
发明家养成计划:佛山霍利斯设计与技术课程带你开启创新之旅!LEHF Design & Technology in Focus

02-24 08:31发布于广东


欢迎了解佛山霍利斯的设计与技术课程(Design & Technology,简称DT)——在创意与科技交融的世界里,灵感化为现实,想象力塑造未来,学生在探索中成长,逐步迈向未来的创新之路。通过动手实践、先进工具的应用以及专业导师的悉心指导,学生将深入研究设计、工程与数字科技的无限可能,逐步成长为未来的设计师、工程师与创新者。

什么是 DT ?

简而言之,设计与技术(DT) 是一门融合创造力与实践应用的学科,致力于培养学生的创新思维、专业技术和解决问题的能力。该课程鼓励学生通过设计、原型制作和产品制造来解决现实世界的挑战,在实践中锻炼批判性思维与分析能力,为未来的学习与职业发展奠定坚实基础。


Mr McMahon

Mr McMahon 是设计与技术学科和计算机科学学科的部门主任。他本人一位经验丰富的教育工作者和设计师,拥有丰富的教学和领导经验。他在英国拥有超过10年的教育经验,在加入佛山霍利斯之前,他曾在英国康沃尔的 Redruth 学校担任设计技术学科和餐饮部门的负责人。他善于设计创新课程、将技术融合到课程教育,以及培养年轻教师。此外,他还在平面设计方面拥有丰富的商业行业经验。Mr McMahon 拥有白金汉郡奇尔特恩大学的三维多学科设计荣誉学士学位和卢顿大学的设计技术教育研究生证书(PGCE)。

Mr Benavides

Mr Benavides 是佛山霍利斯设计与技术学科主任。他在中国、哥伦比亚、阿拉伯联合酋长国和卡塔尔的学校有超过7年的教学经验。在上一任工作中,他在卡塔尔的一所英国国际学校担任设计科技学科的中学教师。他擅长设计以问题为导向型的学习计划,确保学生在课堂上不仅能够获得学科知识和技能,还能掌握和提升21世纪所需的社会意识和领导能力。Mr Benavides 拥有哥伦比亚国立教育大学设计技术专业的学士学位。 


佛山霍利斯的设计与技术课程严格遵循英国国家课程标准,为学生提供从 7-13 年级(关键阶段三至 A Level)的完整学习路径,帮助他们掌握专业技能,培养批判性思维。




  • 平面设计:技术制图、包装设计

  • 耐用材料:木材、塑料与金属加工

  • 系统与控制:结构设计、机械与电子技术

我喜欢 DT,因为它非常具有实用性,我们可以设计并制作能够应用于日常生活的真实产品。在课堂上,我们有机会探索不同的设计软件,使用各种工具和设备,比如锯子、热熔胶枪、激光切割机和 3D 打印机等,把创意变成现实。



在 IGCSE 阶段,学生将深入学习产品设计,并选择一个专业方向(平面设计、耐用材料或系统与控制)。他们将遵循系统的设计方法,创造出能够解决现实问题的实物产品。整个过程包括识别需求、构思创意、制定计划、制作原型及评估成品。

我喜欢 DT,因为你可以发挥无穷的创造力。这门学科真正通过实践来教学——我曾犯过很多错误,尝试不同方法,并在不断调整设计的过程中学习新知识。每一次挑战都是一次学习机会,这正是 DT课程令人兴奋且充满成就感的地方。 

A Level


A Level 设计与技术课程深入探讨设计、工程与技术领域的核心知识,涵盖产品分析、设计理论及可持续设计等内容。学生将在三大专业方向上提升技能,并运用先进知识进行工程制图、包装设计、建筑材料研究、结构计算、电路分析及电子元件应用。他们将设计并制作两个独立产品,并通过详细的项目文档记录研究、草图绘制、原型制作与测试优化等过程。




  • 绘图工具与辅助设备


  • 耐用材料手工工具


  • 耐用材料机械设备


  • 电子实验设备



Mr McMahon



设计与技术课程的学习不仅限于课堂,更延伸至丰富的课外活动。通过绘图俱乐部、3D 设计俱乐部、花灯设计俱乐部等社团,学生可以合作交流、探索新技术,并不断突破设计的边界。无论是精进艺术技巧、掌握最新数字建模工具,还是解决实际工程难题,他们都能获得实践经验,深化理解并提升解决问题的能力。



在最近的一次访谈中,我们 A Level DT 学生分享了他们的职业理想,对未来充满热情与憧憬:


一位学生如是说,这可能源于这位学生目前的 3D 打印房屋和家具建模项目。




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Step into a world where creativity meets technology, where ideas take shape, and where students become the innovators of tomorrow. At LEH Foshan, our Design & Technology (DT) programme is a journey of discovery and invention. With hands-on experiences, cutting-edge tools, and expert mentorship, students explore the limitless possibilities of design, engineering, and digital technology.

What is DT?

In short, Design & Technology (D&T) is a dynamic and creative subject that equips students with problem-solving skills, technical expertise, and innovative thinking. It encourages students to develop their creativity and analytical abilities by designing, prototyping, and manufacturing solutions to real-world challenges.

Experienced Teachers

Mr McMahon

Mr McMahon is our Head of Design & Technology and Computer Science Faculty. He is an experienced educator and designer with a rich background in teaching and leadership. He has over 10 years’ experience in education in the UK, and was the Head of Design Technology and Catering at Redruth School in Cornwall before joining LEH Foshan. His professional accomplishments include leading curriculum innovation, mentoring student teachers, and integrating technology into education. He has also worked as a surf coach and has experience in graphic design for business clients.

Mr Benavides

Mr Benavides is our Head of Design & Technology with over 7 years of teaching experience in China, Colombia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. In his last position, he worked as a Secondary Design Technology Teacher in a British international school in Qatar. In his classroom, he is dedicated to devising problem-based learning schemes to ensure students acquire not only disciplinary knowledge and skills but also essential social awareness and leadership skills in the 21st century. Mr Benavides holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Design Technology from Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.

DT Curriculum

Our DT Curriculum follows the English National Curriculum, providing a rigorous and progressive pathway from Key Stage 3 to A Level.



Students develop their design and making skills while exploring materials and emerging technologies. The curriculum focuses on both functional product creation and critical thinking about design. Modules include product analysis, electronics, and engineering. The three main specialist fields are:

  • Graphic Products – Technical drawing and packaging

  • Resistant Materials – Working with wood, plastic, and metal

  • Systems and Control – Structures, mechanics, and electronics

I love DT because it’s so practical—we get to design and create real products that can be used in everyday life. We have the opportunity to explore different design software, work with various tools and machines like saws, glue guns, laser cutters, and 3D printers, and bring our ideas to life by assembling everything into a final product.



At IGCSE level, students deepen their understanding of Product Design and select a specialist field (Graphic Products, Resistant Materials, or Systems and Control). They follow a structured design methodology to create a physical product that addresses a real-world problem. The process involves identifying a need, generating ideas, developing a plan, constructing a prototype, and evaluating its success.

What I love about DT is that the only limit is your creativity. It’s a subject that truly teaches you through experience—I’ve made multiple mistakes, tried different approaches, and had to adjust my designs through trial and error. Each challenge is a learning opportunity, and that’s what makes the process so exciting and rewarding.

A Level


A Level Design & Technology offers an advanced study of design, engineering, and technology, covering topics such as product analysis, design theory, and sustainable design. Students enhance their expertise across all three specialist fields, applying advanced knowledge in engineering drawing, packaging, building materials, structural calculations, circuits, and electronic components. They create two distinct products and document their process in a detailed portfolio, demonstrating research, sketching, prototyping, and testing to refine their designs.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

LEH Foshan provides an exceptional learning environment for Design & Technology students, offering state-of-the-art facilities that foster creativity and innovation. Our fully equipped design workshops feature robust workbenches and heavy-duty tables, ensuring students have the ideal space to bring their ideas to life.

Our facilities include:

  • Drawing Tools and Aids

    Full sets of professional drawing instruments, including rulers, compasses, protractors, and cutting tools, allowing students to refine their graphic design skills.

  • Resistant Materials Tools

    A broad selection of hand tools such as hammers, screwdrivers, saws, and clamps, enabling students to work confidently with a variety of materials.

  • Resistant Materials Machinery

    Advanced machinery like scroll saws, drills, CNC machines, and laser cutters for precision and efficiency in creating complex designs.

  • Electronics

    A diverse range of components, including resistors, transistors, capacitors, and circuit boards, to support hands-on learning in electronic design and prototyping.

Additionally, LEH Foshan boasts dedicated learning spaces, including a high-tech Computer Suite with advanced design software, a drawing room, a DT studio, and a workshop project room. These well-equipped spaces empower students to explore every aspect of design, from concept to creation, in a dynamic and supportive environment.

Mr McMahon

The facilities here at LEH Foshan are truly impressive. With all these state-of-the-art equipment and dedicated learning spaces, we can provide students with hands-on experiences that bring their ideas to life. These resources not only enhance creativity and innovation but also make teaching and learning more dynamic, engaging, and effective.

Extra-curricular Activities

The journey of Design & Technology extends far beyond the classroom, offering students an immersive experience where creativity flourishes and innovation thrives. Through engaging extra-curricular activities, such as the Drawing Club, 3D Design Club, and Bike Light Club, students collaborate, experiment, and push the boundaries of design. Whether refining their artistic techniques, exploring the latest digital modelling tools, or tackling real-world engineering challenges, they gain hands-on experience that deepens their understanding and sharpens their problem-solving skills.

Future Pathways

Studying Design & Technology at LEH Foshan opens doors to a range of university courses and careers. Graduates can pursue degrees including but not limited to architecture, engineering, game design, industrial design, product development, and digital fabrication. The practical and analytical skills gained in D&T provide a strong foundation for success in the modern world, whether in higher education or the professional sector.

In a recent interview with our Sixth Form students taking A Level Design & Technology, they shared their enthusiasm for future pathways and their passion for creativity and innovation was evident as they reflected on how DT has shaped their aspirations.

One student shared, perhaps inspired by her current project on 3D-printed houses and furniture modelling,

I would love to study interior design at university. 

Another student added,

I am interested in game design & game art, and the skills and software we use in class are incredibly helpful and practical.

The Design & Technology programme at LEH Foshan ignites a passion for innovation, equipping students with the creativity, technical expertise, and problem-solving skills needed to shape the future. Guided by expert educators and supported by world-class facilities, our students are empowered to think beyond boundaries, push the limits of design, and become the visionary leaders, engineers, and creators of tomorrow.









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