
2024: 教育的年终试卷——我们为孩子的未来打几分?2024: The Year-End Exam of Education




As 2024 draws to a close, the year’s "answer sheet" is about to be handed in. When it comes to “education,” how many points can we give ourselves?


In the past year, we have discussed “education” countless times, but how many of these discussions were truly about “education”? How many times did we talk about scores, tutoring, and admissions? And how many times did we discuss the cultivation of abilities, thinking, and character? When we discuss "education," how often do we talk about “teaching” versus “nurturing”? Have we ever considered that the imbalance between an overemphasis on “teaching” and the neglect of “nurturing” might be the root cause of many educational issues in our current era?



The "Risk Taker" Activity — Challenging Myself or The Child?


According to the 2023 China National Mental Health Report (2021-2022) published by the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the depression rates for elementary, middle, and high school students are 13.5%, 12.3%, and 10.8%, respectively. The high depression rate among elementary school students forces us to pay attention to the complexity of the origins of depression. Factors such as family environment, early academic pressure, societal influences, and the lack of mental health education may all contribute to this issue. Particularly noteworthy is the impact of emerging media, short videos, and online games, which offer students short bursts of dopamine-driven pleasure, sometimes leading to addiction.


Think back: When was the last time you seriously read a book? How many books have you read this past year? When was the last time you spent quality time with your child reading together?


In the past month, as part of the school’s IB Learner Profile Activity, students were provided with rich English and Chinese poetry reading resources, encouraging them to take on challenges and persist in cultivating good reading habits. Each family has shown unique ways of supporting and responding to this challenge. We hope that the joy and endorphin rush children experience after overcoming challenges will provide lasting mental well-being, helping them gain a deeper understanding of themselves as they face increasingly difficult tasks in the future.



What Was Discussed at the School’s Parent Committee Meeting?


In the past, we believed that possessing a certain set of knowledge and skills was enough to secure one’s place in life. With slightly better knowledge and skills, we could surpass our peers and gain a competitive edge. In the AI era, however, acquiring knowledge is becoming increasingly easy. How, then, can we stand out? How can we find our purpose in such an environment?


No parent wishes for their child to lack critical thinking skills: "Do I really need to buy this My Little Pony toy?" "What impact will excessive addiction to video games and short videos have on me?" "Does failing this exam mean I’m a failure overall?" "Does their behavior constitute bullying or sexual harassment?" and so on.


On the afternoon of December 13, Changsha BeeMee Forest School held its final parent committee meeting of the semester. On this special day, Executive Principal and Primary School Head, Ms. Zhong Yanli, delivered a lecture titled "Reading Strategies for Cultivating Critical Thinking Skills." During this one-hour session, parents transformed into students, immersing themselves in the world of books, fully engaged in Principal Zhong’s class, and experiencing firsthand how reading can ignite independent thinking and the ability to question. We hope that this experience can extend to every warm family corner.



Reinterpreting "Teaching" and "Nurturing"


Teaching Knowledge and Skills ≠ Education


Teaching knowledge, such as Chinese, mathematics, English, and other subjects, falls under the "teaching" aspect of education, which we commonly refer to as "instruction." This also includes teaching talents, such as painting, music, and physical education. But what does “nurturing” mean? Nurturing is about developing abilities, thinking, and character. This includes abilities such as thinking skills, learning skills, self-management, time management, aesthetic abilities, social skills, resilience, and more.


Knowledge and skill teaching can be accomplished within a traditional 40-minute class. But what about the cultivation of abilities? Can abilities be learned from books? The level of knowledge and skills can be evaluated through standardized tests, but how do we assess the growth of abilities? Some educators view “teaching” and “nurturing” as tools of instrumental rationality and value rationality. "Nurturing," as a value rationality, is difficult to assess or quantify using tools. We cannot easily measure how much critical thinking a child possesses, nor can we evaluate whether their aesthetic ability has improved since yesterday. Likewise, the development of thinking, character, and overall quality is hard to quantify.


Looking ahead to the new year, we hope that school education, family education, and social education will be like "the spring breeze that turns the green again," illuminating every classroom and brightening every home.






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