01-13 08:53发布于中国香港
On December 12, 2024, twenty-six students from the Canadian International School of Hefei (CISH) participated in the National Language Arts League (NLAL) challenge. This prestigious competition, grounded in the American K-12 Language Literacy Standards, evaluates students' grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and analytical skills.
2024 年 12 月 12 日,来自合肥加拿大外籍人员子女学校 (CISH) 的 26 名学生参加了全国语言艺术联盟 (NLAL) 挑战赛。这项享有盛誉的比赛以美国 K-12 语言素养标准为基础,评估学生的语法、词汇、阅读理解和分析能力。
We are proud to share that our PYP and MYP students excelled, earning an impressive 13 gold, 4 silver, 4 bronze, and 5 excellence awards. Additionally, CISH has achieved the distinction of becoming a certified examination center for the NLAL challenge.
我们很自豪地分享我们的 PYP 和 MYP 学生表现出色,斩获 13 枚金牌、4 枚银牌、4 枚铜牌以及 5 个优秀奖。此外,CISH 还获得了成为 NLAL 挑战赛认证考试中心的殊荣。
These accolades highlight the exceptional abilities of our learners and underscore the academic rigor and quality of education provided at CISH. Congratulations to all the winners!
这些荣誉凸显了学生卓越的学习能力,并证明了 CISH学术严谨性和教学质量。祝贺所有获奖者!
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