Let's go! Get that Olympic spirit going and show off some awesome sportsmanship! The fifth "Ollie Gives, Luck Comes" themed sports day at Xiamen Chiway Repton Kindergarten is here!
The warm sunshine lights up the kids' smiling faces; the exciting field is where they'll give it their all. Let's follow the kids and experience this super fun and exciting sports day together!
Part 1 小小运动员入场
Little athletes entered the sports field
In the bright sunrise, marching in neat steps, the little athletes enter the field, their eyes full of confidence. They're ready to unleash their energy and show off their skills! Let's cheer them on!
Part 2 升旗仪式
Flag Raising Ceremony
在庄严的国歌声中 ,我们的普高学部国旗队护旗手们眼神坚定,身躯挺拔。小朋友们和爸爸妈妈向着鲜艳的五星红旗行注目礼,齐唱国歌。
As the national anthem plays, the flag bearers from our High School Department stand tall and proud. The kids and their parents salute the bright five-star red flag and sing the national anthem together.
Part 3 致开幕词
Opening Speech
Principal Sandy kicks off the sports day with a warm welcome to every family. She hopes each child enjoys the games, challenges themselves, and feels the joy of sports.
Part 4 火炬传递&运动员宣誓
Torch Relay & Athletes' Pledge of Allegiance
The Olympic flame, through thousands of years, burns in the hearts of everyone who loves sports and chases their dreams. Today, parents and kids from each class carry the torch, passing on their love for their country and the spirit of sports.
Athlete representative Zhou Hongyu Neil leads the oath at the opening ceremony. The kids repeat after him: "If we fall, we won't cry! It's okay to lose! We won't brag if we win! We won't get discouraged if we don't! We'll be brave and strong athletes!
Ollie gives, luck comes. Go for it!"
Part 5 亲子热身操
Parent-Child Warm-up Exercises
热身运动不能少!在小小领操员K2 Eddie、k2 Olivia 、K3 Ella、K3 Sequoia的带领下,大家一起尽情地舞动着自己的身体吧!
Time to warm up! Let's get moving with our little leaders, K2 Eddie, K2 Olivia, K3 Ella, and K3 Sequoia!
Part 6 趣味排球赛
Fun Volleyball Match
Big volleyball, big fun! The whistle blows, and everyone's ready for some volleyball action! Let's see what the parents can do!
Part 7 比赛现场
Scene of the match
This sports day is super exciting! We've got three areas: soccer, parkour, and the "Olympic" game zone for parents and kids!
Soccer Zone: Fearless soccer stars! Watch them kick the ball around and show their courage!
Parkour Zone: Parents and little athletes are ready to run! Every step they take shows their awesome courage and energy.
“奥运”游戏区: 亲子齐上阵,携手向前行!这是孩子们的活力赛场,也是爸爸妈妈的童年返场通道。
"Olympic" Game Zone: Parents and kids team up! This is where the kids unleash their energy, and parents get to feel like kids again!
Part 8 短跑比赛
Sprint Race
Look! The kindergarten cuties are ready to sprint! Like little rockets, they're about to take off and show us their speed!
Part 9 家长拔河比赛
Parent tug-of-war
Tug-of-war time! The referee blows the whistle ("beep!"), and the parents pull with all their might! Cheers, shouts, and laughter fill the air!
Part 10 颁奖典礼
Award Ceremony
After some tough competition and great sportsmanship, it's time for the exciting award ceremony!
When you're brave and strong,
the sports field will always cheer you on.
Running with courage makes childhood awesome,
sweat glistening in the sun is so cool!
It's a test of strength and guts,
the sports day celebrates every child.
Go for it, you shining stars!
Let's remember the courage, teamwork, and perseverance, and see you next year!
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