喜讯 | IEO经济学竞赛荣获佳绩!
(全国排名前 45%)
St Bees Dongguan
一等奖 High Distinction *2
Angela, Frank
三等奖 Outstanding Award *2
Jerian, Leo
优秀奖 Credit Award *5
Prince, Leo, Helen, Claire, Richard
IEO竞赛举办多年,在国内外都有着较高的知名度,同时该竞赛所设涉及的知识与学生在校所学知识有一定的联系,考验了同学们的时间管理、整理总结、实际与知识相结合等能力。通过IEO的经济竞赛,学生们能够更好、更系统的掌握经济学相关知识,对于接下来经济学的学习有着巨大的帮助。据统计,已经有不少参与到 IEO 中的选手,经过经济学知识的提升以及审辩性思维的锤炼后,成功被哈佛大学、斯坦福大学、康奈尔大学等世界各大知名学府的相关专业录取。
博弈财商智慧,试炼审辩思维。圣比斯(东莞)学子们在国际舞台上的优异表现,成为我们A Level教学实力的有力呈现。
“正因同学们在校内的经济学知识积累足够扎实,才能在高难度的竞赛中摘取佳绩。” IEO赛事的带队老师Mr. Moon总结道。
此外,Mr. Moon还分享了:
Teaching is always more exciting when students are passionate and highly motivated to learn. Being a coach for IEO gave me the privledge of working with some of the students in our school that are most passionate about economics. It was such a fun experience to teach them new things and see them discover an-d understand more about this subject that I love so much. I am very proud of their achievements but even more about the effort they put into this competition. I also think it's great that they got this chance to broaden their knowledge of the subject and I hope this will help them have a clear idea of what they want to study in the future.
Participating in the IEO competition has been an incredible experience for me. I’m grateful to Ms. Levana, who encouraged me to sign up for the competition and gave me a lot of confidence. I’d like to thank my economics teacher, Mr. Moon for his support. He always took the time to help me after class, patiently explaining concepts. It was a meaningful experience that helped me gain a lot of economic knowledge beyond the textbook.
I have got an award in IEO recently. There are several
factors that made me succeed:
1. Focusing on daily economic classes is the foremost.
2. Doing the relevant questions in the question bank is vital.
3. It is also very essential to make good use of extra resources.I feel really surprised and proud when I saw my result.