
EYFS幼儿园|Thanksgiving Day 爱的魔法,就在你身边




On this heartwarming Thanksgiving Day, the kindergarten is overflowing with love.  With their unique innocence and creativity, the children beautifully express their understanding of gratitude.

K1 班的小朋友们仿若创意小工匠,将纸勺巧妙幻化为基底,黏土羽毛精心点缀成羽,一只只萌态十足的火鸡在他们手中应运而生。他们那全神贯注的眼眸,以及略显生疏却极为认真的小手动作,似是为这些火鸡注入了灵动的魂灵,每一只皆满溢着孩子们对感恩节的热忱期许。

The children in K1, like little artisans,  transform ordinary paper spoons into turkeys.  They carefully glue on feathers made of clay, bringing their creations to life.  With focused eyes and small hands that are still learning, they seem to give each turkey a spirit all its own.  Every turkey is overflowing with the children's excitement for Thanksgiving.

K2 班的两个班级匠心独运,把平凡无奇的鸡蛋托巧妙打造为感恩节花束的精美依托。经孩子们的巧手雕琢,鸡蛋托瞬间华丽转身,成为五彩斑斓花朵的栖息之所,再佐以各类精巧装饰,一束束别出心裁的花束便承载着孩子们对心中所念之人的诚挚感恩,只待赠予那珍视之人。

The two K2 classes show remarkable ingenuity by using egg cartons as the base for beautiful Thanksgiving bouquets.  In the children's skillful hands, the egg cartons are magically transformed into colorful homes for flowers. With the addition of various decorations, each unique bouquet carries the children's sincere gratitude to those they cherish.


K3 - 1 班的小朋友们仿若求知的小探险家,深入探究感恩节的渊源,明晰其为感恩与欢庆丰收的节日。他们的小脑袋瓜里仿若藏着无尽的奇思妙想,写信、制贺卡、挑礼物、送鲜花,甚至邀人携宠物同游等表达感恩的方式如泉涌般纷至沓来。继而,每个孩子都用心绘制了一张饱含深情的卡片,这些卡片汇聚于班级一角,构筑成一面暖意融融的感恩墙,每张卡片皆为一颗纯粹无瑕的感恩之心的具象呈现。

The children in K3-1, like little explorers, delve into the origins of Thanksgiving, learning that it is a time to give thanks and celebrate the harvest. Their minds overflow with creative ideas for expressing gratitude: writing letters, making cards, choosing gifts, sending flowers, and even inviting people to go on outings with their pets. Each child carefully creates a heartfelt card, and together they form a warm "wall of gratitude" in the classroom. Each card is a pure expression of a thankful heart.

K3 - 2 班的孩子们围聚一处,兴致盎然地分享着各自心中那些值得感恩的美好事物。从朝夕相伴的心爱的小玩具,到每日不可或缺、默默陪伴的水杯,再到那弥足珍贵的纯真友情,他们以稚嫩的童言童语描绘着生活中那些如暖阳般给予自己幸福与慰藉的细微点滴。分享毕,孩子们亲手塑造了象征感恩的小鸟,轻手轻脚地将它们粘贴于“感恩树”之上,让这棵树化为感恩的载体,承载着孩子们绵延不绝的谢忱与至善至美的祝愿。

The children in K3-2 gather together, excitedly sharing the things they are grateful for.  From their beloved toys and trusty water bottles to their precious friendships, they use their innocent words to describe the small things in life that bring them joy and comfort.  After sharing, the children create little birds to symbolize gratitude and carefully place them on a "gratitude tree".  This tree becomes a symbol of their overflowing thankfulness and well-wishes.


Though simple, these actions are truly touching. On this special day, the children learn to appreciate the beauty around them and experience the power of gratitude. Like a spark, gratitude plants seeds of warmth and kindness in their young hearts. In time, these seeds will sprout and grow, blossoming into a forest of compassion.






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