

02-28 08:23发布于广东








校长Luke Bartlett在培训中引用了Dylan William的名言:“每位教师都需要不断进步,不是因为他们不够好,而是因为他们可以变得更好。”这句话不仅激励了在场的每一位教师,也体现了学校对教师可持续发展的重视。本学期,学校将加强教师培训,确保每位教师都能在这个快速变化的时代中,保持足够的适应性和灵活性。





新学期,哈罗横琴迎来了一批新生。在庄严的授帽仪式上,校长Luke Bartlett亲自为新生戴上哈罗帽,标志着他们正式成为“哈罗人”。这一传统不仅是对哈罗教育精髓的传承,更是对新生们未来学习旅程的美好祝愿。成为“哈罗人”,勇气、荣誉、谦和、互助的价值观将伴随学生在课堂、生活和各种校园活动的方方面面,为每一颗追求卓越的赤子之心指引未来的航向。









数字周还包括了各种创意挑战,如生成AI创作的图像、通过Google Arts & Culture数字化探索艺术、在Chrome音乐实验室中进行音乐创作等。这些活动不仅激发了学生们的创新和好奇心,也为他们提供了展示才华的舞台。

Cam Honey



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At the start of the new semester, Harrow Hengqin has paved the way for students towards a future of technology and innovation with its unique ceremonial legacies and innovative activities.


Teacher Training Day


Focusing on Students, Inspiring the Future

At the beginning of the new term, all staff at Harrow Hengqin gathered for an in-depth training session. This not only set the stage for the term’s plans but also reiterated the importance of safeguarding policies. Subject leaders provided a detailed overview of the key focus areas for the term, laying a solid foundation for the enhancement of teaching quality.

Head Master Luke Bartlett quoted Dylan William during the training: “Every teacher needs to improve, not because they are not good enough, but because they can be even better.” This quote not only inspired every teacher present but also highlighted the school’s commitment to the sustainable development of its staff. This semester, our school will strengthen teacher training to ensure that every educator remains adaptable and flexible in this rapidly changing world.


Hat and Awards Ceremony


Heritage and Honour

In the new semester, Harrow Hengqin welcomed a new cohort of students. During the solemn Hat Ceremony, Head Master Luke Bartlett personally placed the Harrow hat on the new students, marking their official induction as "Harrovians." This tradition is not only a celebration of the essence of Harrow’s education but also a heartfelt wish for the students' future academic journeys. Becoming a "Harrovian" means embracing values such as Courage, Honour, Humility, and Fellowship, which will guide students in every aspect of their classroom learning, life, and campus activities, leading each of them towards a future of excellence.

At the whole-school assembly, our school also recognised outstanding students from the previous term. The awards covered multiple areas including languages, STEAM, arts, music, and sport, with the aim of encouraging students to continue striving for excellence and achieve even greater honours in the new semester.


Digital Week


A Celebration of Technology and Creativity

At the start of this semester, Harrow Hengqin successfully held its Digital Week, engaging both Lower School and Upper School students in a series of exciting activities. These events not only enhanced students' digital literacy but also fostered their creativity, problem-solving, and leadership skills – all of which are essential competencies in the increasingly digital world of the future.

In the Lower School, students dove into interactive typing challenges on iPads and in the Computer Suite. These exercises boosted their typing speed and accuracy while introducing crucial lessons in online safety.

Meanwhile, Upper School students experienced the exciting world of artificial intelligence firsthand. They had the opportunity to train AI systems by using their own examples to recognize images, sounds, and movements. This hands-on approach demystified the complexities of machine learning and sparked critical thinking. 

Beyond these core activities, Digital Week featured a variety of creative challenges. From generating AI-created images to digitally exploring art through Google Arts & Culture and experimenting with music in Chrome Music Lab, every activity was designed to inspire innovation and curiosity. 

Cam Honey

Digital Strategy Lead

Digital Week not only enriched our students’ technical expertise but also reinforced our commitment to preparing them for a future where technology and learning go hand in hand. I extend my thanks to our dedicated staff for making Digital Week a truly transformative experience. Let us look forward to the students of Harrow Hengqin riding the waves of technology, navigating towards success, and creating their own brilliant future.









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