01-08 08:16发布于江苏
阳光透过窗户洒进教室,映照在每位学生的脸上。每一堂高中生物课,Mr. Born总会带着标志性的微笑步入教室,空气中仿佛也多了一丝期待的气息。
Mr. Born以回顾上节课内容的方式开始了全新的课程。这节ECP层级(中学学科难度层级:CP<ECP<AP<EAP)的课堂中,他用流利的英语简要复盘了跨学科化学中的知识点,催化剂,随后巧妙地引出生物概念中的“酶”,笑着对大家说:“想象一下,酶就像一位媒婆,她不会直接参与到两个人的关系中,但她能帮助他们加速建立联系。”
Mr. Born总是能找到最贴切的生活场景来解释复杂的生物学概念,让原本晦涩难懂的专业术语变得通俗易懂。偶尔,他还用唱歌的方式讲解知识点,使课堂充满趣味。在欢声笑语中,学生们可以随时打断提问、记笔记,听不懂的地方可以直接表达。
Sunlight filters through the windows, casting a warm glow on the students' faces. With his signature smile, Mr. Born enters the classroom for each high school biology lesson, bringing a sense of anticipation with him.
He starts each new lesson by reviewing the previous class's material. In this ECP level class (Secondary School subject difficulty level: CP < ECP < AP < EAP), he briefly recaps the key points in English from interdisciplinary chemistry, such as catalysts, and then smoothly transitions to the biological concept of "enzymes." With a smile, he says, "Think of enzymes as matchmakers. They don't get involved in the relationship, but they help people connect more quickly."
Mr. Born always finds relatable real-life examples to explain complex biological concepts, making what could be difficult jargon easy to grasp. Occasionally, he even uses songs to teach, adding fun to the classroom. Amidst laughter and chatter, students feel free to interrupt with questions, take notes, and speak up if they don't understand something.
在这堂生动有趣的生物课上,一个不可或缺的教学工具是Mr. Born的独家秘籍——完形填空式的讲义笔记。
例如,在讲解细胞呼吸的过程中,讲义中会完整地列出反应方程式,但会将某些化学物质的名字或步骤留空。当Mr. Born讲解到这部分内容时,学生们就需要迅速记下这些关键词。这不仅帮助他们更好地掌握复杂的科学概念,还能锻炼他们在短时间内提取和记录重要信息的能力。
为了更好地跟踪每一位学生的学习情况,Mr. Born还为每位学生精心准备了一个专属文件夹,里面收纳了该学生的讲义笔记、随堂测验等资料。这个文件夹不仅是学生学习历程的记录,也是Mr. Born了解每个学生进步情况的重要工具。随着学期的推进,这些文件夹逐渐变厚,成为学生努力与成长的见证。等到学期结束时,学生们翻开自己的文件夹,看到满满当当的文件,内心也会充满了成就感。
无论是课上的即时反馈还是课外的一对一交流,Mr. Born始终致力于了解每一位学生的需求,调整教学策略,确保他们能在适合自己的水平上取得进步。作为一位不断追求进步的教育者,Mr. Born深知终身学习的重要性。他每年都会更新这些讲义,确保教学材料与时俱进。
Mr. Born的辛勤耕耘不仅提升了课堂效率,也为学生成绩带来了显著的提升。在他的指导下,过去两年AP生物班级的平均分达到了90分以上;AP大考5分率高达50%,远超全球28%和中国48%的平均水平。此外,在IBO英国生物中级测评(竞赛)中,学生更是斩获了1金1银4铜的好成绩。
作为中学部科学学科组组长,Mr. Born计划将这种讲义模式推广给所有科学老师,提升整个教师团队的专业水平。他发起了名为SIPS(Science Internal Professional Sharing)的内部分享活动,寓意知识点犹如小酌一杯,一点一滴慢慢教授给学生。通过SIPS,教师们可以交流最新的教育理念、分享实用的教学工具和方法,促进共同进步。每次学科组会议中,教师们会轮流展示自己在课堂上的创新实践,讨论遇到的问题及解决方案,形成一个积极向上的教学氛围。
Unique Teaching Method: Cloze Notes
A Personal Record for Each Student, Allowing Them to Review Their Academic Journey
In this lively and interesting biology class, Mr. Born's unique secret weapon is an essential teaching tool—cloze notes, or fill-in-the-blank notes.
These notes typically provide 70% - 80% of the content, leaving blanks for keywords and sentences. These empty spaces cover important concepts, terms, and critical equations. Students need to pay close attention during class and fill in these gaps based on the teacher's explanations. This method not only ensures that students keep up with the class, but also encourages them to think actively and participate, enhancing their memory and understanding of the material.
For example, when explaining cellular respiration, the notes list the complete reaction equation but leave the names of certain chemical substances or steps blank. As Mr. Born covers this part, students need to quickly jot down these key words. This helps them better grasp complex scientific concepts and also trains their ability to extract and record important information quickly.
To keep a close eye on each student's progress, Mr. Born carefully prepares a personal folder for every student. These folders hold their notes, quizzes, and other materials. They're not just a record of the student's learning journey, but also a key way for Mr. Born to see how each student is improving. As the semester goes on, these folders get thicker, showing the students' hard work and growth. When the semester ends, students feel proud as they open their folders and see all the work they've done.
Whether it's giving feedback in class or having one-on-one talks outside of class, Mr. Born always tries to understand what each student needs. He adjusts his teaching to help them improve at their own pace. As a teacher who loves to learn, Mr. Born knows how important it is to keep learning. He updates his notes every year to make sure the teaching materials stay up-to-date.
Mr. Born's hard work has not only made his classes more efficient but also greatly improved his students' grades. Under his guidance, the average score in the AP Biology class has been over 90% for the past two years. The percentage of students scoring a 5 on the AP exam has reached 50%, which is much higher than the global average of 28% and the Chinese average of 48%. Moreover, in the UKBC Intermediate Biology Olympiad, students have won one gold, one silver, and four bronze medals.
As the Head of the Science Department in the Secondary School, Mr. Born plans to share his note-taking method with all science teachers to help improve the skills of the whole teaching team. He started a program called SIPS (Science Internal Professional Sharing), which means teaching knowledge bit by bit, like taking small sips of a drink. Through SIPS, teachers can share new educational ideas, practical teaching tools, and methods to help each other improve. During each department meeting, teachers take turns showing their creative teaching ideas, discussing problems they've had, and finding solutions. This creates a positive and supportive teaching environment.
为了让学生们在正式上课前就对即将学习的内容有所了解,Mr. Born会为每一节课准备一份详细的预习清单,按照章节和课次排列好每个单元需要掌握的新单词——学生们能清楚地知道下一节课将遇到哪些专业术语和常用词汇,这不仅提高了课堂效率,也为后续的学习打下了坚实的基础。
走进Mr. Born的课堂,你会发现他在讲解生物知识点之前总是先帮学生打好英语这一关。作为托福113分的高分获得者,Mr. Born深知英语能力对于国际课程学习的重要性。每当遇到复杂的生物单词时,他会从词根词缀入手,耐心地拆解并解释每一个组成部分。
例如,在介绍“photosynthesis”这个词时,Mr. Born会详细说明:“‘photo-’意味着光,‘-synthesis’则表示合成。所以,整个词的意思就是通过光照进行合成的过程。”他还进一步举例说:“就像植物利用阳光制造食物一样,我们也可以把‘photosynthesis’想象成用光来建造东西。”
Mr. Born还会举更多例子来帮助学生记忆和理解其他重要的生物学术语。比如,“exothermic / endothermic reactions”(放热反应和吸热反应)。他解释道:“‘exo-’这个前缀来自希腊语,意为‘向外’或‘释放’,‘endo-’则表示‘向内’或‘吸收’,而‘therm’这个词根则意为意为‘热’,可以记忆成‘heat’。因此,‘exothermic’指的是释放热量的反应,而‘endothermic’则是吸收热量的反应。
再如,“enzyme”(酶),Mr. Born会分解为“en-”(在...里面)和“zyme”(发酵),解释说:“酶是在细胞内部起催化作用的物质,帮助加速化学反应而不被消耗。”这种从英语词源角度的解析方法不仅有助于学生记住生物学科学术英语单词的拼写和发音,更能加深他们对生物学概念的理解。
在狄邦华曜学校,像Mr. Born这样的教师不仅仅是个例。学校致力于让每一位教师在其专业领域内扮演英语教师的角色,营造良好的国际课程环境。无论是物理、化学还是历史,教师们会确保学生在掌握专业知识的同时提升英语水平。此外,通过细致的分层教学,学校帮助每个学生逐渐适应不同难度的全英文教学,为未来大学学习做好准备。
Mastering Academic English to Boost Biology Learning
A Great Biology Teacher Is Also a Great English Teacher
To help students get ready for each class, Mr. Born creates a detailed preview list for every lesson. It's organized by chapter and lesson, and it lists all the new vocabulary they need to learn. This way, students know exactly what technical terms and common words they'll come across in the next class. It makes the class more efficient and sets a strong foundation for their future studies.
In Mr. Born's class, he always starts by helping students with English before getting into the biology topics. With a high TOEFL score of 113, he knows how important English is for learning international courses. When he comes across difficult English words, he breaks them down step by step, starting with the roots and prefixes, and explains each part carefully.
For example, when introducing the word "photosynthesis," Mr. Born explains: "‘Photo-’ means light, and ‘-synthesis’ means to put together. So, the word means making something using light." He adds, "Think of it like how plants use sunlight to make food. We can picture ‘photosynthesis’ as building with light."
He also helps students with other key biology terms, like "exothermic / endothermic reactions." He says, "‘Exo-’ means ‘out’ or ‘release,’ and ‘endo-’ means ‘in’ or ‘absorb.’The root ‘therm’ means ‘heat.’ So, ‘exothermic’ means a reaction that gives off heat, and ‘endothermic’ means one that takes in heat."
For the word "enzyme," Mr. Born breaks it down: "‘En-’ means ‘in,’ and ‘zyme’ comes from ‘ferment.’ Enzymes are like helpers inside cells that speed up chemical reactions without getting used up." This way of looking at words helps students not only remember how to spell and say them but also understand what they mean in biology.
At Huayao Collegiate, teachers like Mr. Born are not the exception. The school encourages every teacher to help students improve their English while teaching their subjects. Whether it's physics, chemistry, or history, teachers focus on both the subject content and English skills. Plus, the school uses detailed differentiated teaching to help each student get used to all-English classes at different levels, getting them ready for college.
Mr. Born的生物课,前几分钟是一道“特别的开胃菜”。“大家准备好笔和纸,我们来个小测。”一声令下,整个教室就充满了些许紧张、又有些许期待的氛围。学生们知道,这三五分钟的小测是检验前一天学习成果的好机会。
每次测验结束后,Mr. Born立即批改试卷并在课堂上讲解,确保每位学生都能理解正确答案及其背后的原理。他还会鼓励学生讨论错误原因,分享解题思路,形成积极互动的学习氛围。面对频繁的小测验,学生们有时也会感到压力。但正如Mr. Born自己所言,“压力是成长的一部分,关键在于如何应对它”。
我选择Mr. Born的生物课程,一方面是因为我对生物学有着浓厚的兴趣,另一方面是已经上过的朋友们对这门课程评价很高,这也促使我加入了这个班级。Mr. Born生物课程非常实用,能够将理论知识与实际生活相结合,使得学习变得更加直观和易懂。
——Jana, G10, 修读ECP生物
Mr. Born每天都会通过三个方面的反馈来跟踪学生的学习进展:
1. 新单词记忆:检查学生对新单词的记忆情况,了解他们是否进行了充分的预习。
2. 知识点复习小测:针对前一天所学内容的小测验,帮助他判断学生是否真正掌握了课堂上的重点知识。
3. 家庭作业完成情况:通过检查家庭作业,发现学生在应用知识方面遇到的困难,并提供针对性的帮助。
Mr. Born非常注重一对一交流,深入了解每位学生的需求和难点。他会定期与学生沟通,了解他们在学习过程中遇到的问题,并根据具体情况给予个性化建议和支持。对于那些学习效率较低的学生,Mr. Born会采取调换座位、增加课堂互动等措施,确保他们能够获得更多关注和指导。
在狄邦华曜学校,像Mr. Born这样的教师不仅仅是传授知识的引导者,更是学生成长道路上的引路人。他们以高度的责任感和专业精神,确保每一位学生都能在一个充满关爱和支持的环境中学习和成长。
Intimidating In-Class Quizzes?
A Daily Challenge to Keep Everyone Moving Forward
At the start of Mr. Born's biology class, there's a "special appetizer": a quick quiz. "Everyone, get your pens and paper ready, let's do a little quiz," he says. This makes the classroom a bit tense but also exciting. Students know these short quizzes are a good way to check how much they learned the day before.
After each quiz, Mr. Born grades the papers right away and goes over the answers in class. He makes sure everyone understands the correct answers and why they're right. He also encourages students to talk about their mistakes and share how they tried to solve the problems. This creates a positive and interactive learning environment. While the frequent quizzes can sometimes feel stressful, Mr. Born says, "Stress is part of growing; the key is how you deal with it."
I chose Mr. Born's biology class because I'm really into biology, and my friends who took it before said it was great, so I decided to join. His course is very practical; it ties theory to real-life situations, which makes learning more visual and easier to grasp.
At first, I felt a bit stressed about the daily quizzes, but I quickly realized they really helped me solidify my understanding. These little tests took away a lot of the pressure I used to feel before exams because I was already familiar with the material from the regular quizzes.
— Jana, G10, taking ECP Biology
Mr. Born keeps track of students' progress every day through three types of feedback:
1. Vocabulary Check: He checks how well students remember new words to see if they've done their pre-class studying.
2. In-class Quizzes: These are short tests on the previous day's material to help him see if students have really understood the main points from class.
3. Homework Review: By checking homework, he can see where students are struggling with applying what they've learned and provide targeted help.
Mr. Born values one-on-one communication to understand each student's needs and challenges. He regularly talks with students to find out what problems they're facing in their studies and offers personalized advice and support based on their specific situations. For students who aren't learning as efficiently, Mr. Born might change their seats or increase class interaction to make sure they get more attention and guidance.
At Huayao Collegiate, teachers like Mr. Born are not just knowledge providers; they are guides on the students' growth journey. With a strong sense of responsibility and professionalism, they ensure that every student can learn and grow in an environment full of care and support.
Mr. Born深知学术诚信的重要性,并在教学中始终坚持这一原则。在他的课堂上,任何形式的作弊行为都是不被容忍的。一旦发现,学生将面临严厉的惩罚,包括直接被判零分。特别是在当前以ChatGPT为首的AI时代下,Mr. Born格外注重学术诚信,确保每位学生都能通过自己的努力获得真正的知识和技能。他经常提醒学生,诚实和责任感是学术成功不可或缺的基础。
然而,Mr. Born并不只是机械地执行规则,而会在一些学习习惯的小问题上增加对学生的人文关怀,使教育更加人性化。例如,对于未写名字的试卷,Mr. Born不再直接给零分,而是让学生们投票决定扣分比例。这种方式既是对学生的一种教训,也体现了公平和民主的精神。
除了严谨的治学态度,Mr. Born时刻不忘讲解人生哲理,用科学概念来类比生活中的道理,帮助学生更好地理解世界和自己。例如,在讲解催化剂时,他会说:“催化剂虽然不直接参与化学反应,但它能加速反应进程。这就像做人一样,即使身处复杂的社会环境中,也要保持内心的纯净,做到出淤泥而不染。”他希望学生们“千帆阅尽,归来仍是少年”。
如果你仔细留意,会发现Mr. Born的教室黑板一角总是留有“每周金句”,这些不仅仅是激励学生好好学习的格言,更是他对学生的期望与祝福。例如,“如果你连自己都不接纳,又怎能期望别人接纳你?”每一句话都像一盏明灯,照亮学生们前行的道路。
Upholding Integrity
Academic Honesty with a Human Touch
Mr. Born knows how important academic integrity is and always sticks to this principle in his teaching. Cheating in any form is not allowed in his classroom. If he catches someone cheating, they will face serious consequences, like getting a zero on the assignment. In today’s AI era, with tools like ChatGPT, Mr. Born puts even more emphasis on academic honesty, making sure that every student learns real knowledge and skills through their own hard work. He often reminds students that honesty and responsibility are key to being successful in school.
However, Mr. Born isn't just about strict rules. He also shows care and understanding in smaller learning habits, making education more humane. For example, instead of giving a zero for tests without names, he lets the students vote on how much to deduct. This teaches them a lesson while also promoting fairness and democracy.
Through his actions, he sends a clear message: Academic integrity is the foundation of success, and any violation of this principle is unacceptable. His firm and fair approach not only upholds academic integrity but also helps students develop the right values.
In addition to his rigorous teaching style, Mr. Born always takes the time to share life lessons, using scientific concepts to draw parallels with life's truths, helping students better understand the world and themselves. For example, when explaining catalysts, he might say, "A catalyst doesn't directly participate in a chemical reaction, but it speeds up the process. It's like being a person in a complex social environment; you need to keep your heart pure and stay untarnished." He hopes that students will "return as young as when they started, even after experiencing many things."
If you pay attention, you'll notice that Mr. Born always leaves a corner of the classroom blackboard for "Quote of the Week." These are not just quotes to motivate students to study hard; they are also his expectations and blessings for them. For example, "If you can't accept yourself, how can you expect others to accept you?" Each sentence is like a beacon, illuminating the students' path forward.
你所不知道的Mr. Born,一位多面魅力的宝藏老师
Mr. Born不仅是一位严谨认真的生物教师,更是一位充满活力的生活导师。
每天清晨五六点,当大多数学生还在睡梦中时,Mr. Born已经开始了晨跑锻炼,这种自律不仅让他保持健康,也让他在教学中充满活力。作为飞盘社团Life Block的指导老师,他带领成员定期进行热身、练习和比赛,增强了学生的团队合作精神和竞技水平,使飞盘社团成为学校中一个充满活力和乐趣的团体。
Mr. Born的身体力行,无论是在学术上还是生活习惯上,都为学生树立了榜样。他的自律和积极生活态度,启发了学生们如何平衡工作与兴趣,展示了健康生活的哲学。即使是那些未来可能不会深入理科领域的同学,也会因为欣赏和喜欢这位老师而受到启发,逐渐养成自律的好习惯。
在狄邦华曜学校,Mr. Born是一位真正的宝藏老师。他不仅是知识的传播者,更是学生成长道路上的一盏明灯。这样的老师,谁能不想上一上他的课呢?
Excellence in Biology as Well as Frisbee
The Other Sides of Mr. Born You May Not Know
Mr. Born is not just a serious and dedicated biology teacher; he's also a lively life coach.
Every morning at five or six, when most students are still asleep, Mr. Born is already out for a morning run. This discipline keeps him healthy and energetic in the classroom. As the advisor for the frisbee club, Life Block, he leads the members in regular warm-ups, practices, and games. This builds their teamwork and skills, making the frisbee club a fun and dynamic group in the school.
Mr. Born leads by example, both in academics and in daily life. His discipline and positive attitude inspire students to balance work and hobbies, showing them the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Even students who might not pursue science in the future are motivated by him and start to develop good habits of self-discipline.
At Huayao Collegiate, Mr. Born is a real treasure of a teacher. He's not just someone who teaches knowledge, but also a guiding light for students as they grow. Who wouldn't want to take his class?
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