骄傲,并很高兴看到这项活动拉近了教师之间的距离。现在我对下学期的新创意充满期待。


在本学期“每周教学技巧分享”计划中,我们为教师们展现出的创造力、协作力与主动性深感自豪。展望未来,Mr Holt 先生分享了令人振奋的新计划:

下学期,我们将以教师培训日(INSET Day)为起点,重点探索AI技术在教学资源开发中的应用。我对此充满期待,因为这不仅能够优化教师的备课时间,更能让课堂教学更具个性化,精准满足学生的学习需求。


我希望通过课堂观摩活动,深化教师间的教学交流。我计划了解每位教师的教学强项,如课堂管理或提问技巧等,为他们创造机会,互相观摩与学习,取长补短。CPD 委员会和我正在制订具体方案,大家敬请期待!


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Innovation begins with sharing — and at LEH Foshan, this term’s Tweak of the Week truly embodied that principle. From tech-powered learning tools to student-led activities, our teachers introduced fresh ideas that energised their classrooms and inspired new approaches to teaching. But what exactly is Tweak of the Week, and why does it matter? In this article, discover how this initiative drives professional growth and explore some of the most impactful ideas that shaped our classrooms this term.

How Does It Work?

Tweak of the Week is a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) initiative led by our CPD Coordinator, Mr Paul Holt. Each week, two teachers from the whole school are chosen by Mr Holt to meet and discuss their most effective teaching techniques and classroom strategies. After refining these ideas together, they share them with colleagues school-wide, ensuring that everyone benefits from the collective wisdom of our teaching community.

Why It Matters

Sparking Collaboration

Tweak of the Week plays a crucial role in enhancing teaching and learning at LEH Foshan. Here’s how it makes a difference:

  • Collaboration & Idea Sharing: Teachers from different subjects exchange practical tips, gaining fresh perspectives and strategies.

  • Reflective Practice: Discussing effective approaches helps teachers reflect on their methods and refine their techniques for greater classroom impact.

  • Best Practice Sharing: Successful ideas are shared school-wide, benefiting students across all subjects and year groups.

  • Professional Development: This in-house professional learning keeps teachers inspired, motivated, and committed to growth.

  • Innovative Teaching: With new tips every week, teaching remains dynamic, engaging, and student-focused.

Termly Highlights

Inspiring Classroom Practices

This term, Tweak of the Week brought innovative teaching strategies into the spotlight. Here are some standout ideas that inspired classrooms across LEH Foshan:

Engaging Participation

Head of Spanish, Mr Lechado, used Hey Spinner for random student selection, making participation fun and fair. Meanwhile, Prep Teacher Ms Wilkinson’s Call-and-Response techniques kept her class focused and engaged.

Active Learning

PE Teacher Mr Lomas’ interactive PE lessons turned students into “body parts” for hands-on learning, while Chinese Teacher Ms Wang’s Vocabulary Bingo made word recall fun and effective.

Innovative Tech for Learning

Headteacher Mrs Arden and Prep Teacher Mr Jones adapted complex reading materials using AI tools like ChatGPT, while Spanish Teacher Mr Burkle used Mentimeter to create live word clouds tracking student learning.

Encouraging Independent Learning

Head of Art and Design Faculty, Ms Hayward’s approach of student-set homework empowered learners to take responsibility for their own progress, while Deputy Head, Mr Banks’ use of Knowledge Organisers provided a clear framework for focused and effective exam preparation.

Mr Holt is impressed by the creativity of the ideas shared by staff: 

This speaks volumes about the wonderful teachers we have at the school. It’s been fun to see the new ideas that come up each week, whether it’s a new online platform or AI, or a tried-and-tested "golden oldie" like "catch them being good!" I’m happy that people have embraced Tweak of the Week, and I feel it has helped bring us closer together as a teaching community. I’m super excited to see what will be shared next semester.

Looking Ahead…

As we wrap up this term’s Tweak of the Week, we celebrate the creativity, collaboration, and commitment our teachers have shown toward professional growth. Looking ahead, Mr Holt shared exciting plans for the coming year:

We’ll kick off next term with our INSET day, where a major focus will be encouraging staff to experiment with AI for developing teaching resources. I’m really excited about this because it can not only save teachers time but also help them tailor materials to better meet their students’ needs.

Mr Holt also hinted at future plans for enhancing peer learning: 

Next year, I’d like to explore ways we can learn from each other through lesson observations. I’m considering surveying staff to identify their teaching strengths, such as behaviour management or questioning techniques, and creating opportunities for teachers to visit each other’s lessons to develop these skills. The CPD committee and I are still working on the details, so watch this space!

With a continued focus on innovation, collaboration, and professional growth, we look forward to another year of dynamic teaching and enriched learning experiences at LEH Foshan!









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