
“英”姿飞扬,“语”韵悠长 | FLA中学部首届英语周活动回顾





12月9日-11日,FLA中学部迎来了首届英语周活动。英语组的教师们不仅带来Spelling Bee、Story Relay、Dubbing、Singing等经典活动,还为同学们准备了丰厚的礼品,吸引了众多学生的加入。接下来,让我们共同回顾同学们在英语周中的精彩表现。



12月9日的Spelling bee是周内最先举办的活动。Spelling bee是一项在欧美国家非常流行的拼字竞赛活动。此次活动将初中、高中进行分组,并给出一系列难度递增的英语单词,选手需要在规定时间内准确地拼写出这些单词。他们依次站上舞台,从日常的高频词汇到较为生僻的专业术语,每个单词都是对知识储备和拼写技巧的考验。

Spelling Bee不仅能够帮助学生提高英语单词的拼写能力,还能增强他们对英语词汇的理解、记忆和运用,同时也有助于培养学生的竞争意识、专注力、自信心以及在压力下保持冷静的能力,对提升英语综合素养有着积极的促进作用。


Story Relay

在语言的花园里,故事是最娇艳的花朵;在心灵的旷野中,故事是最温暖的篝火。12月10日,一场充满奇幻与感动的Story Relay活动在我们的校园中拉开帷幕。活动当天,同学们分为8个小组,需要在15分钟内创造出属于自己小组的专属故事。在讲述过程中,学生们尽情发挥着自己的创意,用独特的声音、生动的表情和富有感染力的肢体语言,将故事中的世界呈现给观众。

每一个故事都是一个充满无限可能的宇宙,而Story Relay活动就是在这片宇宙中自由翱翔。在故事创作时,你可以突破现实的束缚,创造出奇幻的魔法世界、遥远的星际冒险或是神秘的古老王国。你可以让动物开口说话,让时光倒流,让平凡的事物拥有非凡的力量。


Drama Performances

11年级的同学们带来了精彩的英语短剧表演:Noisy Neighbors。学生们将原创剧本和自我想象力结合,用流利的英语和生动的肢体语言为我们带来了一个天马行空的故事。本学期Mark老师的戏剧课,让学生们在课堂上过足“戏瘾”,而英语周的舞台,更让他们实践了表演技巧,增强了自信。


Dubbing & Singing


Dubbing 给予了学生们自由创作和表达的空间,学生们可以根据自己的理解和感受对角色进行重新演绎,赋予他们独特的个性与生命力。无论是用温柔的声音展现角色的善良,还是用激昂的语调传达角色的勇敢,亦或是用诙谐的语气诠释角色的幽默,都能在这个舞台上尽情展现。

FLA Singing是属于每一位热爱英语歌唱同学的闪耀时刻。舞台之上,光灯聚焦,选手们用自己独特的嗓音和对英语歌曲的深刻理解,演绎一首首经典之作。无论是抒情,摇滚,还是合唱。每一个音符、每一句歌词都将在选手们的诠释下焕发出新的魅力。

English Singing为英语学习开辟了一条充满乐趣与活力的新路径。在学唱英语歌曲的过程中,同学们会不自觉地模仿歌曲中的英语发音,从而更加准确地掌握单词的读音、连读、弱读等语音技巧,纠正自己的发音偏差。同时,通过理解歌词的含义,大家能够接触到丰富多样的英语词汇、短语和句型,这些在歌曲语境中的语言知识更容易被记住和运用。


FLA Secondary School's First English Week Activities

From December 9th to 11th, the FLA Secondary School successfully hosted its first-ever English Week. The event aimed to improve students' language proficiency, foster creativity, and promote teamwork. Through a series of dynamic and lively competitions and performances, students showcased their talents, enthusiasm, and love for the English language.

1. Spelling Bee Competition

The Spelling Bee was one of the most anticipated activities of the week. Participants from various grades demonstrated their proficiency in vocabulary and spelling through several challenging rounds. The competition not only cultivated a sense of healthy rivalry but also emphasized the importance of mastering word memorization. The final round was particularly intense, with Celine (Grade 7), Marvin and Leo (Grade 8), Jonathan and Lucas (Grade 10), and Espen (Grade 11) winning the coveted Spelling Bee title.

2. Story Relay

The Story Relay activity highlighted students' creativity. Teams worked collaboratively to create and narrate a story, with each member contributing 1-3 sentences. This activity honed students’ storytelling and improvisational skills while emphasizing teamwork. The stories ranged from humorous adventures to thought-provoking tales, reflecting the diverse imaginations of the participants. Ultimately, the team comprising Damon, Chloe, Alex (Grade 12), Leo (Grade 10), Bosen, and Amanda (Grade 9) stood out among eight entries, taking home the prize.

3. Dubbing Contest

The Dubbing Contest provided a platform for students to display their expressive and interpretative abilities. Teams selected clips from popular movies or cartoons and reimagined the dialogues in English. This activity was immensely popular, helping students practice pronunciation and intonation while enhancing their ability to convey emotions. Notable performances included dubs of 2 Broke Girls and Harry Potter. Participants included Jacob, Sunny, and Letty (Grade 10); Rose, Annie, and Harry (Grade 7); and Cici, Tina, Iris, and Mary (Grade 7).

4. Drama Performances

Under the guidance of drama teacher Mark, students combined scripted content with their imagination to bring engaging stories to life through vivid performances. This activity enhanced students' acting skills and boosted their confidence. Henry, Espen, Frank, and Shehide (Grade 10) delivered a passionate and fluent English performance that received unanimous praise from the audience.

5. Singing and 

Dance Competition

The singing competition allowed students to showcase their musical and linguistic talents. Participants performed a wide variety of English songs, from pop hits to romantic ballads, demonstrating their vocal abilities and love for English music. Memorable performances included Why We Sing, Jar of Love, These People Are Not Me, I Want to Spend My Lifetime Loving You, Someone You Loved, Why Would We Ever, and Good Time. The student choir, directed by Ms. Vivi, captivated the audience with Why We Sing, while a creative dance performance to Pink Venom by four Grade 8 girls brought the crowd to its feet. Grade 9's Guo Chenghao closed the event with an engaging stage presence and a delightful rendition of Good Time, leaving the audience in high spirits.


The first FLA English Week was a resounding success, providing students with a vibrant platform to develop and showcase their English language skills. Each activity received enthusiastic participation, highlighting students’ potential and creativity. The event not only underscored the importance of mastering English but also strengthened the bonds among participants. We look forward to organizing similar events in the future to continue nurturing our students' talents and passion for the English language.


文字 | Kyle Pei、Gladys Gao

编辑丨Emily Fu

初审 | Joey Liu

终审 | Kalen Ji









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