Early Years: Inquirers in Action|幼儿部:探究者之旅
Early Years
Inquirers in Actio
Song Credit: Can't Stop The Feeling By Trolls
This week in Foundation and K1, students have been actively engaging in discussions to help them work through problems and organise their thoughts and activities. Through collaborative talk, they have been learning to articulate their ideas and explain how various things function, enhancing their understanding of the world around them.
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The Kindergarten 2 students had a wonderful experience after watching the short video titled “Piper: Joy Story”, which left them deeply moved. They excitedly shared their thoughts and feelings with their friends, using the phones to engage in meaningful conversations about what they had learned.
K2的学生在观看名为“Piper: Joy Story”的短片后,体验了一次美妙的经历,短片深深地打动了他们。他们兴奋地与朋友分享自己的想法和感受,并运用电话讨论他们所学到的东西,开启一场有意义的对话活动。
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In Kindergarten 3, the children inquired into the world of numbers investigating patterns in their 100 grid and learning to count by 2s.
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The Early Years students were introduced to a traditional Chinese hand drum. In China, red drums have traditionally symbolised the ruler's power and the army's destiny.
All the children enjoyed the experience of creating rhythms with the hand drums, which helped develop important cognitive functions such as memory, coordination, and concentration.
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Foundation & Kindergarten 1 - Yoyo
Kindergarten 2 - Jimmy
Kindergarten 3 - Zhiy
