01-06 09:15发布于天津
Last month, the BIBA Winter Book Showcase lit our school with incredible creativity, enthusiasm, and literary passion! Middle school students transformed the gymnasium into a vibrant gallery walk, proudly showcasing their poster board book reports. This interactive event highlighted their hard work and provided a fantastic opportunity for students to engage deeply with literature, share their insights, and celebrate their achievements with parents, teachers, and school administrators.
当学生们展示自己的成果时,那种兴奋之情显而易见。在制作总结展板中,他们深入探究文本,分析关键主题、人物弧线以及情节发展。例如,一位选择了 J.K. 罗琳所著《哈利・波特与魔法石》的学生,探讨了友谊和勇敢的主题,并思考了在面对不公时挺身而出的重要性以及在逆境中忠诚的价值。这种与作品的深度接触培养了他们更深层次的文学欣赏能力。
The excitement was palpable as students presented their projects, each a unique reflection of their chosen book. Students learned invaluable lessons about literature and themselves by creating poster board reports. They dove into the depths of their texts, analysing key themes, character arcs, and plot developments. For instance, a student who chose Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling explored the themes of friendship and bravery and reflected on the importance of standing up against injustice and the value of loyalty in the face of adversity. This deep engagement with literature fostered a greater appreciation for storytelling and its impact on our lives.
Moreover, students honed their communication skills by presenting their projects to an enthusiastic audience of peers, parents, and teachers. The gallery walk format encouraged them to articulate their thoughts clearly and confidently, transforming them into budding public speakers. The collaborative spirit of the event also shone through as students supported one another, exchanged ideas, and celebrated each other’s successes. The atmosphere was filled with encouragement and camaraderie, making it a memorable experience for everyone involved.
The BIBA Winter Book Showcase celebrated the love for reading and the joy of learning! Organising such activities serves multiple purposes. First, it ignites a passion for literature among students. The event encourages independent reading and exploring diverse genres by allowing students to choose books that resonate with them. This autonomy fosters a sense of ownership over their learning, making literature more relatable and enjoyable.
The significance of the BIBA Winter Book Showcase extends far beyond the immediate learning outcomes. Events like this play a crucial role in developing essential skills for success in the 21st century. Students displayed critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity as they created and presented their book reports. These skills are applicable in academic settings and highly valued in the workplace, preparing students for future challenges.
Moreover, such activities help to cultivate a positive school culture that values learning and creativity. They encourage students to take risks, express their ideas, and engage with their peers meaningfully. This sense of community and support is essential for fostering a love of learning and encouraging students to pursue their interests and passions.
Mrs Allen
The gallery walk format allows students to take ownership of their learning. They are not just passive recipients of information; they actively engage with the material and share their insights with others. This engagement is crucial for fostering a love of literature and developing critical thinking skills.
Ms Skosana
In a constantly changing world, creativity is a key skill students must develop. By allowing them to uniquely express their understanding of literature, we encourage them to think outside the box and approach problems from different angles.
这次英文读书报告我花费了几个星期不断构思、在老师的帮助下不断修改。我很喜欢自己的读书报告,同时通过展览也看到了很多高年级的报告,内容丰富,设计巧妙。因为这些精美的读书报告也勾起了我近一步去读这些推荐书目的兴趣。——G7 Daniel
整个读书展览举办得出乎了我的意料,在这个活动当中我也感受到了与人交流的重要性。当看到自己费尽心血的作品得到了认可我感到十分自豪。——G8 Jary
参加完这次活动,我收获颇丰。我与不同作品背后的同学交流,他们带我拓宽视野,增长了更多见识。活动内容丰富多彩,让我在轻松愉悦的氛围里学到了许多新知识,也激发了我对不同领域的兴趣。——G9 Diana
This English reading gallery activity has trained the children's thinking ability and expression ability, greatly improved their reading enthusiasm, as a parent, I am very happy to see the children show themselves, thank you for the high-quality display platform provided by BIBA TJ School!It was an especially wonderful English activity. I was amazed at the children's creativity and extraordinary English abilities. The school and teachers have created such a platform for children to show themselves, which has enhanced their abilities and confidence. I really appreciate it. Thanks, BIBA!——G7 Carry妈妈
展示会的方式不仅增强了孩子的英文阅读动力,英文写作也得到了提升。感谢老师们的精心指导,相信孩子们从此会更加热爱英文阅读!——G7 Eddie 妈妈
每一份读书报告都是孩子们精心设计的,有手绘的画,有风格各异的装饰,非常吸睛。走近看,孩子们都会热情地介绍起自己的报告,穿插着各种奇思妙想。整个读书展参观下来,我也找到了几本感兴趣的书想要深入阅读,希望孩子们也能爱上阅读。——G7 Daniel妈妈
家长学生们人头攒动,逐个的浏览参展作品,时而窃窃私语的讨论作品的突出特点,时而发出啧啧的称赞,还有人围在感兴趣的作品前听制作者本人用中英文介绍他的作品,最后经过老师们的专业评测、家长和学生们的人气投票综合评价后选出了优秀作品并加以表彰。经了解从读书到成品完成经过了英文老师两个月的耐心指导,读书、展板制作、排版、插图绘画、书籍推荐、内容简介都由学生们自己独立完成,同时也锻炼了耐心和能力收获满满。——G7 David爸爸
走进英文读书展览,看到孩子们大大方方地介绍,我也沉浸其中。整个活动很有趣,感受到学校对英文阅读的用心。——G8 Jary妈妈
在分享会的现场,被孩子们的作品震撼到了,有创意,有水平,有深度;被老师们感动了,周至,有爱,用心。——G9 Diana妈妈
Organising such activities promotes a love for reading, enhances critical thinking and communication skills, and creates a positive school culture. The instructors' perspectives reinforce the importance of these events in nurturing creativity and empowering students to take ownership of their learning. As we reflect on the success of this year's showcase, we look forward to future events that will continue to inspire and engage our students in their literary journeys. Here’s to many more celebrations of learning and creativity in the future!
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