
彼一米蛇年开学倒计时!一键开启收心攻略 | BeeMee Back to School Notice

02-07 08:16发布于湖南



The happy winter holiday is drawing to a close. Our lively and adorable children are about to return to kindergarten. Our big, warm family will embark on a wonderful journey this semester. To help children adapt to life at the start of the semester, BeeMee has prepared a "getting back on track guide" for parents and friends. These step by step preparations will help the children embark on a rich and colourful new semester life!


Registration Time


  • 2025年2月10日(星期一)


  • 2025年2月1日—2月10日


BeeMee 2025 Spring School Starts: 

  • Monday, February 10th

Enrollment and payment for new and old students: 

  • From February 1st to February 10th

(old students can enroll online to renew their fees, while new students should bring their parents to the kindergarten to enroll on-site with relevant materials)


Registration Documents


  1. 入园体检报告(携幼儿至社区医院进行体检);

  2. 预防接种查验证明(带上预防接种本在社区医院开具);

  3. 转园还需转园证明。

Materials new children need to prepare for enrollment:

  1. Admission physical examination report (take your child to Yuelu District Community Hospital for a physical examination).

  2. Certificate of vaccination check (take your child’s vaccination book to the community hospital for issuance).

  3. Certificate of transfer is also required for transferring from another school.


Preparation for Starting School

  1. 请家长把宝贝的日常生活物品(1-2条汗巾和一套替换的衣服)、室内鞋一双、水壶、新牙刷一个,整理好放进书包里;

  2. 请为宝贝提前清洗晾晒好被褥、枕头、园服;   

  3. 宝贝的手指甲易藏污垢,请及时为孩子清理、修剪指甲;

  4. 家长们记得要在宝贝的所有物品上标记好名字,尤其托小班的宝贝,避免拿错拿混;

  5. 在外地过节、旅游的家长请关注天气变化及路况信息,返回途中注意安全,请您及时关注班级群内信息,如果有特殊情况不能及时返园,请您及时与班级教师联系。

  1. Please ask parents to organize he child’s daily life items (one-two sweatshirts and a set of replacement clothes), a pair of indoor shoes, a water bottle, a new toothbrush, and put them in the school backpack.

  2. Please wash and dry your child's bedding, pillows, and kindergarten uniform in advance.   

  3. A child’s fingernails easily hide dirt, please clean and trim your child's nails.

  4. Parents should remember to label all your child's belongings with their name, especially those in nursery class, to avoid misplacement of items.

  5. Parents who are out of town for the holidays or are traveling, please pay attention to the weather changes and road information. Pay attention to safety on the way back. Please pay attention to the information in the classroom group in a timely manner, and if there are special circumstances that prevent you from returning to school in time, please contact the classroom teacher in advance.


BMXF Back to School Ceremony


第一篇: 团团圆圆 舞龙舞狮

Chapter 1:  Gather Round All Together

Dragon and Lion Dance


第二篇:开学典礼 集体生日会

Chapter 2:Opening Ceremony

Lantern Festival Birthday Party



Chapter 3: Lantern Festival Celebration


BMXH Back to School Ceremony


第一篇:越繁花之路 过成长之门

Chapter 1: Traverse the Path of Flourishing Blossoms

Pass Through the Gate of Growth 



Chapter 2:Listen to the Sound of Flowers Blooming



Chapter 2:Lucky Draw of Blossoms



Chapter 4 :A Gathering of Splendid Blossoms



Chapter 5: See the Colorful Variety


BMNA Back to School Ceremony


第一篇:百米纳福 心想事成

Chapter 1: Enjoy Rice - related Blessings 

May All Your Wishes Come True


第二篇:蛇来运转 福气满满

Chapter 2: Fortune Turns Around

Blessings Are Abundant


第三篇:新年启程 好运连连

Chapter 3: Set Out on the New Year

Good Luck Never Ends


第四篇:龙飞凤舞 画蛇添足

Chapter 4: Dragons Flying and Phoenixes Dancing

Painting the Lily


Focus Test 

  1. 期待开学或期待见到幼儿园的某位小伙伴。

  2. 听到快开学,或有关幼儿园消息时不抗拒。

  3. 主动在家里提起幼儿园老师,或者幼儿园经历的事情。

  4. 能做到作息规律和饮食规律。

  5. 能减少看电视或其他娱乐的时间。

  6. 能主动午休。

  7. 情绪稳定,不轻易哭闹。

  8. 自理能力加强,能做到自己的事情自己做。

  1. Talks about going back to school and seeing friends at kindergarten.

  2. Communicates about the upcoming start of school or kindergarten news.

  3. Proactively talks about kindergarten teachers or experiences at home.

  4. Maintains a regular daily routine and eating habits.

  5. Keeps screen time and other forms of electronic entertainment to a minimum.

  6. Takes naps willingly.

  7. Has stable emotions; avoids situations which promote crying or throwing tantrums.

  8. Practices self-care and independence tasks.


If you answered "yes" to five or more of the above questions, congratulations, your child is likely ready and prepared to go to kindergarten. If you answered "no" to five or more of the questions, it means your child is not quite ready and may need support and encouragement to go to kindergarten. During the holiday period, children are used to the routines and freedom of life at home. Facing the prospect of returning to the communal life of kindergarten, they may cry and resist. We should understand that children may want to stay with their family members, and by doing so, we can alleviate our anxiety.


Focus Guide


In order to help children adapt to the new school semester quickly and effectively, and to experience more joy and growth, the kindergarten has prepared this "getting back on track” plan. We hope that parents and the kindergarten can work together to help children overcome "back-to-school anxiety" and welcome the new semester in the best possible state.



Restore Regular Sleep Schedule 


How has your child's sleep routine been during the holidays? Have they been taking naps? It is important to help children get back to going to bed and waking up early. In the upcoming days, try to have your child wake up, sleep, study, and exercise at the regular school times to establish a consistent routine with the kindergarten schedule. Before bedtime, you may wish to engage in activities such as reading, listening to music, and having conversations with your child to create a calm atmosphere before falling asleep.



Adjust Eating Habits 


During the holidays, with various delicious dishes at home, many children may indulge in snacks, leading to irregular eating habits or even binge eating. To help children smoothly adapt to the kindergarten's meals, parents should assist children in returning to their pre-holiday eating habits. Encourage them to have three meals a day on time, consume less oily and snack foods, eat more fruits and vegetables, and ensure an adequate intake of water every day.



Foster Self-care Abilities 


  • 请告诉孩子起床之后;

  • 要自己叠被子、穿衣服;

  • 自己的绘本玩具要自己收拾;

  • 做一些力所能及的家务小事,这些事情看似简单,却能适时地锻炼孩子的独立性,学会分担责任。

During the holidays, parents often assist children with many tasks. It is recommended that parents encourage children to feed themselves, dress themselves, and handle personal hygiene independently in the days leading up to the start of school. Allow children to complete these tasks by themselves and patiently wait for them to do so to slowly cultivate their independence and good habits.

Specific actions can include:

Encourage children to make their own bed and dress themselves after waking up.

Teach children to tidy up their own picture books and toys.

Assign age-appropriate household chores for children to do.

These seemingly simple tasks can effectively assist children to be independent, learn to share responsibilities, and develop a sense of independence at the right time.



Prepare Emotional Condition


It is best for parents to remind children occasionally in the days leading up to the start of school that they will be going back to kindergarten soon. Make sure the child is subconsciously aware that holiday life is coming to an end and any negative emotions associated with it should be dealt with before the start of school. While reminding the child, help them recall happy experiences from the previous semester at the kindergarten. For example: fun games with friends, a teacher expressing how much they like the child, or any progress or praise the child received in the previous semester. These positive and uplifting memories will create a strong desire for the child to return to kindergarten eagerly.


Lead by example: parents should start by putting down their phones and spending quality time with their children to help them focus and get back on track. Guide children to experience the joy of learning, understand the benefits of a regular routine, and avoid setting a negative example for them. As the school semester approaches, let's help our children get back on track, adjust their state, and positively welcome the new semester together!






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