
CISH MAPLE DRAGON (February Week 2, Part 3)

02-20 08:46发布于安徽


Science Highlights


Grade 6

This week, Grade 6 students reflected on the previous unit, Electricity, before beginning their new unit, Flight. They learned about the four forces offlight: thrust, drag, weight, and lift. Students explored the two opposing pairs of forces and analyzed what happens when one force is greater than theother to understand the principles of flight. They then investigated the impactof drag on freefall and used a super slow-motion video to analyze the free fallmotion. Through this, they practiced graphing time-distance and average speed-time diagrams to develop a better understanding of accelerated motion.

Grade 7

This week, grade 7 students learned about how energy flow travels in ecosystems. Students use graphic organizers and analyze the amount of energy that travels up through the layers of the ecosystem.

Grade 7

Grade 8

This week, grade 8 students organized their notebooks for the new unit about body systems. They used graphic organizers to complete all the different organelles and functions that they do.

Grade 9-1

This week, 9-1 students organized their notebooks for the new unit and learned about the 4 major macro molecules. They took notes and then looked at how to turn those notes into a graphic organizer.

Grade 9-2

This week, students began their new unit, From Molecules to Organisms, after a detailed reflection on their first-term performance. They learned about the four major macro molecules: lipids, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and proteins, exploring their functions and the monomers that form them. At the end of the week, students reviewed the organelles of plant and animal cells.

Grade 10

The Cell and its contents, Organelles, were the topics of this week's learning. I chose a blended approach to learning for students. The same information was presented in 3 different ways. Socratic lectures and guided notes delivered by PowerPoint were one method. This utilizes the school's valuable investment in the iteachly material. The second way was to use a video that covered most of the same material. Nucleus Medical make high quality videos of a number of biological and medical-related topics. This video introduced the Organelles including the Nucleus and various others associated with plant and animal cells. To reinforce learning, students had to pause the video answer questions and make notes of key learning points. Finally, the students also had a self-paced reading and vocabulary worksheet. Learning was reinforced by a series of quizzes held at the end of the week.

Biology Class - Grade 11

This week, we explored key concepts in Meiosis, Cell Proliferation, and the Cell Cycle. We learned how meiosis reduces chromo some numbers to formhaploid gametes and how errors like non-disjunction can lead to genetic conditions such as Down syndrome. We also discussed the importance of crossing over and random orientation in creating genetic diversity. Our focus on the cell cycle covered how cell proliferation drives growth, tissue repair, and development, including the role of plant meristems and celldivision in early-stage embryos. We explored the stages of the cell cycle, with particular attention to the interphase and howcyclins regulate progression. Lastly, we examined the impact of mutations on the cell cycle, leading to tumors and abnormal growth. Great work in connecting these complex ideas! Keep reviewing to understand how these processes drive normal and abnormal cell behavior. 

Chemistry Class SL - Grade 11

This week, Chemistry SL students reviewed how to determine the correct Lewis structures for molecular compounds. They then applied VSEPR theory and bond polarity concepts to assess molecular polarity by analyzing whether bond dipole moments cancel out, a key factor influencing physical properties. Students also explored covalent network structures and the allotropes of carbon. Toward the end of the week, they began applying their knowledge to study different types of intermolecular forces, including London dispersion forces, dipole-dipole interactions, and hydrogen bonding.

Chemistry Class HL - Grade 11

To welcome Grade 11 Chemistry (HL) students back after the break, they were challenged with some questions to refresh their understanding of VSEPR theory. The cobwebs were soon removed, and their thoughts moved back from holidays to focus on school work. Several topics were covered this week. Bond and molecular polarities were investigated and the importance of VESPR theory inpredicting polarity of molecules became understandable. Students were shown the link between soap cleaners and molecular polarity and how these ideas are applied in the real world. Covalent networks were also investigated. This included several allotropes of carbon and silicon dioxide. During this week, students also began their investigation of intermolecular forces. They understood London dispersion forces and Van der Waals forces. This topic will continue next week also.

ESS Class - Grade 11

This week, DP 1 ESS students engaged in case studies on invasive species, examining their impacts on native biodiversity through competitive exclusion, predation, and habitat alteration. Collaborative discussions hlighted real-world examples like the lionfish in the Caribbean and zebramussels in North America, linking theory to global environmental challenges. Aformative assessment required students to synthesize their understanding by proposing mitigation strategies for invasive species.

Physics Class - Grade 11

DP1 Physics students explored Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM), understanding the conditions for oscillations, the role of restoring forces, and the mathematical representation of SHM using displacement, velocity, and acceleration equations. Practical examples like pendulums and springs helped reinforce these concepts. Students were also introduced to scientific report writing for AI-based investigations, focusing on structuring reports, collecting reliable data, and ensuring accuracy in research. They practiced gathering, organizing, and analyzing experimental data effectively. Key Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills emphasized included inquiry and research through data collection, collaboration in group experiments, and time management to meet deadlines. These skills will be crucial for futureinve stigations and their Internal Assessments (IA).

SEHS Class - Grade 11

This week, DP1 SEHS students embarked on Unit 3: Energy Systems, exploring how the body utilizes energy for health and performance. To build afoundational understanding, students engaged in pre-reading tasks, familiarizing themselves with key concepts such as ATP production, energy pathways, and metabolic processes. These preparatory tasks allowed them to approach the lesson with prior knowledge, fostering self-management skills as they took responsibility for their learning. Following this, we delved deeper into the content, examining the role of the ATP-PC system, glycolysis, and the aerobic system in different types of physical activity. Through discussions and application-based examples, students practiced critical thinking by comparing energy system contributions in various sports and exercise scenarios. As we progress, they will refine their ability to analyze performance demands and energy utilization, paving the way for a deeper understanding of sports physiology.

Biology Class - Grade 12

Today in class, we explored key concepts in evolutionary biology and genomics. We began with A3.1 Diversity of Organisms, where we discussed the differences between continuous and discontinuous variation, the binomial naming system, and the challenges in classifying species. We also explored chromosome diversity, the process of karyotyping, and SNPs, which aretiny genetic differences with significant impacts. Moving into A4.1 Evolution, we learned about evolution as a change in heritable characteristics, Lamarck's theory of evolution, and examined various types of evidence for evolution, such as fossil records, comparative anatomy, and molecular data. We also touched on convergent evolution, where unrelated species develop similar traits in response to similar environmental pressures. Finally, we discussed the challenges in applying the biological species concept to as exual organisms and bacteria and practiced identifying species through a dichotomous key. We also explored environmental DNA and DNA barcoding as tools for species identification. Great job today! Keep reviewing these interconnected topics to deepen your understanding of genetics, evolution, and biodiversity.

Chemistry Class HL - Grade 12

The Grade 12 NB Chemistry student is working on her laboratory investigation. The HL students have been investigating Mass Spectrometry and IR Spectroscopy and have made a start on Proton NMR Spectroscopy. The aim ofstudying these techniques is to be able to analyze a packet of information to identify unknown compounds. The IB course is rigorous in this area and this prepares students for University level courses.

ESS Class - Grade 12

This week DP2 ESS students concluded Solid Domestic Waste (7.3) by evaluating recycling initiatives and landfill management challenges and endingin a quiz. They began Biodiversity Fundamentals (3.1), examining definitions ofgenetic, species, and ecosystem diversity and analyzing measurement tools like Simpson's Index. Students practiced applying biodiversity concepts to casestudies of threatened ecosystems, aligning with exam preparation through data interpretation exercises.

Physics Class  - Grade 12

DP2 Physics students explored atomic structure, reviewing key concepts such as the composition of the atom, isotopes, energy levels, and nuclear reactions. Discussions included the historical development of atomic models and their implications in modern physics. Students also received feedback on their Internal Assessments (IA), focusing on improving data analysis, evaluation, and scientific communication. They reflected on their strengths and areas for improvement to enhance the quality of their work. Key Approachesto Learning (ATL) skills emphasized were research and inquiry in understanding atomic models, self-management skills in applying feedback to refine their IAs, and critical thinking in evaluating experimental methods. These skills will support their success in upcoming assessments and external exams.

Design Highlights


Grade 1

After the holiday break, Grade 1 students had a brief review session covering all the Scratch Jr. blocks they had previously learned. It was impressive to see that they remembered everything. Following the review, they logged into their computers using their new passwords and practiced navigating websites through the browser.

Grade 2

This week, the second-grade students were introduced to CoSpaces. They learned how to use a browser, log in with their unique usernames and passwords, create a folder, and build their first 3D space. This marks the beginning of their journey into creating games within a 3D environment.

Grade 3

Grade 3 began creating a new Scratch game inspired by the glass bridge challenge from the popular Korean show *Squid Game*.

Grade 4

After the holiday, the students returned to learning Python, this time focusing on loops. They were introduced to the **for loop**, including how to use it and why it is beneficial. They learned that loops help simplify coding by reducing the need for repetitive lines of code, allowing the same actions to be performed multiple times with fewer lines. 

Grade 5

After the holiday, the fifth-grade students began their new project: developing an interactive calculator webpage. In addition to using HTML and CSS, they will be introduced to Java Script, which they will use to implement the interactive features of the website.

Grade 6

This week, sixth-grade design students continued developing their hydroelectric generator projects. After carefully selecting their materials and establishing clear success criteria, they made great progress in refining their designs. In addition to their hands-on work, students focused on learning and implementing important safety protocols, ensuring they can work efficiently and responsibly. They also practiced classroom cleanup procedures to maintain a productive and organized workspace. Their dedication and growth in both design and teamwork have been impressive—very proud of how far they have come!

Grade 7

This week, we welcomed the Grade 7 students back for Semester 2 and resumed our VEX robotics unit. Before the break, students gained hands-on experience learning the fundamentals of VEX robots. Building on this foundation, teams were tasked with identifying a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UNSDG) that resonated with them, selecting a global problem aligned with their chosen goal, and brainstorming ideas for a functional robot to help address this issue. Students demonstrated strong engagement, collaboration, and creativity, generating innovative solutions and showing enthusiasm for the design process.

Grade 8

This week, Grade 8 students took time to reflect on the success of their Chinese New Year charity event, where they played a significant role in contributing to the festive atmosphere and raised an impressive 1,540 RMB for a good cause. With the event now behind them, students shifted their focus to Criteria D of the Design Cycle, evaluating the effectiveness of their project. They were introduced to various AI tools to support their reflection process and enhance their presentations. Working collaboratively in teams, students analyzed each strand of Criteria D—assessing the impact of their product on the target audience, evaluating its success against the original design specifications, reflecting on their design process by identifying strengths and areas for improvement, and suggesting ways to refine their project for future initiatives. By integrating AI tools such as Canva for design, ChatGPT for content generation, and Prezi for dynamic presentations, students demonstrated creativity and critical thinking in presenting their evaluations. Their ability to effectively assess their work and communicate their findings through technology showcased their growth in design thinking and self-reflection.


Grade 9

This week, Grade 9 students kicked off Semester 2 with great enthusiasm as they began organizing and planning their Teacher Appreciation event. With access to the school kitchen, students carefully selected and gathered the necessary kitchenware for baking their chosen products, ensuring everything was properly arranged at their designated workstations. They took time to check that all equipment was in working order before returning to the design lab to finalize the details of their event. As part of their planning process, students were introduced to AI tools to refine their ideas, enhance their organization, and create visual representations of their finished products. By leveraging these tools, they were able to streamline their workflow, improve efficiency, and bring a more professional touch to their planning process. Their excitement and commitment to making this event a success was evident as they collaborated and applied their design thinking skills in preparation for the big day.

Grade 10

Grade 10s continued to learn about the ‘if’ statement. They tested what they learned by coding a program to determine if an integer was even or odd. Next, they learned to make more complex ‘if’ statements using logical operators like && (AND) and || (OR). Now their programs would handle more complex decisions. Students tried two short quizzes to test their knowledge.

Grade 11

In preparation for presentation of their Internal Assessments (IAs), we reviewed IB expectations. This week, the grade 11s submitted a draft of Criterion A – Planning. In Criterion A, students describe the project scenario and the reason for choosing it. They also provide the success criteria for the product. Students continued to study topics in system design. HL students learned about the abstract data structures stacks and queues.

Grade 12

Grade 12 students studied new areas under the Networks topic. HL students are working with the second case study example. They were given the exam for the case study and will complete it over the weekend. HL students are also putting final touches on their IAs.

Language B Highlights


Grade 6

Mr. Hood’s Grade 6s started the week with a review lesson in which they reviewed their summative grades and received feedback on their previous term summatives. Next, the Grade 6s did a brief introduction activity to start their third unit for the year. The Grade 6s spent the bulk of the week working on their writing diagnostic task asking them to write a letter to a friend.

Meanwhile Mr. Dooley’s Grade 6 were also very busy this week. Students started off the week catching up and discussing what we did over the recent Spring Festival break. The students completed their mid-year reading diagnostic task where they read various short texts and chose the most appropriate words to complete the passages. Next, students started working on creating their own letters to a friend detailing what we did and where they went during our spring festival vacation.

Grade 7

Mr. Hood’s Grade 7s started the week with an introduction lesson to the third unit of the year. The Grade 7s then started working on their writing diagnostic activity which asked them to write an online blog post about their most recent Spring Vacation break.

Meanwhile, Mr. Dooley’s Grade 7 students were also very busy this week. Students started off the week catching up and discussing what we did over the recent Spring Festival break. The students completed our mid-year reading diagnostic task where they read various short texts and chose the most appropriate words to complete the passages. The students worked on a short writing task where they created their own blog posts introducing activities they took part in over the recent Spring Festival break as well as discussing any travel that they did.

Grade 8

Mr. Hood's Grade 8s this week reviewed their previous unit and completed a reflection task on their previous unit completed last term. The Grade 8s then discussed their goal for the third unit and the remaining months of this school year. Then Grade 8s completed a writing diagnostic task in which they were asked to write a descriptive essay.

Meanwhile, Ms Bartoszak’s Grade 8 started their first week after Chinese New Year focusing on their speaking skills as they discussed skills a chief tea blender needed. Students shared their 3 most important skills with their peers as they compared their opinions. Next students developed their listening skills as they listened to an audio recording about a violin restorer and will practice another listening next week. Students ended the week developing their reading skills whereby they read an extract from a novel and completed various vocabulary and comprehension questions.

Grade 9

Mr. Hood’s Grade 9s this week reviewed the results for their exams and final summatives last term after which they discussed their action plan for improvement this term. The Grade 9s spent the remainder of the week being introduced to their third unit and then completing a writing diagnostic in which they were asked to write a newspaper article.

Meanwhile, Mr. Dooley’s Grade 9 students were also very busy. Students started off the week catching up and discussing what we did over the recent Spring Festival break. Then students completed their mid-year reading diagnostic task where they read various short texts and chose the most appropriate words to complete the passages. The students completed a short writing task where they introduced spring festival to a new audience by creating a newspaper article based on their own experiences over the Spring Festival break.

Grade 10

This week in Ms. Najuma's G10 Language Acquisition class, students received an overview of the new unit, Quests. They used a Padlet for an anticipatory set and were introduced to unit-related vocabulary through repeated exposure. Students completed a short writing task about an experience that made them wiser or more mature. They then applied this vocabulary to creatively interpret a visual image. Finally, the two acquisition classes merged for a session with the guidance counselor to work on Unifrog assessments for their upcoming university preparedness sessions.

Meanwhile, Mr. Dooley’s Grade 10 students were also very busy. Students started off the week catching up and discussing what they did over the recent Spring Festival break. The students completed our mid-year reading diagnostic task where they read various short texts and chose the most appropriate words to complete the passages. Students then completed a short writing task where students explored some new themes related to our next unit focused on Quests. The guidance counselor completed a session with our students introducing the Unifrog platform which they will be using to help prepare them for future university applications.

Grade 11

Mr. Kiefer’s and Ms Bartoszak’s DP1 students during the first week after Chinese New Year, concentrated on enhancing their English skills. They participated in a variety of activities, including listening exercises centered on modern technology and its advantages and disadvantages for student learning. Additionally, they engaged in reading activities aimed at improving vocabulary and comprehension. Students also tackled a range of question types, from justification questions to multiple-choice inquiries.

Grade 12

Ms Bartoszak’s Grade 12 students began the week by developing their spoken language as they discussed reviews. Students then proceeded to develop their vocabulary and reading skills by completing a reading comprehension worksheet. This was followed by an oral activity whereby students planned an interview with a new music band, improvising additional information such as musical style, starting out and performing live as well as future plans.



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