
斩获多所名校录取!佛山霍利斯学子如何一步步实现学术梦想?Imogen’s Exciting University Offers

02-17 08:47发布于广东


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佛山霍利斯很高兴跟大家分享我校13年级学生Imogen 近日连续收获多所一流学府的录取通知书,包括爱丁堡大学、埃克塞特大学、利物浦大学(苏州)、诺丁汉大学(宁波)及基尔大学涵盖商务研究、跨学科未来研究、可持续发展与生态保护等多元领域


近日,我们有机会与 Imogen 对话,了解了她的学习旅程。通过她的故事,我们希望激励更多学生追随自己的热情与梦想,勇敢追求目标。



Imogen的学术选择始终与个人兴趣和优势契合。在A Level阶段,她选修地理学科,因为这满足了她对自然奥秘的永恒好奇,选修商业学科则源于与她父亲(资深商业教师)无数次的思维碰撞,选修英语文学,则是源于校长 Mrs Arden 的慧眼识珠。“在经典文学中,我发现了自己对叙事艺术的热忱。” 她这样解释自己兼具理性思维与人文情怀的独特魅力。这种文理兼备的学术组合,不仅拓展了她的认知维度,更为其跨学科发展愿景铺就通途。

成长路上并非尽是坦途。从IGCSE到A Level的学术跨越,要求她以更缜密的时间管理与内驱力来安排学习任务。她坦言说,即便看似简单的建立UCAS系统个人档案,也遇到一些意料之外的挑战。“12-13年级专门为我们安排了整个下午的时间,指导我们完善个人申请档案,这种全方位支持实在太给力了。” 而这只是整个升学指导服务的其中一项。谈及师长们的悉心指导,Imogen 的感激之情溢于言表。

Mrs Kirk 


我很高兴见证 Imogen 在12-13年级阶段的蜕变之旅。Imogen 刚刚加入佛山霍利斯的时候还有些腼腆,经过一段时间的学习、备考和升学一系列任务的历练,她现在变得充满毅力和专注,能够沉着应对不同的挑战和困难。我对 Imogen 的成长蜕变以及她的坚韧和适应力感到十分自豪。她的历程也充分反映了我们学校社区能给予每位学生的充足支持,我们期待见证她在所选领域持续绽放光彩。



对 Imogen 而言,在佛山霍利斯的求学时光是一场学术精进与人格养成的蜕变之旅。课堂之外,她化身英语与商业学科的“小助教”,帮助非英语母语的学生们提升学术阅读理解能力。这份“工作”不仅锻炼了她的领导才能,更彰显出她对社区的服务意识。




Imogen 的择校策略体现了对卓越学术追求与家庭价值观念的完美平衡。除了英国本地高校之外,她也申请了西交利物浦大学与宁波诺丁汉大学等中外合办院校,这是因为她希望能够跟在中国工作生活的家人保持亲密联系。

Mrs Kirk 



对于即将开启 A Level征程的学生们,Imogen 送上真挚寄语:“起初或许会感到压力重重,但请记住:这里有最专业的支持团队为你们保驾护航。” 她以亲身经历证明,佛山霍利斯的老师们始终以专业指导与暖心陪伴,将每个挑战转化为成长的契机。

再次祝贺 Imogen!


Imogen 的成长故事生动诠释了佛山霍利斯“全人教育”的育人精髓。在这里,每位学子都能在学术卓越、领导力培养与人格塑造的多维土壤中茁壮成长。

让我们共同祝福 Imogen 与所有12-13年级学生前程似锦!敬请关注佛山霍利斯,了解更多精彩的学生成长故事!







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LEH Foshan is thrilled to share the fantastic news from one of our most determined Year 13 students, Imogen, who is celebrating an exciting moment in her academic journey. She has secured impressive offers from prestigious institutions, including the University of Edinburgh, University of Exeter, the University of Liverpool (Suzhou), the University of Nottingham (Ningbo), and Keele University. The programmes she applied for span over Business Studies, to Interdisciplinary Futures, and Sustainability & Conservation, reflecting her diverse interests and commitment to making a positive impact. Each offer is a testament to her hard work, and the excitement in her voice tells us just how special this moment is for her.

Imogen shares her enthusiasm: “I was very excited to receive my offer from Nottingham Ningbo as it arrived so quickly. I have recently been made an offer with the University of Exeter, and it is the one I am most excited about as the focus is on conservation and the protection of the planet.”

Recently, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Imogen to delve into her inspiring learning journey. Through her story, we hope to share insights that motivate and encourage others to pursue their passions.

A Journey of Discovery 

and Ambition


Imogen’s academic choices have been thoughtfully aligned with her strengths and interests, as clearly reflected in her university offers. She is studying Geography because she has always been fascinated by the natural world; Business, inspired by many passionate discussions with her Father—a dedicated Business teacher; and English Literature, following the insightful advice of Mrs Arden. “I discovered I am passionate about stories and storytelling,” she explains, revealing the creative side that perfectly complements her analytical strengths. This balanced mix of subjects not only enriches her perspective but also paves the way for her interdisciplinary ambitions.

Her journey, however, hasn’t been without its challenges. Transitioning from IGCSE to the rigours of A Level work demanded an elevated level of organisation and self-motivation, pushing her to new limits. Even setting up her UCAS profile turned out to be more complex than anticipated. “The Sixth Form team set aside an afternoon for us to create our UCAS profiles, and it was really useful,” she recalls one of the many invaluable supports from her teachers that helped her navigate these challenges.

Mrs Kirk 

Head of Sixth Form

It has been a privilege to watch Imogen grow and navigate her journey through Sixth Form. Despite being naturally shy, she has shown remarkable resilience and determination, especially in the face of the multiple changes she made in her subjects and destination choices. I am incredibly proud of Imogen for her tenacity and adaptability. Her journey is a testament to the strength and support of the school community, and we look forward to seeing her continue to thrive in her chosen field.

Life at LEH Foshan

More Than Just Academics


Imogen’s time at LEH Foshan has been a transformative experience, one where academic rigour meets personal growth. Beyond the classroom, she has taken on ‘jobs’ within the English and Business departments—supporting peers with lower levels of English reading. This role has allowed her to nurture leadership qualities and demonstrate a commitment to community.

Perhaps the most cherished aspect of her school life has been the friendships she’s formed. “Making great friends who I will hopefully remain friends with for many years to come is my favourite memory so far,” Imogen reflects. These relationships, alongside the guidance of dedicated teachers and tutors, have been instrumental in shaping her confident outlook as she prepares for university and beyond.

Embracing the Future

with Confidence


Imogen’s university choices reflect a deliberate balance between academic excellence and family values. With options available in both the UK and China, she is excited by the opportunity to remain close to family—a factor that influenced her decision to apply to campuses like the University of Liverpool (Suzhou) and the University of Nottingham (Ningbo).

Mrs Kirk 

Head of Sixth Form

We are delighted that she has found a university in China that is closely affiliated with its UK counterpart, allowing her to pursue her dreams while staying connected to home. This opportunity reflects the recognition of China's significant role in the global education market and presents an exciting path forward for her.

To younger students just starting their A Level journey, Imogen offers a heartfelt piece of advice: “It feels like a lot at first, but don’t worry because there is a great support team ready to assist you.” She emphasises that feeling overwhelmed initially is completely normal, and reassures everyone that the dedicated support team at LEH Foshan is always on hand to provide guidance, encouragement, and practical help, ensuring that every challenge becomes an opportunity to learn and grow.

Congratulations, Imogen!


Imogen’s journey stands as a powerful testament to the supportive and enriching environment at LEH Foshan, where students are empowered to excel academically, cultivate leadership skills, and grow both personally and professionally.

We wish Imogen and all our Sixth Formers every success as they continue their journeys toward bright and promising futures. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories as our students continue to achieve remarkable milestones!

Learn More about LEHF


If you would like to learn more about our school, the comprehensive support we offer, and how we help our students achieve their academic and personal goals, we warmly invite you to join our upcoming events.

Visit our campus on our Open Day on 22 February, where you can tour our state-of-the-art facilities, meet our dedicated staff, and experience firsthand the innovative British curriculum that inspires excellence.

Our Sixth Form Information Session on 25 February offers an in-depth exploration of the Sixth Form experience, providing detailed insights into academic support, expert university guidance, and the tailored assistance that paves the way for our students’ future success.

We look forward to welcoming you and sharing the LEH Foshan experience—where every student’s journey is nurtured towards a bright and promising future









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