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2025年1月11日,一场延续百年哈罗 “积极参与,奉献社会”的足迹——哈罗横琴第三届Long Ducker慈善长跑,在横琴赛艇公园盛大举行。本次活动由横琴哈罗礼德学校主办,吸引了近700名来自哈罗横琴的学生、家长、教职工以及社会各界热心人士的热情参与,一起长跑做慈善,为爱“跃动”!
哈罗横琴外方校长Luke Bartlett、横琴粤澳深度合作区民生事务局副局长许凤梅女士、省横琴办社会事务局副局长冯宇红女士、广东珠江口中华白海豚国家级自然保护区管理局主任吴耀梅女士、横琴丽新创新方发展有限公司助理副总裁张志强先生、澳门大学校友会副主席兼中葡文化产业交流促进会(澳门)理事长周可祺先生为赛事开跑鸣枪
“作为一项社区活动,在这个阳光明媚的周六早晨,很高兴看到家长、朋友、赞助商和嘉宾与我们可爱的孩子们一同在这片绿色的河畔公园中奔跑。跑步者的队伍有点像一条蛇环绕着赛道,相信会移动得更快!”哈罗横琴外方校长Luke Bartlett 在致辞时说道。他欢迎大家在龙年即将结束、蛇年即将开启之时参加哈罗慈善长跑,表示很荣幸主持这项哈罗传统活动,这是他在哈罗横琴参加的第一次“Long Ducker”,但不是他第一次参加。身为哈罗校友,大约30年前,他曾三次从伦敦市中心的大理石拱门跑至哈罗公学,距离10英里!希望慈善长跑为社区贡献美好,以自己的足迹延续哈罗精神——勇气、荣誉、谦和与互助。
通过举办慈善长跑等活动,哈罗横琴不仅锻炼了学生的身体素质,更塑造了他们的积极精神和强烈的社会责任感。哈罗横琴第三届Long Ducker慈善长跑的成功举办,不仅是一场体育盛宴,也是一次生动的生态保护教育实践。哈罗横琴以身作则,呼吁大家关注珍贵的中华白海豚,共同保护生物多样性,用实际行动为地球加油!
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On 11th January 2025, the third Long Ducker, a century-long legacy of Harrow's commitment to "making a positive contribution to community," was grandly held at Hengqin Rowing Park. Organised by Harrow Hengqin, the event attracted nearly 700 enthusiastic participants, including students, parents, staff, and members of the local community from Harrow Hengqin, all coming together to run for charity and "leap" for love.
The Charity Run Continues the Harrow Spirit
The Long Ducker took place along the beautiful Tinmuk River in the Guangdong-Macau Deep Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, with the racecourse lined with lush greenery and gently rippling waters, showcasing Hengqin's unique ecological environment and modern urban planning. While participants enjoyed the competition, they also gained a profound appreciation for the beauty of Hengqin's natural landscape and the importance of ecological conservation.
This year's Long Ducker featured three different categories: the 8.5km Competitive Group, the 4.2km Standard Group, and the 2.1km Parent-Child Group. These categories balanced both competitiveness and inclusivity, allowing runners of all ages to take part and enjoy the fun and health benefits of exercise.
Luke Bartlett, Head Master of Harrow Hengqin, Ms. Xu Fengmei, Deputy Director of Hengqin Livelihood Affairs Bureau, Ms. Feng Yuhong, Deputy Director of Hengqin Social Affairs Bureau, Ms. Wu Yaomei, Director of Guangdong Pearl River Estuary Chinese White Dolphin National Nature Reserve Administration, Mr. Eugene Zhang, Assistant Vice President of Hengqin Laisun Novotown, Mr. Danny Zhou, Vice-Chairman of Alumni Association of University of Macau cum. President of a council of Sino-Luso Industry and Culture Exchange Promotion Association (Macao) fired the starting gun for the race.
“It is a community event that allows Harrow to celebrate our beautiful site here on Hengqin island– to welcome parents, friends, sponsors and guests to run alongside our wonderful children in this green river park on a sunny Saturday morning. The stream of runners will look somewhat like a snake looping around the course but moving somewhat faster, I’m sure!” said Luke Bartlett, Head Master of Harrow Hengqin, in his speech. He welcomed everyone to the Harrow Hengqin Long Ducker 2025 as we end the year of the Dragon and prepare to enter the year of the Snake. He expressed his honour in hosting this symbolic Harrow event, noting that this was his first Long Ducker in Hengqin but not his first Long Ducker – he ran the 10 miles from Marble Arch in Central London to Harrow School three times about 30 years ago! He hoped the Long Ducker will contribute to the community’s well-being and continue the Harrow spirit through the footsteps of courage, honour, humility, and fellowship.
The Charity Run Supports the
Conservation of the Chinese White Dolphin
In 2023, Harrow Hengqin donated the proceeds from its first Long Ducker to a public welfare organisation to promote rural children's education. In 2024, the funds raised from the second Long Ducker were donated to the Hengqin Guangdong-Macau Deep Cooperation Zone Charity Promotion Association, supporting environmental projects by the Mangrove Conservation Foundation (MCF) in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, such as mangrove conservation, wetland education, and the protection of migratory bird corridors. This year, the funds raised from the third Long Ducker will be donated to the Guangdong Tianxingjian Charity Foundation · Harrow Friends of Harrow Welfare Fund, to support teachers and students in the joint protection of the "marine panda"—the Chinese White Dolphin, which inhabits the Pearl River Estuary, and to create more favourable conditions for the dolphin’s survival. This event has received strong support from the Guangdong Pearl River Estuary Chinese White Dolphin National Nature Reserve Administration.
Through organising events such as the Long Ducker, Harrow Hengqin has not only improved the physical fitness of its students but also nurtured their positive spirit and strong sense of social responsibility. The successful holding of the third Long Ducker was not only a sporting celebration but also a vivid practical lesson in ecological conservation. Harrow Hengqin leads by example, calling on everyone to pay attention to the precious Chinese White Dolphin and work together to protect biodiversity, taking real action to support the planet!
