
University Offers|藤校面邀来了!2025届爱莎准毕业生再传捷报

02-08 08:18发布于广东



The new year brings fantastic news! As of 6 February, ISA’s Class of 2025 has secured 496 university offers from top universities worldwide, spanning countries and regions including the US, the UK, Hong Kong, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, with a total scholarship amount of 4,131,071 USD.

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US 美国方向

藤校面邀 理工巨头 全美前三十

爱莎学子收获常春藤盟校普林斯顿大学(US News #1)面试邀请。作为常春藤盟校,普林斯顿大学已连续14年蝉联US News全美大学榜首,得此面邀意味着美本顶尖藤校对于爱莎学子的青睐与肯定。自信而博学的爱莎精英们正在叩响世界最顶级学府的大门!


在全美前三十名校中,学子们获得了范德堡大学(US News #18)、北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(荣誉学院)(US News #27)、纽约大学(US News #30)等名校录取。此外,还收获了伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(US News #33)、威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(US News #39)、波士顿大学(US News #41)、罗格斯大学新布朗斯维克分校(US News #41)、俄亥俄州立大学(US News #41)等众多全美前五十名校的录取,充分展现了爱莎学子的卓越实力。

ISA students have received an interview invitation from Princeton University (US News #1), a member of the Ivy League and the top-ranked university in the US for 14 consecutive years. Receiving this invitation demonstrates Princeton’s recognition and appreciation of ISA students' exceptional calibre. Confident and knowledgeable, ISA scholars are knocking on the doors of the world’s most prestigious universities!

ISA students have secured 156 offers from leading US universities, including one from Georgia Institute of Technology, a top-tier public research university. Often referred to as a “Public Ivy”, Georgia Tech ranks alongside MIT and Caltech as one of the top three engineering institutions in the US.

Among the top 30 universities in the US, ISA students have received offers from Vanderbilt University (US News #18), the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Honours College) (US News #27), and New York University (US News #30). Additionally, they have gained admission to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (US News #33), the University of Wisconsin-Madison (US News #39), Boston University (US News #41), Rutgers University-New Brunswick (US News #41), and The Ohio State University (US News #41), among other top 50 institutions, reflecting their exceptional academic prowess.

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UK 英国方向

G5精英 全球百强

爱莎学子共收获142枚英国名校录取,包括英国G5精英大学帝国理工学院(QS #2)、伦敦大学学院(QS #9),爱丁堡大学(QS #27)、曼彻斯特大学(QS #34)及伦敦国王学院、布里斯托大学、华威大学等QS全球前100名校。

ISA students have secured 142 offers from top UK universities, including the renowned G5 universities: Imperial College London (QS #2) and University College London (QS #9). Other offers include the University of Edinburgh (QS #27), the University of Manchester (QS #34), King’s College London, the University of Bristol, and the University of Warwick, all of which rank within the QS Top 100.

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China (including HK) 


清北双收 港校前三

中国(含中国香港)方向共获得67枚录取,获北京大学(QS #14,光华管理学院)、清华大学(QS #20)录取,爱莎实现连续两年清北双突破。

香港高校方面,学子们共获得65枚录取,其中包括香港大学(QS #17)——含1枚李嘉诚医学院生物医学专业、香港中文大学(QS #36)、香港科技大学(QS #47),充分展现了爱莎学子在亚洲顶级学府中的竞争优势。


ISA students have secured 67 offers from prestigious Chinese institutions, including Peking University (QS #14, Guanghua School of Management) and Tsinghua University (QS #20), marking the second consecutive year that ISA students have been admitted to both of China’s top universities.

In Hong Kong, ISA students have received 65 offers, including the University of Hong Kong (QS #17), featuring one offer from the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine (Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (QS #36), and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (QS #47). These achievements highlight ISA students’ strong competitiveness among Asia’s leading universities.

Several Hong Kong university offers come with generous scholarships, including full tuition waivers and additional living stipends of HKD 60,000 per year (HKD 240,000 in total). To date, ISA students have been awarded scholarships amounting to HKD 20,666,000 in Hong Kong alone.

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欧洲&加拿大方向累计收获录25枚,其中包括多伦多大学(QS #25)、英属哥伦比亚大学(QS #38)以及阿姆斯特丹大学(QS #55)、都柏林圣三一学院等知名学府的录取,充分彰显全球竞争力。

ISA students have secured 25 offers from prestigious universities across Europe and Canada, including the University of Toronto (QS #25), the University of British Columbia (QS #38), the University of Amsterdam (QS #55), and Trinity College Dublin. These results demonstrate ISA students’ strong global competitiveness.

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Australia & New Zealand


澳洲八大 新西兰第一学府

澳洲&新西兰方向共获得了105枚录取,包括澳洲八大名校:墨尔本大学(QS #13)悉尼大学(QS #18)、澳洲国立大学、莫纳什大学等,及新西兰第一学府奥克兰大学等QS世界前100大学。

ISA students have received 105 offers from top universities in Australia and New Zealand, including members of the Group of Eight: The University of Melbourne (QS #13), The University of Sydney (QS #18), The Australian National University, and Monash University, as well as the University of Auckland, New Zealand’s highest-ranked university.

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Arts 艺术方向


艺术方向共获29枚录取。艺术设计方向,学子们斩获伦敦艺术大学(QS #2)、帕森斯设计学院(QS #3)、罗德岛设计学院(QS #4)、普瑞特艺术学院(QS #6)、芝加哥艺术学院(QS #10)、艺术中心设计学院(QS #14)、纽约视觉艺术学院(QS #20)等世界顶级艺术院校录取。

音乐方向,学子们收获北方皇家音乐学院(QS #5)、伯克利音乐学院等国际知名音乐学院的录取,充分展现艺术教育的卓越成果。

ISA students have secured 29 offers from leading arts institutions worldwide. In art and design, offers include University of the Arts London (QS #2), Parsons School of Design (QS #3), Rhode Island School of Design (QS #4), Pratt Institute (QS #6), School of the Art Institute of Chicago (QS #10), ArtCenter College of Design (QS #14), and School of Visual Arts (QS #20).

In music, ISA students have received offers from the Royal Northern College of Music (QS #5), Berklee College of Music, and other globally renowned conservatoires, reflecting the school’s excellence in arts education.

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ISA’s Class of 2025 has secured offers from the world’s top universities while embracing challenging fields such as Clinical Medicine, Biomedical Science, Aerospace Engineering, and Finance. With a spirit of ambition and academic passion, they push boundaries and pursue excellence, discovering their true calling through ISA’s holistic education.


Behind each university offer is the collective effort of students, parents, and the school. ISA’s IB holistic education fosters well-rounded development, with expert faculty and a dedicated university guidance team providing personalised support and tailored application strategies. Additionally, the ISAIEG Student Enrichment Centre offers a wide range of academic projects and research opportunities, helping students explore their interests and strengthen their global university applications.

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In an era of rising academic competition, ISA stays true to its mission: instead of shaping students into uniform “high-achieving templates,” it offers a holistic education that fosters individual growth. This approach allows each student to develop into a unique individual with a broad perspective. 

The stories of ISA’s Class of 2025 show that when education focuses on holistic development, university admissions become a natural result, opening doors to a future full of possibilities.

Congratulations to ISA’s Class of 2025! More offers are yet to come—let us look forward to even more exciting news.

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* References from 2025 QS World University Rankings, QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024, 2025 U.S. News 'Best National University Rankings'.

*参考2025QS世界大学排名、2024QS世界大学学科排名、U.S. News 2025美国综合大学排名。



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