02-24 08:23发布于福建
Why Standardized Tests Matter in College Admissions?
On Wednesday, our College Counselor, Ms. Gina, hosted the 4th College Admissions Parent Workshop for high school students and their parents, focusing on the role of standardized tests in college admissions. She covered the basics of AP and SAT exams and explained their significance in the admissions process, using examples from universities in the US, UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, and Canada to highlight differences in requirements. Additionally, she provided practical advice on how parents can support their children's preparation. By the end of the session, students and parents had the opportunity to raise their concerns and questions, all of which were addressed.
周三,我们的升学导师Ms. Gina为高中生和他们的家长带来了第四场升学指导系列家长工作坊,本场主题为“标准化考试在大学申请过程中的作用”。她介绍了AP和SAT考试的基本概况,并详细阐述了它们在申请过程中的重要性,同时通过来自美国、英国、新加坡、香港、澳大利亚和加拿大不同大学所列出的不同要求,进行举例分析。另外,她也就家长如何在学生申请大学时提供支持给予了实用的建议。在工作坊最后,学生和家长还就自己关心的问题进行提问,升学导师也仔细进行了回答。
The College Admissions Parent Workshops benefit not only those currently applying to universities but also those preparing for future applications. The college admissions process can be a long journey for both students and parents, involving time-consuming considerations, research on various universities, decision-making among multiple offers, standardized testing, and the stress that often accompanies the process. Our College Counseling Program ensures that counselors collaborate with students and parents to support them in achieving their college dreams.
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