光影定格美好,镜头记录校园:佛山霍利斯学生摄影作品展诚邀共赏!Join LEHF Photography Exhibition
3月10日(星期一) 17:00–18:00
我们很自豪地呈现一场别开生面的摄影作品展,展出学生们在课外活动(ECA)和校内比赛中拍摄的精彩作品。在我校摄影导师Prince Spells先生的指导下,学生们学习了多种摄影技巧,探索了不同的摄影风格。Prince Spells 先生是一位拥有20多年经验的专业摄影师,他正在带领学生们踏入摄影的艺术世界。
五、六年级的学生运用数码相机、闪光灯、道具、化妆和 Photoshop,以富有创意的视觉方式展现学校倡导的8Cs价值观。
本次摄影展的导师 Prince Spells 先生是一位经验丰富的摄影师,足迹遍布非洲、亚洲、美洲和欧洲。他的摄影作品涵盖从性别政治的影像纪实到专业体育摄影等多个领域,展现了广阔的视觉叙事能力。
Prince Spells 先生目前正在宾夕法尼亚州立大学攻读美术硕士学位,并已获得整合艺术学士学位。他对摄影和教育充满热情,近年来将事业重心转向教学,希望帮助年轻摄影师培养技能,塑造艺术表达。
除此之外,Prince Spells 先生还是The Partnering Firm非营利社会福利组织的创始人,该机构秉持“研究、参与、发展”摄影理念,培训学生用影像记录社会议题,通过视觉叙事唤起公众关注,并与社区合作推动社会进步。
At LEH Foshan, we are committed to nurturing students’ creativity and self-expression across multiple disciplines. This March, we are thrilled to present our first-ever Photography Exhibition. This exciting event will showcase the artistic talents and voices of our students, celebrating their ability to capture the world through images.
Opening Event:
17:00–18:00, Monday 10 March
Exhibition Dates:
10–22 March
The Holles Gallery, LEH Foshan
Exploring the World
Through a Lens
For the first time, we proudly present a Photography Exhibition featuring stunning images captured by students in their Extracurricular Activities (ECAs) and school competitions. Under the mentorship of their teacher, Mr Prince Spells, a professional photographer with over 20 years of experience, students have explored a variety of photographic techniques and genres.
The exhibition features work from several photography-based ECAs and competitions, including:
Photo-Illustration ECA:
Year 5 and 6 students used digital cameras, strobe-lights, props, makeup, and Photoshop to represent the 8Cs values in a visually creative way.
Secondary students experimented with professional mirrorless cameras, strobes, and backdrops to bring their artistic visions to life.
Students captured decisive moments at inter-house, school fixtures, and external sports events, learning to anticipate action and perfect their timing.
Wildlife Photography ECA:
Using macro lenses, students photographed fascinating creatures such as axolotls, hamsters, katydids, and Pac-Man frogs, honing their attention to detail.
Geography Photography Competition:
Sponsored by the Geography Department, this competition challenged students to explore geographical themes through photography. The three finalists, who submitted images taken over the Chinese New Year break, will have their work judged by attendees during the opening event.
This club goes beyond photography, teaching students’ videography, interview skills, multimedia editing, and magazine production. Through hands-on experience, students gain real-world insights into journalism and visual storytelling.
Meet the Mentor:
Mr Prince Spells
Guiding students through their creative journey is Mr Prince Spells, a seasoned photographer whose career spans Africa, Asia, America, and Europe. His work ranges from photo-essays on gender politics to professional sports photography, demonstrating the breadth of visual storytelling.
Mr Spells is currently pursuing a Master of Fine Arts at The Pennsylvania State University, where he also completed a Bachelor’s in Integrative Arts. Passionate about both photography and education, he has refocused his career on teaching, helping young photographers develop their skills and artistic voice.
In addition to his teaching role, Mr Spells is the founder of The Partnering Firm, a nonprofit social-welfare organisation. This initiative reflects his photographic philosophy of Research, Engage, and Develop, training students to document social-welfare issues, engage the public through visual storytelling, and collaborate with communities to drive meaningful change.
We invite students, parents, staff, and the wider LEH Foshan community to attend this exciting celebration of photography. Don’t miss this opportunity to witness the power of storytelling through images—we look forward to seeing you there!
