03-03 08:21发布于广东
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Harrow Hengqin
深圳前海哈罗外籍人员子女学校、横琴哈罗礼德学校、深圳前海哈罗港人子弟学校以英国哈罗公学超过450年的优良传统为准则,并以哈罗百年传承的四大价值理念作为教育核心。 我们坚信,成就英国哈罗公学卓著教育典范、为世界培育出众多领袖人物和著名思想家的核心价值理念⸺勇气、荣誉、谦和、互助,是成为哈罗学校注重个性化关怀与支持的全人教育之基石。
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Harrow Hengqin
Dr Sean Knox
在担任哈罗深圳国际学校副校长之前,Sean Knox博士在英国私立、公立学校以及国际学校都担任过关键的领导职务,积累了丰富的教育工作经验。在一所备受瞩目的英国私立走读和寄宿学校担任副校长后,他选择重新加入哈罗国际学校的大家庭。在此之前,他曾在哈罗上海国际学校和哈罗北京国际学校担任高级领导职务。
Mr. Luke Bartlett
Luke Bartlett 先生拥有牛津大学自然科学硕士学位。他曾在著名的学术寄宿学校——拉德利学院、阿宾汉姆学校和坎特伯雷国王学校任教并担任领导职务,同时也作为大教堂管风琴学者学习音乐,并以半职业音乐家的身份指挥合唱团。作为英国哈罗公学曾经的奖学金获得者,Luke Bartlett 先生将对哈罗价值观和传统的深刻理解带入了他的工作角色。
· 英国牛津大学四年制自然科学硕士
· 持英国剑桥大学教育学研究生证书(PGCE)
· 逾20年英国顶尖私立寄宿学校任教及管理经验
· 英国独立学校审查委员会监察员
· 英国皇家化学学会成员
· 英国皇家风琴学会成员
陈冈博士在领导中国香港地区优质教育方面拥有超过30年的经验。 他曾在香港多所名校担任校长,包括九龙华仁书院和番禺会所华仁小学等传统名校。 陈博士于 2000 年代后期加入香港教育局,担任总课程发展主任。 他曾任香港大学教育学院名誉副教授、香港考试及评核局公开考试(包括中学文凭试)咨询委员会委员及香港教育局资优教育咨询委员会委员。陈博士更于领导教师开发校本课程方面经验丰富,能够满足资优和有特殊教育需求的学生们的不同需求。
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Harrow Hengqin
传承英国哈罗公学450年的教育精髓,哈罗横琴为学生提供独一无二的双语学习环境。学校占地面积5,000平方米,设有900个学位,并能够为310个四年级以上的学生提供寄宿服务。 哈罗横琴拥有多元化的在校生背景,目前国际生比例超过30%。
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Harrow Hengqin
Sean Knox
· 哈罗450年教育精髓与核心价值观
· 激发每个孩子对学习的深厚热爱
· 超级课程——全人教育方法实现学术卓越
· 助力学生进入世界顶尖大学的机会
· 学科学术发展——前沿设施建设
· 科技革命
Luke Bartlett
· 哈罗横琴的优势位置与环境
· 礼德学校的教育理念与结构
· IGCSE与A-Level课程结构及其对大学入学的价值
· 哈罗横琴的重点——学术、寄宿、音乐、赛艇
· 与英国哈罗公学的深厚联系以及哈罗教育的特色
· 为何在哈罗港人学习IB/DSE及粤语?
· 哈罗港人学校的优势位置与环境
· IB与DSE课程及其对大学入学的价值
· 哈罗港人的重点:学术、双文三语、STEM
· 为什么哈罗学校是大湾区国际化教育的首选?
· 每所学校将如何提供独特的教育体验,兼顾哈罗百年传统和新时代需求?
· 学校如何与家长携手合作,为学生以卓越学术进入世界顶尖大学?
On 8th March 2025, three AISL Harrow Schools in GBA area—Harrow International School Qianhai Shenzhen, Harrow LiDe School Hengqin, and Harrow Hong Kong Children School Shenzhen Qianhai—will gather in Foshan for the first time to present a comprehensive seminar on international education. This event will provide parents with an in-depth understanding of the distinctive features of Harrow education, highlighting the diverse advantages of international schools, bilingual international schools, and Hong Kong Children School. Attendees will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights into the most appropriate educational pathways for their children, such as A-Level, IB and DSE. We cordially invite you to join us in this informative session as we embark on a journey of educational excellence.
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Harrow Hengqin
The Legacy of Harrow School’s
453 Years of Educational Excellence
Harrow School, one of the most prestigious private schools in the world, was founded in 1572 in London under a Royal Charter granted by Queen Elizabeth I. Over the course of more than four centuries, the school has earned global recognition for its outstanding character and rigorous scholarship.
Since its founding, Harrow has produced countless distinguished individuals who have made a profound impact on world history. Notable alumni include the poet Lord Byron, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, King Hussein of Jordan, Nobel Laureate in Physics Lord Rayleigh, as well as influential leaders, inventors, artists, and Nobel Prize winners across a wide range of fields.
Harrow International School Qianhai Shenzhen, Harrow LiDe School Hengqin, and Harrow Hong Kong Children School Shenzhen Qianhai follow the time-honoured tradition of Harrow School, which spans over 450 years, and are guided by the four core values that have been passed down for over a century. We firmly believe that the foundational values—Courage, Honour, Humility, and Fellowship—that have shaped Harrow School's distinguished educational legacy and fostered many of the world’s great leaders and thinkers, are the cornerstone of our commitment to providing a holistic education with pastoral care and support for each student.
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Harrow Hengqin
Harrow School Heads of
the Greater Bay Area
First In-Person Meeting in Foshan
Harrow International School Qianhai Shenzhen, Harrow LiDe School Hengqin, and Harrow Hong Kong Children School Shenzhen Qianhai will gather for the first time in Foshan for an in-person discussion. Each Head brings years of experience in leading international schools, and under the unified philosophy of Harrow's centuries-old tradition of excellence, they have created three distinctive Harrow schools in the Greater Bay Area. Here, students will develop into future leaders with a global perspective and international competitiveness.
Dr Sean Knox
Principal Deputy Head,
Harrow International School
Shenzhen Qianhai
Dr Sean Knox joined Harrow International School Shenzhen Qianhai as Principal Deputy Head following an extensive educational leadership journey within the independent and maintained sectors in the UK and internationally. He re-joins the Harrow International family of schools following a Deputy Headship at a prestigious UK independent day and boarding school. Previously he has held senior leadership positions at both Harrow International School Shanghai and Beijing.
Dr Knox read geography at Durham University and completed the highly-competitive TeachFirst Leadership Development Programme in the UK. His academic background reflects his enjoyment of learning and foregrounds his commitment to the highest academic standards within a framework of holistic, child-centred education.
Mr. Luke Bartlett
Head Master,
Harrow LiDe School Hengqin
Mr. Bartlett holds a Master degree in Physical Science from Oxford University. He has taught and held leadership positions at leading academic boarding schools Radley College, Uppingham School and The King’s School, Canterbury as well as studying music as a cathedral organ scholar and conducting choirs as a semi-professional musician. As a former scholar at Harrow, UK, Luke also brings a deep understanding of Harrow values and tradition to his role.
·University of Oxford, four-year MA in Physical Sciences
·Holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) from the University of Cambridge
·Over 20 years of teaching and leadership experience at leading schools in the UK
·ISI Inspector
·Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry
·Member of the Royal College of Organists
Dr. John Tan
Founding School Head,
Harrow Hong Kong Children School
Founding School Head, Harrow Hong Kong Children School
Dr. John Tan has over 30 years of experience in leading quality education in Hong Kong. He has held headmaster positions in several schools in Hong Kong including traditional elite schools such as Wah Yan College Kowloon and Pun U Association Wah Yan Primary School. Dr. Tan joined the Hong Kong Education Bureau (HKEDB) in the late 2000s as Chief Curriculum Development Officer. He has been the Honorary Associate Professor of the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong and has sat in the Hong Kong Examination and Assessment Authority’s Advisory Committee on Public Examinations (including HKDSE) and HKEDB’s Advisory Committee on Gifted Education. Dr. Tan has much experience in leading teachers to develop school-based curricula that cater for the differential needs of gifted students and those with special educational needs alike.
·Former Principal of Wah Yan College, Kowloon & PUA Wah Yan Primary School
·Former Chairman of Hong Kong Principals’ Institute
·Former Honorary Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
·Former Chief Curriculum Development Officer, EDB
·HKEAA Advisory Committee on Public Examinations (HKCEE, HKALE and HKDSE) Administration, Former Member
·HKEAA A-Level and HKDSE Examinations Exam Personnel
·HKCDC Committee (HKDSE Liberal Studies) Former Chairman
·Hong Kong EDB Advisory Committee on Gifted Education, Former Member
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Harrow Hengqin
A Journey of Personalised Learning
With Diverse Pathways
Harrow International
School Shenzhen Qianhai
Located in the Qianhai Co-operation Zone, Harrow International School Shenzhen Qianhai (Harrow Shenzhen) covers an area of 14,700 sqm, providing world class international curriculum.
Harrow Shenzhen is designed to cater to a capacity of over 800 students with outstanding facilities for Early Years to the Sixth Form with boarding. The campus connects Harrow School’s Values with Qianhai’s spirit.
The campus provides a holistic approach to education, with sports and leisure areas, library and break out spaces, and canteens and lecture halls, allowing students to flow easily between the various teaching and activities areas, in order to learn, collaborate and socialise freely.
Harrow LiDe School Hengqin
Harrow LiDe School Hengqin (referred to as Harrow Hengqin) is located in the Guangdong-Macao in-depth cooperation zone in Hengqin. It is a boarding and day school dedicated to providing international bilingual education for K-12 students. As the only Harrow bilingual school in the Greater Bay Area introduced into the cooperation zone, it offers a top-tier Harrow LiDe education system specifically for Chinese and overseas Chinese students, establishing a new benchmark in bilingual education in the Greater Bay Area.
Inheriting the 450-year educational essence of Harrow School in the UK, Harrow Hengqin provides students with a unique bilingual learning environment. The school covers an area of approximately 50,000 square meters, offering 900 places and boarding facilities for up to 310 students from Grade 4 and above. Harrow Hengqin hosts a diverse student body, with international students accounting for over 30% of the population.
Harrow Hong Kong Children
School Shenzhen Qianhai
Harrow Hong Kong Children School Shenzhen Qianhai (‘The School’) is the fourth Harrow-branded school within the region established by Asia International School Limited. The School will provide a world class educational experience.
As the first Hong Kong children school in Qianhai Co-operation Zone in Shenzhen, the school gets strong support from the local government in school operations and employing teachers from the Hong Kong SAR. the school is within 15-minutes' drive from the HK-SZ border. The school upholds the educational philosophy and traditions of Harrow School in the UK and offers boarding for students from Grade 4 to Grade 12.
The school offers the Hong Kong curriculum with features of the Harrow pathways to the IB and DSE, providing students with flexible and diverse options for further education both internationally and locally. The school is committed to nurturing talents in all areas, especially STEAM andNative English -speaking teachers form the main staff force for English teaching. We are committed to cultivate students to become multilingual talents proficient in English, Putonghua, and Cantonese.
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Harrow Hengqin
Sharing International Elite
Education Practices
Exciting Highlights Coming Soon
At the event, the Heads of the Greater Bay Area Harrow schools will be on-site to share their insights into international elite education practices and empower excellence in growth. Here’s a preview of the event’s schedule and highlights:
Event Schedule
Keynote Presentations by the Heads of the Three Schools
Key Topics to be Shared
Sean Knox
Principal Deputy Head, Harrow International School Qianhai Shenzhen
· The Essence and Core Values of Harrow’s 450-Year Legacy
· Fostering a Deep Love of Learning in Every Child
· The Super Curriculum: A Holistic Approach to Academic Excellence
· Opportunities for Admission to the World’s Top Universities
· Academic Growth and Expansion: State-of-the-Art Facilities
· The Technological Revolution
Luke Bartlett
Head Master,
Harrow LiDe School Hengqin
· Harrow Hengqin's Advantages: Location and Environment
· The Education Philosophy and Structure of Harrow LiDe School
· The Structure of IGCSE and A-Level Courses and Their Value for University Admission
· Key Focus Areas of Harrow Hengqin: Academics, Boarding, Music, Rowing
· Strong Connections with Harrow UK and Distinct Features of Harrow Education
Dr. John Tan
Founding Head of School,
Harrow Hong Kong Children School
· Why Study IB/DSE and Cantonese at Harrow Hong Kong Children’s School?
· The Location and Environment of HHKCS
· The IB and DSE Curriculum and Their Value for University Admission
· Key Focus Areas of HHKCS: Academics, Bi-Literacy & Trilingualism, STEM
Coffee Break
Heads' Roundtable Discussion
Discussion Topics
· Why is Harrow the choice for international education in the Greater Bay Area?
· How will each school provide a unique educational experience that combines Harrow's centuries-old traditions with the demands of the modern era?
· How can schools and parents collaborate to help students achieve academic excellence and gain entry to the world’s top universities?
Networking and
On-Site Admissions Consultation
Event Location
Foshan Marriott Hotel
(38 Haiba East Road, Nanhai District)
Event Language
Bilingual (Chinese and English), with simultaneous interpretation services provided.
On 8th March 2025,You are invited to a face-to-face discussion with
the Heads of Harrow in the Greater Bay Area,to embark on a journey of excellence in education.Seats are limited to the first 100 registrants.
Scan the QR code to register now!
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