

01-09 08:43发布于天津



Since 2013, Tianjin Farragut School has been committed to sending high quality students to prestigious universities in America and other countries.

1月7日上午,我校与2025U.S.News美国大学排名第39位的加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(UCSB)本科桥梁项目(Connect Program)代表签署了协议,为我校学生提供了进入美国Top40名校的优先录取机会。

On the morning of January 7th, our school signed an agreement with the representative of Undergraduate Connect Program at University of California, Santa Barbara, ranked 39th in 2025 U.S. News Rankings, providing our students with priority admission to the Top 40 universities in America.


As the first and exclusive official partner school of University of California, Santa Barbara in Tianjin, our school has taken an important step in the cooperation with American universities in the field of higher education.

在签约仪式上,加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(UCSB)本科桥梁项目(Connect Program)代表万利君女士表示此项目为我校学生铺设了一条通往美国Top40大学的绿色通道。学生达到该项目的分数要求后,即可直接进入UCSB学习,享受该校师资力量、先进的教学设施和全面的课程体系。

At the signing ceremony, Rosa Wan, the representative of UCSB Undergraduate Connect Program, introduced this program provides international students with a green pathway to the Top 40 universities in America. As long as students meet score requirements of this program, they will be admitted directly to UCSB, where they can enjoy the university's first-class faculty, state-of-the-art teaching facilities and comprehensive curriculum. 


It is worth mentioning that our students with outstanding results also have the opportunity to obtain a place in this program recommended by the Principal, enjoying a very high guarantee of further study.


In addition, this pathway is not limited to students in the AP class, but is open to students in all classes at school, providing the opportunity for every student wishing to study at a Top 40 university in America. 

该项目还涵盖了加州大学系统的其他五个校区,为学生提供了更广泛的选择空间。这一创新性的合作模式对我校学生来说是一个升学优势,因为它打破了传统教育的界限,让学生在加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(UCSB)学习两年后,也可以在大三选择前往加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)、加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)等加州其他名校继续深造。

The program also covers five other campuses in the UC system, providing students with a wider range of options. This innovative partnership model is a progression advantage for our students as it breaks boundaries of traditional education by giving students the opportunity to choose to continue their education at other prestigious universities in California, such as UC Berkeley and UCLA, in their junior year after two years of study at University of California, Santa Barbara.


This Sunday at 9:00am, we will also invite Eva, a 2024 graduate of our school and the first recipient of a full scholarship to NYU in Tianjin, to share her experience of studying at our school and NYU at our Open Campus event. Interested students and their parents are welcome to sign up for this event through contact information below, and we look forward to seeing you.



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